出版時間:2001-8 出版社:人民衛(wèi)生出版社 作者:,Kenneth R.Chien,, 編 頁數(shù):637 字數(shù):1379000
The very substantial advances in the diagnosis and management of patients with cardiovascular dis-eases represent one of the medical triumphs of the twentieth century. These great strides have been based on solid foundations of cardiovascular physi-ology and pharmacology and in many instances on the clinical applications of bioengineering. Notable examples include the development of a variety of accurate invasive and noninvasive diagnostic tech-niques and several classes of drugs that have pro-foundly beneficial effects on patients with cardio-vascular disease, as well as open heart surgery,percutaneous catheter-based coronary revasculari-zation, artificial cardiac valves, cardiac pacemakers,and internal cardioverter-defibrillators. These have prolonged and improved the quality of the lives of millions of individuals worldwide.
Part Ⅰ PRINCIPLES OF MOLECULAR CARDIOLOGY 1 General Pringciples of Molecular Biology 2 Genetic Approaches to Cardiovascular Disease 3 Genetically Modified Animal Models in Cardiovascular Pesearch 4 Gene Transfer Approaches for Cardiovascular DiseasePart Ⅱ MORPHOGENESIS AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES 5 Molecular Advances in Cardiovascular Development 6 Molecular Genetics of Congenital Heart Disease 7 Inherited Vascular DiseasePart Ⅲ CARDIAC MUSCLE AND MYOPATHIES 8 Structure and Funciton Relationships in Contractile 9 Molecular and Cellular Biology of Cardiac Hypertrophy and Failure 10 Molecular Genetics of Inherited Cardiomyopathies 11 Mitochondrial Genes in Myopathy,Cardiomyopathy,and StrokePart Ⅳ CARDIAC CONDUCTION AND ARRHYTHMIAS 12 Normal Cardiac Electrophysiology 13 Molecular Basis of Inherited Cardiac Arrhythmias 14 Molecular Approaches to ArrhythmogenesisPart Ⅴ VASCULAR BIOLOGY AND ATHEROGENESIS 15 Biology of the Vessel Wall:Endothelium 16 Atherogenesis and Inflammation 17 Restenosis Injury:A Problem in Regulation of Growth 18 Angiogenesis in Cardiovascular DiseasePart Ⅵ RISK FACTORS FOR CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE 19 Disorders of Lipoprotein Metabolism 20 Lipoprotein Receptors and Cellular Cholesterol Metabolism in Health and Disease 21 Lipoprteins,Lipoprotein Oxidation,and Atherogenesis 22 Molecular Genetics of Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes MellitusPart Ⅶ MOIECULAR BASIS OF HEMOSTASIS DISORDERS 23 Blood Coagulation in Cardiovascular Disease 24 The Fibrinolytic System and Thrombolytic Therapy 25 Platelet Thrombus Formation and Antiplatelet TherapyPart Ⅷ GLOSSARY OF MOLECULAR GENETICSIndex