
出版時(shí)間:2006-8  出版社:人民衛(wèi)生出版社  作者:胡廷熹  頁(yè)數(shù):511  字?jǐn)?shù):682000  




Lesson 1 Pharmacy in ChinaLesson 2 VitaminsLesson 3 Foods That Fight CancerLesson 4 Low Cholesterol Levels Are Not Necessarily Good for YouLesson 5 Chemistry and MatterLesson 6 Good Durgs Dangerous Doses A growing therat to public and personal healthLesson 7 Introduction of Organic ChemistryLesson 8 The Quinne StoryLesson 9 Green Pharmacy-Herbal MedicineLesson 10 Development of New Drugs(Ⅰ)Lesson 11 Development of New Drugs(Ⅱ)Lesson 12 AnestheticsLesson 13 All about CaffeineLesson 14 Clinical Research in ChinaLesson 15 Models Approach of ChemistryLesson 16 It's Just the CureLesson 17 Drug AbuseLesson 18 The Scope of PharmacologyLesson 19 Getting the Righ Dose at the Right TimeLesson 20 Natural ProductsLesson 21 Project Specialist Report for a Pharmaceutical University(1)Lesson 22 Project Specialist Report for a Pharmaceutical University(2)Lesson 23 The Scope of Automation in Pharmaceutical Analysis(1)Lesson 24 The Scope of Automation in Pharmaceutical Analysis(2)Lesson 25 Traditional Chinese Herbal MedicineLesson 26 Minimum Information for Sensible Use of Self-Prescrbed Medicines An           International ConsensusLesson 27 FDA'S Responsibilities and ActivitiesLesson 28 Depressed?A Natural Mood BoosterLesson 29 How Dose the Human Body Fight Disease?Lesson 30 Chemists Through the Looking GlassLesson 31 Drug Dependence(Drug Addiction)Lesson 32 The Search for New DrugsLesson 33 The Other Side of AntibioticsLesson 34 Conducting Clinical Trials in China(1)Lesson 35 Conducting Clinical Trials in China(2)Lesson 36 How FDA Approves New DrugsLesson 37 Seeking Solutions to the Doomsday BugLesson 38 Combinatorial Chemistry and New DrugsLesson 39 BiopharmacerticsLesson 40 Three Principles That Govern FDA Advertising and Promotion Regulation(1)Lesson 41 Three Principles That Govern FDA Advertising and Promotion Regulation(2)Lesson 42 The Problems and Promise of Investing in ChinaLesson 43 Chemoprevention of CancerLesson 44 Getting Outside Advice for the “Close Calls”Lesson 45 25 Years of Pharmaceutical R & DLesson 46 Medicine' s “Orphans”:Drugs for Rare DiseasesLesson 47 Looking Back to the Future:Healthcare by 2022Lesson 48 The Promise and the Paradox of the Next 25 YearsLesson 49 New Drugs and Drug-Delivery Systems in the Year 2000(1)Lesson 50 New Drugs and Drug-Delivery Systems in the Year 2000(2)





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