
出版時(shí)間:2010-09-01  出版社:地質(zhì)出版社  作者:馬孝春  頁(yè)數(shù):216  


  《勘查工程專(zhuān)業(yè)英語(yǔ)》共有15個(gè)單元,內(nèi)容涉及地質(zhì)、現(xiàn)場(chǎng)勘察、土工測(cè)試、鉆探工程、基礎(chǔ)工程、注漿工程、邊坡治理工程、石油鉆井、非開(kāi)挖工程等方面的英語(yǔ)閱讀材料。文后附有詳細(xì)的同類(lèi)擴(kuò)展詞匯,語(yǔ)言規(guī)范、信息量大?!  犊辈楣こ虒?zhuān)業(yè)英語(yǔ)》可作為勘查工程、土木工程、巖土工程、地質(zhì)工程等專(zhuān)業(yè)的本專(zhuān)科生、研究生的專(zhuān)業(yè)配套教材,以及上述專(zhuān)業(yè)領(lǐng)域?qū)W生出國(guó)深造前應(yīng)知必會(huì)的學(xué)習(xí)材料,也是從事涉外工程翻譯人員的重要參考資料。


Unit 1  Chemical and Physical Properties of Rocks1.1  Composition of Rocks1.2  Geological Classification of RocksUnit 2  Soil Composition and Classification2. 1  Soil Composition2. 1. l  Weight-volume Relationships2. 1.2  Relative Density2. 1.3  Particle Size2. 1.4  Clays2. 1.5  Plasticity and the Atterberg Limits2. 2  Soil ClassificationUnit 3  Influence of Groundwater to Engineering3.1  Pavements3.2  SlopesUnit 4  Site Investigation4. 1  Background Literature Search4.2  Field Reconnaissance4. 3  Subsurface Exploration and Sampling4. 4  Exploratory Borings4.5  Soil Sampling4. 6  Groundwater Monitoring4. 7  Exploratory TrenchesUnit 5  Laboratory Testing of Soils5.1  Introduction5.2  Common Laboratory Tests5.2. 1  Index Tests5.2. 2  Oedometer5.2. 3  Shear Strength Tests5.2.4  PermeabilityUnit 6  In-situ Testing6. 1  Standard Penetration Test (SPT)6. 2  Cone Penetration Test (CPT)6. 3  Vane Shear Test (VST)6.4  Pressuremeter Test (PMT)6.5  Dilatometer Test (DMT)6.6  Becker Penetration Test6. 7  Comparison of In-situ Test MethodsUnit 7  Drilling Technology7. 1  Classification of Types of Drilling7.2  The Connection to the Bit7.2. t  Transmission of Power7.2. 2  Control of the Bit7.2. 3  Conduct of Fluid7.2. 4  Conduct of Cuttings7.2. 5  Drill String Flexibility7.2. 6  Tasks Performed Down the Hole7.2. 7  The Drill String Gives the Clues7.3  Pipes and Pipe Threads7. 3. 1  Tubing for Drill Pipe7. 3.2  Tubing for Casing7. 3.3  Threads7.3.4  Rotary Tool Joints7.3.5  Drill Pipe Failure7.3.6  Correct Make-up Torque7. 3.7  Caring for Pipes and Threads7.4  Cable Tool and Hydraulic Drilling7.4. t  Features of Cable Tool Percussion7.4. 2  Cable Tool Techniques7.4. 3  Other Cable Types7.4.4  Hydraulic Types of Drilling7.4. 5  Suitability of Hydraulic Drilling7.4. 6  Essential Cable Tool Drill String Components7.5  Auger Drilling7.5.1  Types of Auger Drilling7.5.2  Applications of Auger Drills7.6  Rotary and Down-hole Hammer Drilling7.6. 1  What is Rotary Drilling?7.6. 2  Forms of Rotary Drive7.6. 3  Methods of Feeding the Bit7.6.4  Rotary Down-hole Hammer Drilling7.6. 5  Rotary Fluid Circulation7. 6. 6  Reverse Circulation7.6. 7  Types and Features of Rotary Rigs……Unit 8 Shallow Foundations Unit 9 Deep Foundations Unit 10 Soil Improvements Unit 11 Grouting EngineeringUnit 12 Analyses of Bearing Capacity and Settlement of Structures Unit 13 Retaining Structures Unit 14 Petroleum Drilling Unit 15 Trenchless Engingeering 附錄A Introduction to CUGB附錄B 希臘字母附錄C 符號(hào)的讀法參考文獻(xiàn)



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