
出版時間:2012-5  出版社:人民郵電出版社  作者:J. Glenn Brookshear  頁數(shù):609  字數(shù):737000  


  本書是計算機科學概論課程的經典教材,全書對計算機科學做了百科全書式的精彩闡述,充分展現(xiàn)了計算機科學的歷史背景、發(fā)展歷程和新的技術趨勢。本書首先介紹的是信息編碼及計算機體系結構的基本原理(第1章和第2章),進而講述操作系統(tǒng)(第3章)和組網及因特網(第4章),接著探討了算法、程序設計語言及軟件工程(第5章至第7章),然后討論數(shù)據(jù)抽象和數(shù)據(jù)庫(第8章和第9章)方面的問題,第10章通過圖形學講述計算機技術的一些主要應用,第11章涉及人工智能,第12章通過對計算理論的介紹來結束全書。本書在內容編排上由具體到抽象逐步推進,很適合教學安排,每一個主題自然而然地引導出下一個主題。此外,書中還包含大量的圖、表和示例,有助于讀者對知識的了解與把握?! ?br />  本書適合用作高等院校計算機以及相關專業(yè)本科生的教材。


of Computation:Formal Languanges,Automata,and Complexity。


Chapter 0  introduction
0.1 the role of algorithms
0.2 the history of computing
0.3 the science of algorithms
0.4 abstraction
0.5 an outline of our study
0.6 social repercussio
Chapter 1 data storage
1.1 bits and their storage
1.2 main memory
1.3 mass storage
1.4 representing information as bit patter
*1.5 the binary system
*1.6 storing intege
*1.7 storing fractio
*1.8 data compression
*1.9 communication erro
Chapter 2 data manipulation
2.1 computer architecture
2.2 machine language
2.3 program execution
*2.4 arithmetic/logic itructio
*2.5 communicating with other devices
*2.6 other architectures
Chapter 3 operating systems
3.1 the history of operating systems
3.2 operating system architecture
3.3 coordinating the machine’s activities
*3.4 handling competition among processes
3.5 security
Chapter 4 networking and the internet
4.1 network fundamentals
4.2 the internet
4.3 the world wide web
*4.4 internet protocols
4.5 security
Chapter 5 algorithms
5.1 the concept of an algorithm
5.2 algorithm representation
5.3 algorithm discovery
5.4 iterative structures
5.5 recuive structures
5.6 efficiency and correctness
Chapter 6 programming languages
6.1 historical pepective
6.2 traditional programming concepts
6.3 procedural units
6.4 language implementation
6.5 object-oriented programming
*6.6 programming concurrent activities
*6.7 declarative programming
Chapter 7 software engineering
7.1 the software engineering discipline
7.2 the software life cycle
7.3 software engineering methodologies
7.4 modularity
7.5 tools of the trade
7.6 quality assurance
7.7 documentation
7.8 the human-machine interface
7.9 software ownehip and liability
Chapter 8 data abstractio
8.1 basic data structures
8.2 related concepts
8.3 implementing data structures
8.4 a short case study
8.5 customized data types
*8.6 classes and objects
*8.7 pointe in machine language
Chapter 9 database systems
9.1 database fundamentals
9.2 the relational model
*9.3 object-oriented databases
*9.4 maintaining database integrity
*9.5 traditional file structures
9.6 data mining
9.7 social impact of database technology
Chapter 10 computer graphics
10.1 the scope of computer graphics
10.2 overview of 3d graphics
10.3 modeling
10.4 rendering
*10.5 dealing with global lighting
10.6 animation
Chapter 11 artificial intelligence
11.1 intelligence and machines
11.2 perception
11.3 reasoning
11.4 additional areas of research
11.5 artificial neural networks
11.6 robotics
11.7 coidering the coequences
Chapter 12 theory of computation
12.1 functio and their computation
12.2 turing machines
12.3 univeal programming languages
12.4 a noncomputable function
12.5 complexity of problems
*12.6 public-key cryptography
a ascii
b circuits to manipulate two's complement representatio
c a simple machine language
d high-level programming languages
e the equivalence of iterative and recuive structures
f awe to questio & exercises




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用戶評論 (總計20條)


  •   很好的一本計算機入門書,適合計算機專業(yè)的初學者。
  •   很好的書,已經學完了??梢宰鰹橛嬎銠C先修課。
  •   初學計算機專業(yè)的同學必看的一本書,通俗易懂。
  •   計算機入門經典啊,就是字太小了讀起來很累
  •   第一本計算機書,好的開頭是成功的一半,選擇了這本,正在閱讀中,心情一級棒。
  •   對于計算機專業(yè),學習專業(yè)外語很有幫助
  •   書應該是不錯的,畢竟是11版的經典圖書,但是,字體太小了,總覺得有點不舒服的趕腳,重在內容吧!
  •   之前買過一本,這次是幫同學買的。我們外教給我們推薦的教材,和第10版好像內容變化不是特別多不過價格差不多啦,還是新版本比較好
  •   外教推薦的教材,應該不錯吧~
  •   不錯的書,很好不錯的書,很好
  •   看了一大半了,內容挺基礎的,涵蓋面很廣!
  •   看上去不錯,還沒上課
  •   這本書我真的是買得太好了,而且價格特別合理,只是看完得花大時間,都是英文的,而且是很專業(yè)的術語
  •   國外計算機課程經典教材,既能鍛煉自己的技能,又可以鍛煉英語的閱讀能力。
  •   字小且密,書的長度小于中文版,寬度大于中文版,顯得四四方方的,不太習慣,為什么不跟中文版用一樣的開本呢,這樣兩本書放在一起也整齊點。
  •   封底折痕,里面大半本書都是折痕。。。。里面還夾了一塊臟東西,弄掉后還留下污漬
  •   書的內容沒得說,肯定沒問題。但是這個印刷質量和封裝質量也太讓人難以接受了,書的上下右面都有不對齊的頁,真想知道這是正版圖書嗎?????
  •   還可以原版的計科導。
  •   老師上課才買的,內容比較基礎都是些學過的東西。
  •   這個長盛不衰,不給5分我都過意不去~

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