
出版時(shí)間:2012-1  出版社:人民郵電出版社  作者:哈利南  




  Christopher Hallinan 著名嵌入式Linux技術(shù)專家?,F(xiàn)任Mentor


Chapter1  Introduction
 1.1 Why Linux?
 1.2 Embedded Linux Today
 1.3 Open Source and the GPL
 1.3.1 Free Versus Freedom
 1.4 Standards and Relevant Bodies
 1.4.1 Linux Standard Base
 1.4.2 Linux Foundation
 1.4.3 Carrier-Grade Linux
 1.4.4 Mobile Linux Initiative: Moblin
 1.4.5 Service Availability Forum
 1.5 Summary
 1.5.1 Suggestions for Additional Reading
Chapter2  The Big Picture
 2.1 Embedded or Not?
 2.1.1 BIOS Versus Bootloader
 2.2 Anatomy of an Embedded System
 2.2.1 Typical Embedded Linux Setup
 2.2.2 Starting the Target Board
 2.2.3 Booting the Kernel
 2.2.4 Kernel Initialization: Overview
 2.2.5 First User Space Process: init
 2.3 Storage Considerations
 2.3.1 Flash Memory
 2.3.2 NAND Flash
 2.1.1 BIOS Versus Bootloader
 2.2 Anatomy of an Embedded System
 2.2.1 Typical Embedded Linux Setup
 2.2.2 Starting the Target Board
 2.2.3 Booting the Kernel
 2.2.4 Kernel Initialization: Overview
 2.2.5 First User Space Process: init
 2.3 Storage Considerations
 2.3.1 Flash Memory
 2.3.2 NAND Flash
 2.3.3 Flash Usage
 2.3.4 Flash File Systems
 2.3.5 Memory Space
 2.3.6 Execution Contexts
 2.3.7 Process Virtual Memory
 2.3.8 Cross-Development Environment
 2.4 Embedded Linux Distributions
 2.4.1 Commercial Linux Distributions
 2.4.2 Do-It-Yourself Linux Distributions
 2.5 Summary
 2.5.1 Suggestions for Additional Reading
Chapter3  Processor Basics
 3.1 Stand-Alone Processors
 3.1.1 IBM FX
 3.1.2 Intel Pentium M
 3.1.3 Intel Atom?
 3.1.4 Freescale MPC7448
 3.1.5 Companion Chipsets
 3.2 Integrated Processors: Systems on Chip
 3.2.1 Power Architecture
 3.2.2 Freescale Power Architecture
 3.2.3 Freescale PowerQUICC I
 3.2.4 Freescale PowerQUICC II
 3.2.5 PowerQUICC II Pro
 3.2.6 Freescale PowerQUICC III
 3.2.7 Freescale QorIQ?
 3.1.4 Freescale MPC7448
 3.1.5 Companion Chipsets
 3.2 Integrated Processors: Systems on Chip
 3.2.1 Power Architecture
 3.2.2 Freescale Power Architecture
 3.2.3 Freescale PowerQUICC I
 3.2.4 Freescale PowerQUICC II
 3.2.5 PowerQUICC II Pro
 3.2.6 Freescale PowerQUICC III
 3.2.7 Freescale QorIQ?
 3.2.8 AMCC Power Architecture
 3.2.9 MIPS
 3.2.10 Broadcom MIPS
 3.2.11 Other MIPS
 3.2.12 ARM
 3.2.13 TI ARM
 3.2.14 Freescale ARM
 3.2.15 Other ARM Processors
 3.3 Other Architectures
 3.4 Hardware Platforms
 3.4.1 CompactPCI
 3.4.2 ATCA
 3.5 Summary
 3.5.1 Suggestions for Additional Reading
Chapter4  The Linux Kernel: A Different Perspective
 4.1 Background
 4.1.1 Kernel Versions
 4.1.2 Kernel Source Repositories
 4.1.3 Using git to Download a Kernel
 4.2 Linux Kernel Construction
 4.2.1 Top-Level Source Directory
 4.2.2 Compiling the Kernel
 4.2.3 The Kernel Proper: vmlinux
 4.2.4 Kernel Image Components
 4.2.5 Subdirectory Layout
 4.3 Kernel Build System
 4.1.1 Kernel Versions
 4.1.2 Kernel Source Repositories
 4.1.3 Using git to Download a Kernel
 4.2 Linux Kernel Construction
 4.2.1 Top-Level Source Directory
 4.2.2 Compiling the Kernel
 4.2.3 The Kernel Proper: vmlinux
 4.2.4 Kernel Image Components
 4.2.5 Subdirectory Layout
 4.3 Kernel Build System
 4.3.1 The Dot-Config
 4.3.2 Configuration Editor(s)
 4.3.3 Makefile Targets
 4.4 Kernel Configuration
 4.4.1 Custom Configuration Options
 4.4.2 Kernel Makefiles
 4.5 Kernel Documentation
 4.6 Obtaining a Custom Linux Kernel
 4.6.1 What Else Do I Need?
 4.7 Summary
 4.7.1 Suggestions for Additional Reading
Chapter5  Kernel Initialization
 5.1 Composite Kernel Image: Piggy and Friends
 5.1.1 The Image Object
 5.1.2 Architecture Objects
 5.1.3 Bootstrap Loader
 5.1.4 Boot Messages
 5.2 Initialization Flow of Control
 5.2.1 Kernel Entry Point: head.o
 5.2.2 Kernel Startup: main.c
 5.2.3 Architecture Setup
 5.3 Kernel Command-Line Processing
 5.3.1 The __setup Macro
 5.4 Subsystem Initialization
 5.4.1 The *__initcall Macros
 5.5 The init Thread
 5.2 Initialization Flow of Control
 5.2.1 Kernel Entry Point: head.o
 5.2.2 Kernel Startup: main.c
 5.2.3 Architecture Setup
 5.3 Kernel Command-Line Processing
 5.3.1 The __setup Macro
 5.4 Subsystem Initialization
 5.4.1 The *__initcall Macros
 5.5 The init Thread
 5.5.1 Initialization Via initcalls
 5.5.2 initcall_debug
 5.5.3 Final Boot Steps
 5.6 Summary
 5.6.1 Suggestions for Additional Reading
Chapter6  User Space Initialization
 6.1 Root File System
 6.1.1 FHS: File System Hierarchy Standard
 6.1.2 File System Layout
 6.1.3 Minimal File System
 6.1.4 The Embedded Root FS Challenge
 6.1.5 Trial-and-Error Method
 6.1.6 Automated File System Build Tools
 6.2 Kernel’s Last Boot Steps
 6.2.1 First User Space Program
 6.2.2 Resolving Dependencies
 6.2.3 Customized Initial Process
 6.3 The init Process
 6.3.1 inittab
 6.3.2 Sample Web Server Startup Script
 6.4 Initial RAM Disk
 6.4.1 Booting with initrd
 6.4.2 Bootloader Support for initrd
 6.4.3 initrd Magic: linuxrc
 6.4.4 The initrd Plumbing
 6.4.5 Building an initrd Image
 6.5 Using initramfs
 6.5.1 Customizing
 6.3.1 inittab
 6.3.2 Sample Web Server Startup Script
 6.4 Initial RAM Disk
 6.4.1 Booting with initrd
 6.4.2 Bootloader Support for initrd
 6.4.3 initrd Magic: linuxrc
 6.4.4 The initrd Plumbing
 6.4.5 Building an initrd Image
 6.5 Using initramfs
 6.5.1 Customizing initramfs
 6.6 Shutdown
 6.7 Summary
 6.7.1 Suggestions for Additional Reading
Chapter7  Bootloaders
 7.1 Role of a Bootloader
 7.2 Bootloader Challenges
 7.2.1 DRAM Controller
 7.2.2 Flash Versus RAM
 7.2.3 Image Complexity
 7.2.4 Execution Context
 7.3 A Universal Bootloader: Das U-Boot
 7.3.1 Obtaining U-Boot
 7.3.2 Configuring U-Boot
 7.3.3 U-Boot Monitor Commands
 7.3.4 Network Operations
 7.3.5 Storage Subsystems
 7.3.6 Booting from Disk
 7.4 Porting U-Boot
 7.4.1 EP405 U-Boot Port
 7.4.2 U-Boot Makefile Configuration Target
 7.4.3 EP405 First Build
 7.4.4 EP405 Processor Initialization
 7.4.5 Board-Specific Initialization
 7.4.6 Porting Summary
 7.4.7 U-Boot Image Format
 7.5 Device Tree Blob (Flat Device Tree)
 7.3.6 Booting from Disk
 7.4 Porting U-Boot
 7.4.1 EP405 U-Boot Port
 7.4.2 U-Boot Makefile Configuration Target
 7.4.3 EP405 First Build
 7.4.4 EP405 Processor Initialization
 7.4.5 Board-Specific Initialization
 7.4.6 Porting Summary
 7.4.7 U-Boot Image Format
 7.5 Device Tree Blob (Flat Device Tree)
 7.5.1 Device Tree Source
 7.5.2 Device Tree Compiler
 7.5.3 Alternative Kernel Images Using DTB
 7.6 Other Bootloaders
 7.6.1 Lilo
 7.6.2 GRUB
 7.6.3 Still More Bootloaders
 7.7 Summary
 7.7.1 Suggestions for Additional Reading
Chapter8  Device Driver Basics
 8.1 Device Driver Concepts
 8.1.1 Loadable Modules
 8.1.2 Device Driver Architecture
 8.1.3 Minimal Device Driver Example
 8.1.4 Module Build Infrastructure
 8.1.5 Installing a Device Driver
 8.1.6 Loading a Module
 8.1.7 Module Parameters
 8.2 Module Utilities
 8.2.1 insmod
 8.2.2 lsmod
 8.2.3 modprobe
 8.2.4 depmod
 8.2.5 rmmod
 8.2.6 modinfo
 8.3 Driver Methods
 8.1.5 Installing a Device Driver
 8.1.6 Loading a Module
 8.1.7 Module Parameters
 8.2 Module Utilities
 8.2.1 insmod
 8.2.2 lsmod
 8.2.3 modprobe
 8.2.4 depmod
 8.2.5 rmmod
 8.2.6 modinfo
 8.3 Driver Methods
 8.3.1 Driver File System Operations
 8.3.2 Allocation of Device Numbers
 8.3.3 Device Nodes and mknod
 8.4 Bringing It All Together
 8.5 Building Out-of-Tree Drivers
 8.6 Device Drivers and the GPL
 8.7 Summary
 8.7.1 Suggestions for Additional Reading
Chapter9  File Systems
 9.1 Linux File System Concepts
 9.1.1 Partitions
 9.2 ext2
 9.2.1 Mounting a File System
 9.2.2 Checking File System Integrity
 9.3 ext3
 9.4 ext4
 9.5 ReiserFS
 9.6 JFFS2
 9.6.1 Building a JFFS2 Image
 9.7 cramfs
 9.8 Network File System
 9.8.1 Root File System on NFS
 9.9 Pseudo File Systems
 9.9.1 /proc File System
 9.9.2 sysfs
 9.4 ext4
 9.5 ReiserFS
 9.6 JFFS2


版權(quán)頁(yè):插圖:Nearly everyone is familiar with Compact Flash and SD cards used in a wide variety of consumer devices, such as digital cameras and PDAs (both great examples of embed- ded systems). These modules, based on Flash memory technology, can be thought of as solid-state hard drives, capable of storing many megabytes——and even gigabytes-of data in a tiny footprint. They contain no moving parts, are relatively rugged, and oper- ate on a single common power supply voltage. Several manufacturers of Flash memory exist. Flash memory comes in a variety of electrical formats, physical packages, and capacities. It is not uncommon to see embed- ded systems with as little as 4MB or 8MB of nonvolatile storage. More typical storage requirements for embedded Linux systems range from 16MB to 256MB or more. An increasing number of embedded Linux systems have nonvolat.


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