
出版時間:2012-1  出版社:人民郵電出版社  作者:瑪麗·埃倫·古費  頁數(shù):560  




作者:(美國)瑪麗·埃倫·古費 (Guffey.M.E.) 譯者:唐健 等 注釋 解說詞:竇衛(wèi)霖


第1篇 奠定溝通基礎
第1章 運用溝通技巧 構建成功事業(yè)
第2篇 寫作過程
第2章 商務信函寫作
第3章 提高寫作技巧
第4章 修改和校對商務信函
第3篇 工作中的信函來往
第6章 采用直接策略的信函和表達有好的信函
第7章 勸說性信函
第8章 傳達消極信息的信函
第4篇 報告工作數(shù)據(jù)
第9章 非正式報告
第10章 建議書和正式報告
第5篇 演講和科技應用技能
第11章 面對面、會議、電話和數(shù)字化溝通
第12章 有效而專業(yè)的演講和展示
第6篇 求職溝通
第13章 求職、簡歷和求職信
第14章 招聘面試和后續(xù)信函


版權頁:插圖:The eyes have been called the windows to the soul. Even if they don't reveal the soul, the eyes are often the best predictor of a speaker's true feelings. Most of us cannot look another person straight in the eyes and lie. As a result, in American cul-ture we tend to believe people who look directly at us. Sustained eye contact suggests trust and admiration; brief eye contact signals fear or stress.Good eye contact enables the message sender to see whether a receiver is paying attention, showing respect, re-sponding favorably, or feeling distress. From the receiver's viewpoint, good eye contact, in North American culture, re-veals the speaker's sincerity, confidence, and truthfulness.






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用戶評論 (總計4條)


  •   內容很好很詳實
  •   大都是英文,一開始沒弄清楚,買回來看不懂,送人了。
  •   detailed and specific.worth a read.the book comprehensively conclude different forms of business communication.from letter to oral presentation.my favourite parts that the author includes1.unneccessary expressions that most of us are using without realising, for example, "grateful thanks, true facts" ,jargons,cliches(last but not least)etc. they ruin the precision and clarity of our writting and hence lower the efficiency.2.levels of diction. she gave examples on unprofessional and professional word choices. like"snag a contract, win a contract and secure a... contract).which helps a lot when we are struggling which word to use.3.examples analysis. she includes many model letters and emails and analyse whats the good and bad in them.*but the drawback maybe the shallow introduction on verbal communication. it lacks tangible approches like the written part. and the presentation skills introduced are not very attractive and new. but anyway, its a book on written work instead of presentation skills. so i am not being too fussy with it.overall, the book is excellent and guarantees an improvement in business writing. worth a read. 閱讀更多 ›
  •   Very good book.It tell us how to communiate clearly and efficiently in business.And improve my career greatly.thanks a lot.

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