
出版時(shí)間:2011-2  出版社:人民郵電出版社  作者:司愛俠,陸巧兒,呂淑文,張千帆 編著  頁數(shù):322  


  本書的目的在于切實(shí)提高讀者的專業(yè)英語能力。  本書具有突出的實(shí)用性,涵蓋行(transportation)、住(accommodation)、食(eating)、游(tour)、購(shopping)及娛(entertainment)各方面。本書以Unit為單位,每一Unit由以下幾部分組成:對(duì)話——注重實(shí)用性,每篇對(duì)話有一個(gè)主題,內(nèi)容簡單且易上口;課文——選材廣泛、風(fēng)格多樣、切合實(shí)際;單詞——給出課文中出現(xiàn)的新詞,讀者由此可以積累旅游專業(yè)的基本詞匯;詞組——給出課文中的常用詞組;縮略語——給出課文中出現(xiàn)的、業(yè)內(nèi)人士必須掌握的縮略語;專用詞匯——給出旅游行業(yè)中的專用人名和地名;難句講解——講解課文中出現(xiàn)的疑難句子,培養(yǎng)讀者的閱讀理解能力;習(xí)題——可有效鞏固學(xué)習(xí)成果;技能訓(xùn)練——實(shí)用表格填寫以及實(shí)用寫作,這些來自實(shí)際的資料對(duì)從業(yè)人員極為有用;旅游小百科——介紹一些旅游方面的知識(shí);著名景點(diǎn)介紹——介紹中外著名景點(diǎn),進(jìn)一步擴(kuò)大讀者的視野;參考答案——可供讀者檢查學(xué)習(xí)效果。本書結(jié)構(gòu)非常適合組織教學(xué),詞匯加注了音標(biāo)?  本書既可作為高等本科院校、高等專科院校旅游相關(guān)專業(yè)的專業(yè)英語教材,也可供從業(yè)人員自學(xué)。作為培訓(xùn)班教材亦頗得當(dāng)。


Unit 1 Introduction to Tourism Industry  Part One Dialogues  Part Two Text A Introduction to Tourism   New Words   Phrases and Expressions   Abbreviations   Proper Names   Notes   Exercises  Part Three Text B China Tourism Industry   New Words   Phrases and Expressions   Abbreviations   Notes   Exercises  Part Four Skill Training  Part Five Related Information  Part Six Horizon Broadening Unit 2 Preparations before Tour  Part One Dialogues  Part Two Text A How to Prepare Your Trip   Abroad   New Words   Phrases and Expressions   Abbreviations   Notes   Exercises  Part Three Text B How to Prepare for a Trip   New Words   Phrases and Expressions   Proper Names   Notes   Exercises  Part Four Skill Training  Part Five Related Information  Part Six Horizon Broadening Unit 3 Travel Agency  Part One Dialogues  Part Two Text A Travel Agency   New Words   Phrases and Expressions   Abbreviations   Proper Names   Notes   Exercises  Part Three Text B?Tourism in the United States   New Words   Phrases and Expressions   Proper Names   Notes   Exercises  Part Four Skill Training  Part Five Related Information  Part Six Horizon Broadening Unit 4 Airport  Part One Dialogues  Part Two Text A IATA   New Words   Phrases and Expressions   Abbreviations   Proper Names   Notes   Exercises  Part Three Text B Online Flight Check-In   New Words   Phrases and Expressions   Notes   Exercises  Part Four Skill Training  Part Five Related Information  Part Six Horizon Broadening Unit 5 Ground Transportation  Part One Dialogues  Part Two Text A Dos and Don’ts When Traveling in China   New Words   Phrases and Expressions   Abbreviations   Proper Names   Notes   Exercises  Part Three Text B Self-Driving Tours   New Words   Phrases and Expressions   Abbreviations   Proper Names   Notes   Exercises  Part Four Skill Training  Part Five Related Information  Part Six Horizon Broadening Unit 6 Cruise  Part One Dialogues  Part Two Text A Cruise   New Words   Phrases and Expressions   Abbreviations   Proper Names   Notes   Exercises  Part Three Text B Cruises:On-Board Activities and Courses   New Words   Phrases and Expressions   Notes   Exercises  Part Four Skill Training  Part Five Related Information  Part Six Horizon Broadening Unit 7 Hotel  Part One Dialogues  Part Two Text A Hotel Advice and Hotel Tips   New Words   Phrases and Expressions   Abbreviations   Notes   Exercises  Part Three Text B Good Hotel Guide   New Words   Phrases and Expressions   Abbreviations   Proper Names   Notes   Exercises  Part Four Skill Training  Part Five Related Information  Part Six Horizon Broadening Unit 8 Restaurant  Part One Dialogues  Part Two Text A Chinese Cuisine   New Words   Phrases and Expressions   Proper Names   Notes   Exercises  Part Three Text B American Table Manners   New Words   Phrases and Expressions   Abbreviations   Notes   Exercises  Part Four Skill Training  Part Five Related Information  Part Six Horizon Broadening Unit 9 Sightseeing  Part One Dialogues  Part Two Text A Package Holiday   New Words   Phrases and Expressions   Proper Names   Abbreviations   Notes   Exercises  Part Three Text B How to Choose Your Italy Trip   New Words   Phrases and Expressions   Proper Names   Notes   Exercises  Part Four Skill Training  Part Five Related Information  Part Six Horizon Broadening Unit 10 Shopping  Part One Dialogues  Part Two Text A Shopping in the United States   New Words   Phrases and Expressions   Proper Names   Notes   Exercises  Part Three Text B Shopping in China   New Words   Phrases and Expressions   Proper Names   Notes   Exercises  Part Four Skill Training  Part Five Related Information  Part Six Horizon Broadening 附錄一 參考答案 附錄二 參考譯文 


版權(quán)頁:插圖:Bring the printed copies of your payment receipt and itinerary and, as always, yourlegitimate photo identification and passport and/or visa to the airport. I've been asked for thedebit card or credit card with which I made the e-ticket purchase; make sure you have it atcheck-in, just in case. You may not need to show these to anyone if you check in with a selfservice check in kiosk——many airlines have these at airports. And you may be able to check inonline——your e-ticket confirmation will alert you if that's the case and walk you through theonline check in process.What happens if I check in online, but then I can't make my flight? Passengers who have checked in but cannot make their flight must contact AirTran at least1 hour prior to departure to retain the value of their ticket. Unless a Business Class fare has been purchased, any changes or cancellations must occurat least 1 hour prior to departure and will result in a $75 fee per passenger, plus any applicableincrease in airfare. If you do not rebook immediately, the remaining balance will be placed in acredit file for future use, valid for a period of one year from the original date of booking.





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