
出版時間:2010-10  出版社:人民郵電  作者:黃星//王曉平  頁數:239  


  《電氣自動化專業(yè)英語》是高職高?;A英語的后續(xù)銜接教材。力求向學生提供未來工作崗位所需的必備專業(yè)英語知識。本教材依照《高職高專教育英語課程教學基本要求(試行)》的標準,本著培養(yǎng)高級應用型人才的總體目標及專業(yè)的實際需要,結合企業(yè)崗位的實際編寫而成。全書共設10個單元,每個單元共設4個模塊?! ?.專業(yè)閱讀(TechnicalandPractical'Reading)著重培養(yǎng)學生專業(yè)英語的閱讀能力。它包括兩篇文章:A篇精講,突出自動化專業(yè)的基礎與常識;B篇泛讀,補充或擴展專業(yè)知識,以擴大學生視野?! ∥恼拢?00-650字)既涵蓋自動化專業(yè)的基礎內容,也包括當今自動化專業(yè)方面的最新發(fā)展、最新工藝、最新設備及最近技術等。2.專業(yè)認知(Glanceata…)本部分主要幫助學生了解自動化原理、知識及設備常用知識、部件名稱、使用功能及應用范疇,是學生到實訓基地與企業(yè)實習的必學專業(yè)英語內容?! ∷鶎W內容與企業(yè)實際應用形成銜接,所以本部分內容是有助于提高學生實際應用能力的一大亮點。  3.實際應用(Putin Llse)  SectionA:“技能認知”——TestYour Skill。本部分提供了與企業(yè)生產緊密相關的自動化設備及輔助配件等資料圖片,讓學生感受一下專業(yè)英語如何應用;  SectionB:“試試你的動手能力”——Havea Try為實踐上述所學常用設備及輔助配件知識,讓學生通過所學專業(yè)英語進行實踐?! ⊥瑫r,在其他的練習中配有相應的簡單產品廣告、配件說明書、操作與使用指南等應用文翻譯。


本書系高職高專學生完成基礎英語后,進行專業(yè)學習的英語銜接教材,旨在滿足電氣自動化及相關專業(yè)學生及行業(yè)從業(yè)人員學習專業(yè)英語的需要。    《電氣自動化專業(yè)英語》依照高職高專的培養(yǎng)目標及企業(yè)的實際要求,突出“實用、可用、好用、用得上”的原則;在內容編排上突出貼近企業(yè),貼近實際,貼近崗位,并力求通俗、易懂、好學、可用。    全書共含10個單元,每個單元都力求與企業(yè)生產崗位緊密銜接。    本書既可作為高職高專、成人高校及相關院校的專業(yè)英語教材,也可用作企業(yè)培訓教材,還可供相關教師、學生及技術人員學習參考。




Unit 1 Introduction to Electronic Components  PartⅠ Technical and Practical Reading     Reading A Electronic Components(Ⅰ)     Notes     New Words     Phrases and Expressions     Reading B Electronic Components(Ⅱ)     New Words     Phrases and Expressions   PartⅡ Glance at the Structure of the Electronic Components   PartⅢ Put into Use     Section A Test Your Skill     Section B Have a Try   PartⅣ Broaden Your Horizon-Practical Activity Unit 2 Introduction to Basic Electronic Circuits   PartⅠ Technical and Practical Reading     Reading A Electronic Circuits(Ⅰ)     Notes     New Words     Phrases and Expressions     Reading B Electronic Circuits(Ⅱ)     New Words    Phrases and Expressions  PartⅡ  Glance at the Structure of the Circuit  PartⅢ Put into Use    Section A Test Your Skill    Section B Have a Try  PartⅣ Broaden Your Horizon——Practical ActivityUnit 3 Introduction to Digital Electronics  PartⅠ Technical and Practical Reading     Reading A Digital Electronics(Ⅰ)     Notes    New Words    Phrases and Expressions     Reading B Digital Electronics(Ⅱ)     New Words    Phrases and Expressions   PartⅡ Glance at the Structure of the Integrated Circuit  PartⅢ Put into Use    Section A Test Your Skill    Section B Have a Try  PartⅣ Broaden Your Horizon-Practical ActivityUnit 4 Introduction to Analog Electronics  PartⅠ Technical and Practical Reading     Reading A Analog Electronics(Ⅰ)     Notes    New Words    Phrases and Expressions    Reading B Analog Electronics(Ⅱ)    New Words    Phrases and Expressions  PartⅡ  Glance at the Structure of the Electronic Component  PartⅢ Put into Use    Section A Test Your Skill    Section B Have a Try  PartⅣ Broaden Your Horizon-Practical ActivityUnit 5 Introduction to Sensors  PartⅠ Technical and Practical Reading    Reading A Basic Sensors    Notes     New Words    Phrases and Expressions    Reading B Application of Sensors    New Words    Phrases and Expressions  PartⅡ Glance at the Structure of the Sensor  PartⅢ Put into Use    Section A Test Your Skill    Section B Have a Try  PartⅣ Broaden Your Horizon-Practical Activity Unit 6 Application of Electromotor 82 PartⅠ Technical and Practical Reading    Reading A What Is Alternating Current(AC)     Notes    New Words     Phrases and Expressions     Reading B DC Motor    New Words     Phrases and Expressions  PartⅡ Glance at the Structure of the Motor  PartⅢ Put into Use    Section A Test Your Skill    Section B Have a Try 94 PartⅣ Broaden Your Horizon-Practical ActivityUnit 7 Introduction to Programmable Logic Controller  PartⅠ Technical and Practical Reading    Reading A Programmable Logic Controller(Ⅰ)    Notes    New Words    Phrases and Expressions    Reading B Programmable Logic Controller(Ⅱ)    New Words    Phrases and Expressions  PartⅡ Glance at the Structure of the PLC   PartⅢ Put into Use     Section A Test Your Skill     Section B Have a Try  PartⅣ Broaden Your Horizon-Practical Activity 111 Unit 8 Introduction to Automatic Control System   PartⅠ Technical and Practical Reading    Reading A Automatic Control System(Ⅰ)     Notes     New Words     Phrases and Expressions     Reading B Automatic Control System(Ⅱ)     New Words     Phrases and Expressions   PartⅡ  Glance at the Structure of the Timer Pin Connection  PartⅢ Put into Use    Section A Test Your Skill    Section B Have a Try  PartⅣ Broaden Your Horizon-Practical ActivityUnit 9 Introduction to Basic Microcontroller   PartⅠ Technical and Practical Reading     Reading A The Microcontroller(Ⅰ)    Notes     New Words     Phrases and Expressions     Reading B The Micro-controller(Ⅱ)     New Words     Phrases and Expressions   PartⅡ Glance at the Structure of the Microcontroller   PartⅢ Put into Use     Section A Test Your Skill     Section B Have a Try 146 PartⅣ Broaden Your Horizon-Practical Activity 148 Unit 10 Introduction to Robots   PartⅠ Technical and Practical Reading     Reading A Basic Robots     Notes     New Words     Phrases and Expressions     Reading B Robotic Figures: Hands Design     New Words     Phrases and Expressions   PartⅡ Glance at the Structure of the Robot   PartⅢ Put into Use     Section A Test Your Skill     Section B Have a Try   PartⅣ Broaden Your Horizon-Practical Activity Glossary Phrases and Expressions課文參考譯文   第一單元 電子元件簡介     課文A 電子元件(Ⅰ)     課文B 電子元件(Ⅱ)     鋁電解質電容器說明書   第二單元 基本電子電路簡介    課文A 電子電路(Ⅰ)    課文B 電子電路(Ⅱ)     多層(盲孔)印刷布線板  第三單元 數字電子電路簡介     課文A 數字電子電路(Ⅰ)     課文B 數字電子電路(Ⅱ)    415系列金屬氧化物/2瓦碳膜電阻器  第四單元 模擬電子技術簡介    課文A 模擬電子技術(Ⅰ)    課文B 模擬電子技術(Ⅱ)     整流器和晶閘管   第五單元 傳感器簡介    課文A 傳感器    課文B 壓力傳感器的應用    光電傳感器  第六單元 電機的應用     課文A 什么是交流電(AC)    課文B 直流電動機    三相異步電機  第七單元 可編程邏輯控制器簡介    課文A 可編程邏輯控制器(Ⅰ)    課文B 可編程邏輯控制器(Ⅱ)    可編程邏輯控制器:EH-150   第八單元 自動控制系統(tǒng)簡介     課文A 自動控制系統(tǒng)(Ⅰ)     課文B 自動控制系統(tǒng)(Ⅱ)    M20全配置繼電器   第九單元 基本微控制器簡介     課文A 微控制器(Ⅰ)     課文B 微控制器(Ⅱ)    LPC2148 ARM7型32位微控制器教學板  第十單元 機器人簡介    課文A 基本型機器人     課文B 機器人的外形:手部設計    FANUC S-900iB系列機器人參考文獻


  Memory is the component that stores information, programs, and data in a PLC. The process of putting new information into a memory location is called writing. The process of retrieving in formation from a memory location is called reading.  The common types of memory used in PLCs are Read Only Memory (ROM) and Random Access Memory (RAM). A ROM location can be read, but not written. ROM is used to storepro grams and data that should not be altered.Input Modules and Output Modules  A PLC is a control device. It takes information from inputs and makes decisions to energize or deenergize outputs.  The input devices used with a PLC include pushbuttons, limit switches, relay contacts, photo sensors, proximity switches, temperature sensors, and the like (Figure 7-2). These input devices can be AC or DC. The input voltages can be high or low. The input signals can be digital or an alog.Differing inputs require different input modules.  ……





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