出版時(shí)間:2010-03 出版社:人民郵電出版社 作者:Upamanyu Madhow 頁(yè)數(shù):499
The field of digital communication has evolved rapidly in the past fewdecades, with commercial applications proliferating in wireline communi-cation networks (e.g., digital subscriber loop, cable, fiber optics), wirelesscommunication (e.g., cell phones and wireless local area networks), and stor-age media (e.g., compact discs, hard drives). The typical undergraduate andgraduate student is drawn to the field because of these applications, but isoften intimidated by the mathematical background necessary to understandcommunication theory. A good lecturer in digital communication alleviatesthis fear by means of examples, and covers only the concepts that directlyimpact the applications being studied. The purpose of this text is to providesuch a lecture style exposition to provide an accessible, yet rigorous, intro-duction to the subject of digital communication. This book is also suitable forself-study by practitioners who wish to brush up on fundamental concepts. The book can be used as a basis for one course, or a two course sequence, indigital communication. The following topics are covered: complex basebandrepresentation of signals and noise (and its relation to modern transceiverimplementation); modulation (emphasizing linear modulation); demodulation(starting from detection theory basics); communication over dispersive chan-nels, including equalization and multicarrier modulation; computation of per-formance benchmarks using information theory; basics of modem codingstrategies (including convolutional codes and turbo-like codes); and introduc-tion to wireless communication. The choice of material reflects my personalbias, but the concepts covered represent a large subset of the tricks of thetrade. A student who masters the material here, therefore, should be wellequipped for research or cutting edge development in communication sys-tems, and should have the fundamental grounding and sophistication neededto explore topics in further detail using the resources that any researcher ordesigner uses, such as research papers and standards documents.
《數(shù)字通信基礎(chǔ)(英文版)》闡述了現(xiàn)代數(shù)字通信系統(tǒng)設(shè)計(jì)的基本知識(shí),主要內(nèi)容有:信號(hào)和噪聲的復(fù)基帶表述,調(diào)制和調(diào)解,分散信道通信,用信息理論計(jì)算性能基準(zhǔn)點(diǎn),現(xiàn)代解碼方法基礎(chǔ)知識(shí),無(wú)線通信簡(jiǎn)介。書(shū)中實(shí)例豐富,每章還配有練習(xí)題,幫助讀者深刻理解重要通信原理?! 稊?shù)字通信基礎(chǔ)(英文版)》是通信專業(yè)高年級(jí)本科生和研究生教材,也可供工程技術(shù)人員參考。
Upamanyu Madhow博士,IEEE會(huì)士,無(wú)線通信和通信網(wǎng)領(lǐng)域知名學(xué)者。曾任職于貝爾通信實(shí)驗(yàn)室,現(xiàn)任加州大學(xué)圣巴巴拉分校電氣與計(jì)算機(jī)工程系教授,致力于無(wú)線通信新技術(shù)的產(chǎn)業(yè)化。他擁有8項(xiàng)美國(guó)專利,并著有多篇頗有影響力的論文,被為業(yè)內(nèi)人士廣泛引用。
1 Introduction 11.1 Components of a digital communication system 21.2 Text outline 51.3 Further reading 62 Modulation 72.1 Preliminaries 82.2 Complex baseband representation 182.3 Spectral description of random processes 312.3.1 Complex envelope for passband random processes 402.4 Modulation degrees of freedom 412.5 Linear modulation 432.5.1 Examples of linear modulation 442.5.2 Spectral occupancy of linearly modulated signals 462.5.3 The Nyquist criterion: relating bandwidth to symbol rate 492.5.4 Linear modulation as a building block 542.6 Orthogonal and biorthogonal modulation 552.7 Differential modulation 572.8 Further reading 602.9 Problems 602.9.1 Signals and systems 602.9.2 Complex baseband representation 622.9.3 Random processes 642.9.4 Modulation 663 Demodulation 743.1 Gaussian basics 753.2 Hypothesis testing basics 883.3 Signal space concepts 943.4 Optimal reception in AWGN 1023.4.1 Geometry of the ML decision rule 1063.4.2 Soft decisions 1073.5 Performance analysis of ML reception 1093.5.1 Performance with binary signaling 1103.5.2 Performance with M-ary signaling 1143.6 Bit-level demodulation 1273.6.1 Bit-level soft decisions 1313.7 Elements of link budget analysis 1333.8 Further reading 1363.9 Problems 1363.9.1 Gaussian basics 1363.9.2 Hypothesis testing basics 1383.9.3 Receiver design and performance analysis for the AWGN channel 1403.9.4 Link budget analysis 1493.9.5 Some mathematical derivations 1504 Synchronization and noncoherent communication 1534.1 Receiver design requirements 1554.2 Parameter estimation basics 1594.2.1 Likelihood function of a signal in AWGN 1624.3 Parameter estimation for synchronization 1654.4 Noncoherent communication 1704.4.1 Composite hypothesis testing 1714.4.2 Optimal noncoherent demodulation 1724.4.3 Differential modulation and demodulation 1734.5 Performance of noncoherent communication 1754.5.1 Proper complex Gaussianity 1764.5.2 Performance of binary noncoherent communication 1814.5.3 Performance of M-ary noncoherent orthogonal signaling 1854.5.4 Performance of DPSK 1874.5.5 Block noncoherent demodulation 1884.6 Further reading 1894.7 Problems 1905 Channel equalization 1995.1 The channel model 2005.2 Receiver front end 2015.3 Eye diagrams 2035.4 Maximum likelihood sequence estimation 2045.4.1 Alternative MLSE formulation 2125.5 Geometric model for suboptimal equalizer design 2135.6 Linear equalization 2165.6.1 Adaptive implementations 2235.6.2 Performance analysis 2265.7 Decision feedback equalization 2285.7.1 Performance analysis 2305.8 Performance analysis of MLSE 2315.8.1 Union bound 2325.8.2 Transfer function bound 2375.9 Numerical comparison of equalization techniques 2405.10 Further reading 2425.11 Problems 2435.11.1 MLSE 2436 Information-theoretic limits and their computation 2526.1 Capacity of AWGN channel: modeling andgeometry 2536.1.1 From continuous to discrete time 2566.1.2 Capacity of the discrete-time AWGN channel 2576.1.3 From discrete to continuous time 2596.1.4 Summarizing the discrete-time AWGN model 2616.2 Shannon theory basics 2636.2.1 Entropy, mutual information, and divergence 2656.2.2 The channel coding theorem 2706.3 Some capacity computations 2726.3.1 Capacity for standard constellations 2726.3.2 Parallel Gaussian channels and waterfilling 2776.4 Optimizing the input distribution 2806.4.1 Convex optimization 2816.4.2 Characterizing optimal input distributions 2826.4.3 Computing optimal input distributions 2846.5 Further reading 2876.6 Problems 2877 Channel coding 2937.1 Binary convolutional codes 2947.1.1 Nonrecursive nonsystematic encoding 2957.1.2 Recursive systematic encoding 2977.1.3 Maximum likelihood decoding 2987.1.4 Performance analysis of ML decoding 3037.1.5 Performance analysis for quantized observations 3097.2 Turbo codes and iterative decoding 3117.2.1 The BCJR algorithm: soft-in, soft-out decoding 3117.2.2 Logarithmic BCJR algorithm 3207.2.3 Turbo constructions from convolutional codes 3257.2.4 The BER performance of turbo codes 3287.2.5 Extrinsic information transfer charts 3297.2.6 Turbo weight enumeration 3367.3 Low density parity check codes 3427.3.1 Some terminology from coding theory 3437.3.2 Regular LDPC codes 3457.3.3 Irregular LDPC codes 3477.3.4 Message passing and density evolution 3497.3.5 Belief propagation 3527.3.6 Gaussian approximation 3547.4 Bandwidth-efficient coded modulation 3577.4.1 Bit interleaved coded modulation 3587.4.2 Trellis coded modulation 3607.5 Algebraic codes 3647.6 Further reading 3677.7 Problems 3698 Wireless communication 3798.1 Channel modeling 3808.2 Fading and diversity 3878.2.1 The problem with Rayleigh fading 3878.2.2 Diversity through coding and interleaving 3908.2.3 Receive diversity 3938.3 Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing 3978.4 Direct sequence spread spectrum 4068.4.1 The rake receiver 4098.4.2 Choice of spreading sequences 4138.4.3 Performance of conventional reception in CDMA systems 4158.4.4 Multiuser detection for DS-CDMA systems 4178.5 Frequency hop spread spectrum 4268.6 Continuous phase modulation 4288.6.1 Gaussian MSK 4328.6.2 Receiver design and Laurents expansion 4338.7 Space–time communication 4398.7.1 Space–time channel modeling 4408.7.2 Information-theoretic limits 4438.7.3 Spatial multiplexing 4478.7.4 Space–time coding 4488.7.5 Transmit beamforming 4518.8 Further reading 4518.9 Problems 453Appendix A Probability, random variables, and random processes 474A.1 Basic probability 474A.2 Random variables 475A.3 Random processes 478A.3.1 Wide sense stationary random processes through LTI systems 478A.3.2 Discrete-time random processes 479A.4 Further reading 481Appendix B The Chernoff bound 482Appendix C Jensens inequality 485References 488Index 495
The objective of this text is to convey an understanding of the principlesunderlying the design of a modem digital communication link. An introduc-tion to modulation techniques (i.e., how to convert bits into a form that canbe sent over a channel) is provided in Chapter 2. We emphasize the impor-tant role played by the complex baseband representation for passband signalsin both transmitter and receiver design, describe some common modulationformats, and discuss how t determine how much bandwidth is required tosupport a given modulation format. An introduction to demodulation (i.e., howto estimate the transmitted bits from a noisy received signal) for the classicaladditive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel is provided in Chapter 3. Ourstarting point is the theory of hypothesis testing. We emphasize the geometricview of demodulation first popularized by the classic text of Wozencraft andJacobs, introduce the concept of soft decisions, and provide a brief exposureto link budget analysis (which is used by system designers for determiningparameters such as antenna gains and transmit powers). Mastery of Chap-ters 2 and 3 is a prerequisite for the remainder of this book. The remainingchapters essentially stand on their own. Chapter 4 contains a framework forestimation of parameters such as delay and phase, starting from the derivationof the likelihood ratio of a signal in AWGN. Optimal noncoherent receiversare derived based on this framework. Chapter 5 describes the key ideas usedin channel equalization, including maximum likelihood sequence estimation(MLSE) using the Viterbi algorithm, linear equalization, and decision feed-back equalization. Chapter 6 contains a brief treatment of information theory,focused on the computation of performance benchmarks. This is increas-ingly important for the communication system designer, now that turbo-likecodes provide a framework for approaching information-theoretic limits forvirtually any channel model. Chapter 7 introduces error-correction coding.It includes convolutional codes, serial and parallel concatenated turbo codes,and low density parity check (LDPC) codes. It also provides a very briefdiscussion of how algebraic codes (which are covered in depth in codingtheory texts) fit within modem communication link design, with an emphasison Reed-Solomon codes. Finally, Chapter 8 contains an introduction to wire-less communication, including channel modeling, the effect of fading, anda discussion of some modulation formats commonly used over the wirelesschannel that are not covered in the introductory treatment in Chapter 2. Thelatter include orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), spreadspectrum communication, continuous phase modulation, and space-time (ormultiple antenna) communication.
“進(jìn)入通信行業(yè)多年,我已經(jīng)成功設(shè)計(jì)了不少數(shù)字通信系統(tǒng)?,可以說(shuō),如果不是受益于Madhow博士直觀有效的講解方式,我不可能這么牢固地掌握數(shù)字通信基礎(chǔ)知識(shí),甚至不可能像今天這樣游刃有余地工作,” ——Amazin.com
近十年來(lái),數(shù)字通信技術(shù)發(fā)展迅猛,已經(jīng)深入人們?nèi)粘I畹拿總€(gè)角落,如寬帶上網(wǎng)、手機(jī)、數(shù)字電視等。受這些應(yīng)用的驅(qū)使,大量人才投身數(shù)字通信行業(yè),但他們常常被通信理論所需的數(shù)學(xué)知識(shí)嚇倒。 Madtlow博士擁有多年科研和教學(xué)工作經(jīng)驗(yàn).深知如何通過(guò)講解實(shí)例來(lái)減輕這種恐懼?!稊?shù)字通信基礎(chǔ)(英文版)》旨在保持知識(shí)嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)性的同時(shí),通過(guò)各種方式讓讀者輕松掌握通信理論。書(shū)中首先建立了調(diào)制和解調(diào)的經(jīng)典基礎(chǔ)概念,接著介紹了同步、非相干通信、信道均衡、信息論、信道編碼、無(wú)線通信等高級(jí)概念;此外,還涵蓋了Turbo馬和LDPC碼的相關(guān)內(nèi)容,讀者既可以據(jù)此實(shí)現(xiàn)并進(jìn)行性能評(píng)估,也可以僅僅以它們?yōu)樾阅芑鶞?zhǔn)進(jìn)行性能對(duì)比?!稊?shù)字通信基礎(chǔ)(英文版)》特色使用復(fù)基帶表示作為收發(fā)機(jī)設(shè)計(jì)和實(shí)現(xiàn)的統(tǒng)一框架包括空時(shí)通信等不同調(diào)制樣式的無(wú)線鏈路設(shè)計(jì)非相干通信和均衡的幾何內(nèi)涵。
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