
出版時(shí)間:2009-8  出版社:人民郵電出版社  作者:(美)維斯瓦納斯(Viswanath,P),(美)謝(Tse,D)  頁(yè)數(shù):564  


  The writing of this book was prompted by two main developments in wirelesscommunication in the past decade. First is the huge surge of research activitiesin physical-layer wireless communication theory. While this has been a subjectof study since the sixties, recent developments such as opportunistic and mul-tiple input multiple output (MIMO) communication techniques have broughtcompletely new perspectives on how to communicate over wireless channels.Second is the rapid evolution of wireless systems, particularly cellular net-works, which embody communication concepts of increasing sophistication.This evolution started with second-generation digital standards, particularlythe IS-95 Code Division Multiple Access standard, continuing to more recentthird-generation systems focusing on data applications. This book aims topresent modem wireless communication concepts in a coherent and unifiedmanner and to illustrate the concepts in the broader context of the wirelesssystems on which they have been applied.




  David Tse,博士,是無(wú)線通信領(lǐng)域新一代權(quán)威,現(xiàn)任加州大學(xué)伯克利分校電氣工程與計(jì)算機(jī)科學(xué)系教授,畢業(yè)于麻省理工學(xué)院。  Pramod Viswanath,博士現(xiàn)任伊利諾伊大學(xué)厄巴納-尚佩恩分校電氣與計(jì)算機(jī)工程系副教授,畢業(yè)于加州大學(xué)伯克利分校。


1 Introduction 11.1 Book objective 11.2 Wireless systems 21.3 Book outline 52 The wireless channel 102.1 Physical modeling for wireless channels 102.1.1 Free space, fixed transmit and receive antennas 122.1.2 Free space, moving antenna 132.1.3 Reflecting wall, fixed antenna 142.1.4 Reflecting wall, moving antenna 162.1.5 Reflection from a ground plane 172.1.6 Power decay with distance and shadowing 182.1.7 Moving antenna, multiple reflectors 192.2 Input/output model of the wireless channel 202.2.1 The wireless channel as a linear time-varying system 202.2.2 Baseband equivalent model 222.2.3 A discrete-time baseband model 25Discussion 2.1 Degrees of freedom 282.2.4 Additive white noise 292.3 Time and frequency coherence 302.3.1 Doppler spread and coherence time 302.3.2 Delay spread and coherence bandwidth 312.4 Statistical channel models 342.4.1 Modeling philosophy 342.4.2 Rayleigh and Rician fading 362.4.3 Tap gain auto-correlation function 37Example 2.1 Clarke’s model 38Chapter 2 The main plot 402.5 Bibliographical notes 422.6 Exercises 423 Point-to-point communication: detection, diversity, and channel ncertainty 493.1 Detection in a Rayleigh fading channel 503.1.1 Non-coherent detection 503.1.2 Coherent detection 523.1.3 From BPSK to QPSK: exploiting the degrees of freedom 563.1.4 Diversity 593.2 Time diversity 603.2.1 Repetition coding 603.2.2 Beyond repetition coding 64Summary 3.1 Time diversity code design criterion 68Example 3.1 Time diversity in GSM 693.3 Antenna diversity 713.3.1 Receive diversity 713.3.2 Transmit diversity: space-time codes 733.3.3 MIMO: a 2×2 example 77Summary 3.2 2×2 MIMO schemes 823.4 Frequency diversity 833.4.1 Basic concept 833.4.2 Single-carrier with ISI equalization 843.4.3 Direct-sequence spread-spectrum 913.4.4 Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing 95Summary 3.3 Communication over frequency-selective channels 1013.5 Impact of channel uncertainty 1023.5.1 Non-coherent detection for DS spread-spectrum 1033.5.2 Channel estimation 1053.5.3 Other diversity scenarios 107Chapter 3 The main plot 1093.6 Bibliographical notes 1104 Cellular systems: multiple access and interference management 1204.1 Introduction 1204.2 Narrowband cellular systems 1234.2.1 Narrowband allocations: GSM system 1244.2.2 Impact on network and system design 1264.2.3 Impact on frequency reuse 127Summary 4.1 Narrowband systems 1284.3 Wideband systems: CDMA 1284.3.1 CDMA uplink 1314.3.2 CDMA downlink 1454.3.3 System issues 147Summary 4.2 CDMA 1474.4 Wideband systems: OFDM 1484.4.1 Allocation design principles 1484.4.2 Hopping pattern 1504.4.3 Signal characteristics and receiver design 1524.4.4 Sectorization 153Example 4.1 Flash-OFDM 153Chapter 4 The main plot 1544.5 Bibliographical notes 1554.6 Exercises 1555 Capacity of wireless channels 1665.1 AWGN channel capacity 1675.1.1 Repetition coding 1675.1.2 Packing spheres 168Discussion 5.1 Capacity-achieving AWGN channel codes 170Summary 5.1 Reliable rate of communication and capacity 1715.2 Resources of the AWGN channel 1725.2.1 Continuous-time AWGN channel 1725.2.2 Power and bandwidth 173Example 5.2 Bandwidth reuse in cellular systems 1755.3 Linear time-invariant Gaussian channels 1795.3.1 Single input multiple output (SIMO) channel 1795.3.2 Multiple input single output (MISO) channel 1795.3.3 Frequency-selective channel 1815.4 Capacity of fading channels 1865.4.1 Slow fading channel 1875.4.2 Receive diversity 1895.4.3 Transmit diversity 191Summary 5.2 Transmit and receive diversity 1955.4.4 Time and frequency diversity 195Summary 5.3 Outage for parallel channels 1995.4.5 Fast fading channel 1995.4.6 Transmitter side information 203Example 5.3 Rate adaptation in IS-856 2095.4.7 Frequency-selective fading channels 2135.4.8 Summary: a shift in point of view 213Chapter 5 The main plot 2145.5 Bibliographical notes 2175.6 Exercises 2176 Multiuser capacity and opportunistic communication 2286.1 Uplink AWGN channel 2296.1.1 Capacity via successive interference cancellation 2296.1.2 Comparison with conventional CDMA 2326.1.3 Comparison with orthogonal multiple access 2326.1.4 General K -user uplink capacity 2346.2 Downlink AWGN channel 2356.2.1 Symmetric case: two capacity-achieving schemes 2366.2.2 General case: superposition coding achieves capacity 238Summary 6.1 Uplink and downlink AWGN capacity 240Discussion 6.1 SIC: implementation issues 2416.3 Uplink fading channel 2436.3.1 Slow fading channel 2436.3.2 Fast fading channel 2456.3.3 Full channel side information 247Summary 6.2 Uplink fading channel 2506.4 Downlink fading channel 2506.4.1 Channel side information at receiver only 2506.4.2 Full channel side information 2516.5 Frequency-selective fading channels 2526.6 Multiuser diversity 2536.6.1 Multiuser diversity gain 2536.6.2 Multiuser versus classical diversity 2566.7 Multiuser diversity: system aspects 2566.7.1 Fair scheduling and multiuser diversity 2586.7.2 Channel prediction and feedback 2626.7.3 Opportunistic beamforming using dumb antennas 2636.7.4 Multiuser diversity in multicell systems 2706.7.5 A system view 272Chapter 6 The main plot 2756.8 Bibliographical notes 2776.9 Exercises 2787 MIMO I: spatial multiplexing and channel modeling 2907.1 Multiplexing capability of deterministic MIMO channels 2917.1.1 Capacity via singular value decomposition 2917.1.2 Rank and condition number 2947.2 Physical modeling of MIMO channels 2957.2.1 Line-of-sight SIMO channel 2967.2.2 Line-of-sight MISO channel 2987.2.3 Antenna arrays with only a line-of-sight path 2997.2.4 Geographically separated antennas 3007.2.5 Line-of-sight plus one reflected path 306Summary 7.1 Multiplexing capability of MIMO channels 3097.3 Modeling of MIMO fading channels 3097.3.1 Basic approach 3097.3.2 MIMO multipath channel 3117.3.3 Angular domain representation of signals 3117.3.4 Angular domain representation of MIMO channels 3157.3.5 Statistical modeling in the angular domain 3177.3.6 Degrees of freedom and diversity 318Example 7.1 Degrees of freedom in clustered response models 3197.3.7 Dependency on antenna spacing 3237.3.8 I.i.d.Rayleigh fading model 327Chapter 7 The main plot 3287.4 Bibliographical notes 3297.5 Exercises 3308 MIMO II: capacity and multiplexing architectures 3328.1 The V-BLAST architecture 3338.2 Fast fading MIMO channel 3358.2.1 Capacity with CSI at receiver 3368.2.2 Performance gains 3388.2.3 Full CSI 346Summary 8.1 Performance gains in a MIMO channel 3488.3 Receiver architectures 3488.3.1 Linear decorrelator 3498.3.2 Successive cancellation 3558.3.3 Linear MMSE receiver 3568.3.4 Information theoretic optimality 362Discussion 8.1 Connections with CDMA multiuser detection and ISI equalization 3648.4 Slow fading MIMO channel 3668.5 D-BLAST: an outage-optimal architecture 3688.5.1 Suboptimality of V-BLAST 3688.5.2 Coding across transmit antennas: D-BLAST 3718.5.3 Discussion 372Chapter 8 The main plot 3738.6 Bibliographical notes 3748.7 Exercises 3749 MIMO III: diversity–multiplexing tradeoff and universal space-time codes 3839.1 Diversity–multiplexing tradeoff 3849.1.1 Formulation 3849.1.2 Scalar Rayleigh channel 3869.1.3 Parallel Rayleigh channel 3909.1.4 MISO Rayleigh channel 3919.1.5 2×2 MIMO Rayleigh channel 3929.1.6 nt×nr MIMO i.i.d.Rayleigh channel 3959.2 Universal code design for optimal diversity-multiplexing tradeoff 3989.2.1 QAM is approximately universal for scalar channels 398Summary 9.1 Approximate universality 4009.2.2 Universal code design for parallel channels 400Summary 9.2 Universal codes for the parallel channel 4069.2.3 Universal code design for MISO channels 407Summary 9.3 Universal codes for the MISO channel 4109.2.4 Universal code design for MIMO channels 411Discussion 9.1 Universal codes in the downlink 415Chapter 9 The main plot 4159.3 Bibliographical notes 4169.4 Exercises 41710 MIMO IV: multiuser communication 42510.1 Uplink with multiple receive antennas 42610.1.1 Space-division multiple access 42610.1.2 SDMA capacity region 42810.1.3 System implications 431Summary 10.1 SDMA and orthogonal multiple access 43210.1.4 Slow fading 43310.1.5 Fast fading 43610.1.6 Multiuser diversity revisited 439Summary 10.2 Opportunistic communication and multiple receive antennas 44210.2 MIMO uplink 44210.2.1 SDMA with multiple transmit antennas 44210.2.2 System implications 44410.2.3 Fast fading 44610.3 Downlink with multiple transmit antennas 44810.3.1 Degrees of freedom in the downlink 44810.3.2 Uplink–downlink duality and transmit beamforming 44910.3.3 Precoding for interference known at transmitter 45410.3.4 Precoding for the downlink 46510.3.5 Fast fading 46810.4 MIMO downlink 47110.5 Multiple antennas in cellular networks: a system view 473Summary 10.3 System implications of multiple antennas on multiple access 47310.5.1 Inter-cell interference management 47410.5.2 Uplink with multiple receive antennas 47610.5.3 MIMO uplink 47810.5.4 Downlink with multiple receive antennas 47910.5.5 Downlink with multiple transmit antennas 479Example 10.1 SDMA in ArrayComm systems 479Chapter 10 The main plot 48110.6 Bibliographical notes 48210.7 Exercises 483Appendix A Detection and estimation in additive Gaussian noise 496Appendix B Information theory from first principles 516References 546Index 554


  Consider the baseband uplink signal of a user given in (4.1). Due to the abrupttransitions (from + 1 to -1 and vice versa) of the pseudonoise sequences s,,,the bandwidth occupied by this signal is very large. On the other hand, thesignal has to occupy an allotted bandwidth. As an example, we see that the IS-95 system uses a bandwidth of 1.2288 MHz and a steep fall off after 1.67 MHz.To fit this allotted bandwidth, the signal in (4.1) is passed through a pulseshaping filter and then modulated on to the carrier. Thus though the signal in(4.1) has a perfect PAPR (equal to 1), the resulting transmit signal has a largerPAPR. The overall signal transmitted from the base-station is the superpositionof all the user signals and this aggregate signal has PAPR performance similarto that of the narrowband system described in the previous section.In the narrowband system we saw that all users can maintain high SINRdue to the nature of the allocations. In fact, this was the benefit gained bypaying the price of poor (re)use of the spectrum. In the CDMA system,however, due to the intra and inter-cell interferences, the values of SINR possible are very small. Now consider sectorization with universal frequency reuse among the sectors. Ideally (with full isolation among the sectors), this allows us to increase the system capacity by a factor equal to the number of sectors. However, in practice each sector now has to contend with inter-sector interference as well. Since intra-sector and inter-cell interference dominate the noise faced by the user signals, the additional interference caused due to sectorization does not cause a further degradation in SINR. Thus sectors of the same cell reuse the frequency without much of an impact on the performance. We have observed that timing acquisition (at a chip level accuracy) by a mobile is a computationally intensive step. Thus we would like to have this step repeated as infrequently as possible. On the other hand, to achieve soft handoff this acquisition has to be done (synchronously) for all base-stations with which the mobile communicates. To facilitate this step and the eventual handoff, implementations of the IS-95 system use high precision clocks (about 1 ppm (parts per million)) and further, synchronize the clocks at the base- stations through a proprietary wireline network that connects the base-stations. This networking cost is the price paid in the design to ease the handoff process.


  “Tse和viswanath將通信技術(shù)的理論發(fā)展和實(shí)際應(yīng)用完美結(jié)合在本書中。本書必將成為業(yè) 界經(jīng)典教材和權(quán)威參考?!薄  猂obert G.Gallager教授,麻省理工學(xué)院  “David Tse和Pranlod viswanath為現(xiàn)代無(wú)線通信撰寫了一部經(jīng)典著作!本書覆蓋無(wú)線系 統(tǒng)設(shè)計(jì)基礎(chǔ)以及無(wú)線通信領(lǐng)域最新進(jìn)展,不僅是高校通信專業(yè)理想教材,而且是無(wú)線工 程領(lǐng)域工程技術(shù)人員的理想指南!”  ——Roberto Padovani博士,高通公司CTo







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