
出版時間:2008-3  出版社:人民郵電出版社  作者:羅伯特·格雷戈里  頁數(shù):702  


本書全面闡述了心理測驗的歷史、原理和應(yīng)用,是業(yè)界公認的一部重要著作,也是一本被廣泛采用的優(yōu)秀教材。本書是其2007年第5版的足本影印。?  本書的目標是教給學(xué)習者有關(guān)心理測驗的特點、目標以及廣泛的影響。書中除了闡述傳統(tǒng)領(lǐng)域,還納入了神經(jīng)心理測評和老年測評、測驗的誤用及濫用、對學(xué)習不良的測評、特殊背景下的測驗、種族智商差異、成就測驗中的作弊問題等方面的內(nèi)容。作者對最新的被廣泛應(yīng)用的一些測驗進行了描述和評論,考察了測驗過程的微妙差別,對測驗智慧的價值問題進行了探索。并將特殊領(lǐng)域科學(xué)研究主題的最新成果和測驗工具的最新發(fā)展與應(yīng)用巧妙而有機地結(jié)合?! ”緯勺鳛槲覈叩仍盒P睦韺W(xué)專業(yè)雙語教學(xué)的教材,以及專業(yè)研究人員的參考書。同時,由于其很強的實踐性、應(yīng)用性,因此,它也適于政府、企事業(yè)、醫(yī)療、司法等各行各業(yè)相關(guān)專業(yè)人士作為實踐指導(dǎo)。


作者:(美國)羅伯特·格雷戈里(Robert J.Gregory)


1 Applications and Consequences of Psychological Testing   TOPIC 1A The Nature and Uses of Psychological Testing   The Consequences of Testing   Definition of a Test    Case Exhibit 1.1·True-Life Vignettes of Testing   Further Distinctions in Testing   Types of Tests   Uses of Testing   Factors Influencing the Soundness of Testing    Case Exhibit 1.2·The Impact of Nonstandard Testing   Standardized Procedures in Test Administration   Desirable Procedures of Test Administration   Influence of the Examiner   Background and Motivation of the Examinee   Summary   Key Terms and Concepts  TOPIC 1B Ethical and Social Implications of Testing   The Rationale for Professional Testing Standards   Responsibilities of Test Publishers    Case Exhibit 1.3·Ethical and Professional Quandaries in Testing   Responsibilities of Test Users    Case Exhibit 1.4·Overzealous Interpretation of the MMPI   Testing of Cultural and Linguistic Minorities   Unintended Effects of High-Stakes Testing   Reprise: Responsible Test Use   Summary   Key Terms and Concepts 2 The History of Psychological Testing  TOPIC 2A The Origins of Psychological Testing   The Importance of Testing   Rudimentary Forms of Testing in China in 2200 B.C.   Psychiatric Antecedents of Psychological Testing   Physiognomy, Phrenology, and the Psychograph   The Brass Instruments Era of Testing   Changing Conceptions of Mental Retardation in the 1800s   Influence of Binet’s Early Research on His Test   Binet and Testing for Higher Mental Processes   The Revised Scales and the Advent of IQ   Summary   Key Terms and Concepts   ……3 Norms and Reliability 4 Validity and Test Development 5 Theories and Individual Tests of Intelligence and Achievement 6 Group Tests and Controversies in Ability Testing 7 Testing Special Populations 8 Origins of Personality Testing 9 Structured Assessment of Personality and Other Qualities 10 Neuropsychological Assessment and Screening 11 Industrial, Occupational, and Forensic Assessment 12 Legal Issues and the Future of Testing APPENDIX A Major Landmarks in the History of Psychological Testing APPENDIX B Test Publisher Addresses APPENDIX C Major Tests and Their Publishers APPENDIX D Standard and Standardized-Score Equivalents of Percentile Ranks in a Normal Distribution Glossary References Name Index Subject Index 






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用戶評論 (總計5條)


  •   普通心理學(xué)愛好者是不需要的,但是心理學(xué)專業(yè)的學(xué)生確乎應(yīng)該仔細研讀,對于提升英語水平也有很大的益處
  •   經(jīng)典 就是有點臟
  •   作為專業(yè)心理測量的用書很棒~值得學(xué)習~
  •   這本書講得比較細,如果學(xué)過心理測量這門課再看這本書就比較容易懂,我們是當研究生教材用的。
  •   就是忙沒有時間看 質(zhì)量 其他還行

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