
出版時間:2007-10  出版社:人民郵電出版社  作者:卡琳  頁數(shù):557  字?jǐn)?shù):586000  


本書系統(tǒng)論述隨機過程的基本理論和方法,理論與實際應(yīng)用并重。書中主要內(nèi)容有:馬爾可夫鏈、連續(xù)時間馬爾可夫鏈、更新過程、鞅論、布朗運動、分支過程和平穩(wěn)隨機過程。本書涉及范圍十分廣泛,含有豐富的背景知識,深入淺出,不需要測度論作為預(yù)備知識。    本書可作為高等學(xué)校本科生和研究生的教材,也可作為工程技術(shù)人員的參考書。


Samuel Karlin,斯坦福大學(xué)榮休教授,國際著名的應(yīng)用概率學(xué)家,美國科學(xué)院院士,數(shù)理統(tǒng)計學(xué)會會士。1987年獲馮·諾伊曼獎。在生滅過程中計算平穩(wěn)分布的Karlin-MeGregor定理即以他的名字命名。


Chapter 1ELEMENTS OF STOCHASTIC PROCESSES 1.  Review of Basic Terminology and Properties of Random Variables and Distribution Functions 2.  Two Simple Examples of Stochastic Processes 3.  Classification of General Stochastic Processes 4.  Defining a Stochastic Process     Elementary Problems              Problems     Notes         ReferencesChapter 2MARKOV CHAINS 1.  Definitions                       2.  Examples of Markov Chains     3.  Transition Probability Matrices of a Markov Chain 4.Classification of States of a Markov Chain 5.Recurrence 6.Examples of Recurrent Markov Chains 7.More On Recurrence    Elementary Problems    Problems    Notes    ReferencesChapter 3THE BASIC LIMIT THEOREM 0F MARKOV CHAINS AND APPLICATl0NS 1.Discrete Renewal Equation 2.Proof of Theorem 1.1 3.Absorption Probabilities 4.Cfiteria for Recurrence 5.A Queuei~g Example 6.Another Queueing Model 7.Random Walk    Elementary Problems    Problems    Notes    RererenceChapter 4CLASSICAL EXAMPLES 0F CONTINUOUS TIME MARKOV CHAINS  1.General Pure Birth Processes and Poisson Processes  2.More about Poisson Processes  3.A Counter Model  4.Birth and Death Processes  5.Differential Equations of Birth and Death Processes  6.Examples of Birth and Death Processes  7.Birth and Death Processes with Absorbing States  8.Finite State Continuous Time Markov Chains     Elementary Problems     Problems     Notes     ReferencesChapter 5RENEWAL PROCESSESChapter 6MARTINGALESChapter 7 BROWNIAN MOTIONChapter 8BRANCHING PROCESSESChapter 9STATIONARY PROCESSESREVIEW OF MATRIX ANALYSISIndex




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  •   隨機過程眾多書中的一本寫得較好的。
  •   這兩本隨機過程的書,是經(jīng)典的著作了。買回去慢慢看,收獲不小。
  •   概率要求不高,也不需要測度的知識
  •   適合學(xué)數(shù)學(xué)的人看。等到找工作的時候,才知道這本書的好處
  •   幫人代買,據(jù)說的確是經(jīng)典
  •   書里面的字體印刷不好,看起來不舒服~!
  •   這家賣的隨機過程 封面都破破爛爛的 好像舊書一樣 我那天一共買了4本書 只有這本是破的

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