
出版時間:2007-7  出版社:人民郵電出版社  作者:楊穎慧,何方芳 編著  頁數(shù):173  字?jǐn)?shù):273000  


本書是中等職業(yè)學(xué)校計算機(jī)系列教材之一——計算機(jī)專業(yè)英語教材。全書共分8個單元。每個單元包含4篇英語課文,其內(nèi)容涉及計算機(jī)基礎(chǔ)知識、軟件和硬件、多媒體技術(shù)、計算機(jī)網(wǎng)絡(luò)以及計算機(jī)病毒等方面。每篇課文后均附有注釋、術(shù)語和提示信息以及參考譯文、練習(xí)等,每個單元后還集中介紹了基本語法知識及寫作知識。     本書適合作為中等職業(yè)學(xué)校“計算機(jī)英語”課程的教材,也可供想提高計算機(jī)專業(yè)英語水平的讀者作為自學(xué)參考書。


Unit 1 Recognize Computer   Text 1 Do You Know Them?    Text 2 Notebook Computer   Text 3 Communicate with Computer   Text 4 Simple Introduction of Installation Unit 2 Use Computer   Text 1 Guess What It is   Text 2 What does a Computer Look Like?    Text 3 Introduction of a Window   Text 4 Learning Computer Knowledge All by Yourself Unit 3 Overview of Computer   Text 1 Components of Computer   Text 2 About keyboard   Text 3 Kinds of Computers   Text 4 Generations of Electronic Computer Unit 4 Computer Networking   Text 1 Welcome to the Web   Text 2 Internet   Text 3 Hackers Are Enemy Number One on The Internet   Text 4 Local Area Network Unit 5 Multimedia   Text 1 What is Multimedia?    Text 2 What Does the Multimedia Actually Mean?    Text 3 Uses for Multimedia   Text 4 Multimedia Technology Unit 6 Computer Virus   Text 1 Computer Virus   Text 2 Virus Behavior   Text 3 How to Protect Your Data   Text 4 Number of Viruses Unit 7 Computer Software   Text 1 What is an Operating System   Text 2 Types of Operating Systems   Text 3 Setting Up Windows   Text 4 Windows 2000 Overview Unit 8 Computer Hardware   Text 1 Organization of Computer System Components   Text 2 CPU   Text 3 Motherboard   Text 4 Storage Appendix: Word List  



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