
出版時(shí)間:2007-1  出版社:人民郵電出版社  作者:杰夫·馬杜拉  頁數(shù):132  


本系列教材主要有以下幾個(gè)特點(diǎn):(1)教材種類豐富。本系列教材首批推出7本商務(wù)知識(shí)雙語教材,組成“英語專業(yè)工商管理雙語教學(xué)教材系列”,包括《管理》(Jeff Madura著)、《運(yùn)營管理與創(chuàng)新》(David Needle著)、《市場營銷》(Louis Boone & David Kurtz著)、《會(huì)計(jì)與財(cái)務(wù)管理》(Jeff Madura著)、《商業(yè)倫理與社會(huì)責(zé)任》(Jaff Madura著)以及《創(chuàng)辦新企業(yè)》(Jaff Madura著),國內(nèi)同類題材教材較少。(2)版本較新。本系列教材選摘自國外最新教材,內(nèi)容了相應(yīng)學(xué)科的最新理念和最新的真實(shí)案例。(3)內(nèi)容規(guī)范、簡潔,語言難易得當(dāng),適合雙語教學(xué)。本系列教材簡要地概述了各職能領(lǐng)域最重的要基本概念、基本原理和主要理論,在每本書后加入了這門學(xué)科的相關(guān)重要術(shù)語,并對術(shù)語的詞頭進(jìn)行了中文釋義。


Part 1 Managing Effectively  1 Levels of Management    Decision Making:Interaction among Management Layers  2 Functions of Managers    Planning     Cross Functional Teamwork:Interaction of Functions to Achieve the Strategic Plan      Organizing      Leading    Global Business:Conflicts with the Goal of a Multinational Corporation      Controlling    Global Business:Leadership Styles for Global Business      Integration of Management Functions      Use of Technology and Software to Improve Management Functions      Software to Improve Management Functions      Decision Making:Using Managerial Functions to Make Decisions  3 Managerial Skills    Conceptual Skills    Interpersonal Skills    Technical Skills    Deccision-Making Skills    Summary of Management Skills    Decision Making:Determining the Required Management Skills  4 How Managers Manage Time    Set Proper Priorities    Schedule Long Time Intervals for Large Tasks    Minimize Interruptions    Small Business Survey:How Managers Run Meetings Efficiently    Set Short-Term Goals    Delegate Some Tasks to Employees    Decision Making:How to Manage Time to Complete a Project    College Health Club:Planning at CHC    Summary    Key Terms    Review & Critical Thinking Questions    Discussion Questions    College Health club:Managing at CHC    Investing in a Business    Case:Applying Management Skills    Video Case:Managing at Caribou Coffee    Internet Applications    Dell's Secret to Success    In-Text Study GuidePart 2 Organizational Structure  5 Purpose and Types of Organizational Structure  6 Accountability in an Organizational Structure  7 Distributing Authority among the Job Positions  8 Structures That Allow More Employee Input  9 Methods of Departmentalizing TasksPart 3 Improving Productivity and QUALITY  10 Resources Used for the Production Process  11 Selecting a Site  12 Selecting the Design and Layout  13 Production Control  14 Methods to Improve Production EfficiencySummaryKey TermsReview & Critical Thinking QuestionsDiscussion QuestionsIt's Your Decision:ProductionDecisions at CHCInvesting in a BusinessCase:Selecting the Best Plant SiteVideo Case:Quality Control at CanondaleInternet ApplicationsDell's Secret to SuccessIn-Text Study GuideAnswers to In-Text Study GuideGlossary




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