
出版時間:2006-12  出版社:人民郵電  作者:[美]WalterSavitc  頁數(shù):567  字?jǐn)?shù):750000  


本書是國外高校采用率很高的Java程序設(shè)計(jì)經(jīng)典教材。書中以Java基礎(chǔ)知識為主,包括基本類型、字符串、控制流、類和方法的定義、數(shù)組、繼承等,此外,還介紹了一些編程技巧。本書使用了J2SE 5.0的最新特性,并且包含新的可選講的圖形編程內(nèi)容和貫穿全書的GUI材料。本書內(nèi)容高度協(xié)調(diào),包含自測題、編程提示和編程項(xiàng)目以及關(guān)于編程缺陷和容易出錯的程序語言特征的章節(jié)。    本書適合作為高等院校計(jì)算機(jī)專業(yè)本科生或研究生Java語言程序設(shè)計(jì)課程的教材,也適合相關(guān)技術(shù)人員參考。


Walter Savitch,加州大學(xué)圣迭戈分校退休教授。1969年于加州大學(xué)伯克利分校獲得博士學(xué)位,曾擔(dān)任加州大學(xué)圣迭戈分校計(jì)算機(jī)科學(xué)系教授和認(rèn)知科學(xué)跨學(xué)科博士項(xiàng)目主任。他在復(fù)雜性理論和并行計(jì)算模型方面做出了重要貢獻(xiàn),研究領(lǐng)域還包括形式語言理論、計(jì)算語言在等。除本書


CHAPTER 1  Introduction to Computers and Java  Objectives   Prerequisites   1.1  Computer Basics   Hardware and Memory  Programs   Programming Languages and Compilers  Java Byte-Code  Class Loader  1.2  Designing Programs  Object-Oriented Programming  Encapsulation   Polymorphism  Inheritance  If You Know Some Other Programming Language   Algorithms  Reusable Components  Testing and Debugging  1.3  A Sip of Java   History of the Java Language  Applets  A First Java Application Program   Compiling a Java Program or Class  Running a Java Program   1.4  Graphics Supplement (Optional)  Objects and Methods   A Sample Graphics Applet  Size and Positions of Figures  Drawing Arcs   Running an Applet   Chapter Summary  Answers to Self-Test Questions  Programming ProjectsCHAPTER 2  Primitive Types, Strings, and Console I/O  Objectives   Prerequisites   2.1  Primitive Types and Expressions   Variables  Java Identifiers  Primitive Types  Assignment Statements  Specialized Assignment Operators  Simple Screen Output  Simple Input  Number Constants  Assignment Compatibilities  Type Casting   Programming Tip: Initialize Variables   Arithmetic Operators  Parentheses and Precedence Rules  Case Study: Vending Machine Change   Increment and Decrement Operators  More about the Increment and Decrement Operators  2.2  The Class String  String Constants and Variables  Concatenation of Strings  Classes  String Methods  String Processing  Escape Characters  The Unicode Character Set   2.3  Keyboard and Screen I/O  Screen Output  Keyboard Input  2.4  Documentation and Style   Programming Tip: Use Meaningful Names for Variables  Documentation and Comments  Indenting  Named Constants  2.5  Graphics Supplement (Optional)   Programming Example: Style Rules Applied to a Graphics Applet   JOptionPane  Inputting Other Numeric Types   Programming Example: Change-Making Program with  Windowing I/O  Chapter Summary  Answers to Self-Test Questions   Programming ProjectsCHAPTER 3  F1ow of Contro1CHAPTER 4  Defining Classes and MethodsCHAPTER 5  More About Objects and MethodsCHAPTER 6  ArraysCHAPTER 7  Inheritance




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