
出版時間:2006-8  出版社:人民郵電  作者:克里奇  頁數(shù):79  


Best Practice is a two-level business English course designed for use by both pre-work students and those already working. It uses realistic, international contexts to train learners in the English needed for both the professional and personal sides of modern business life.    Short two-page modules get straight to the point, building up basic language quickly and efficiently.    A wide variety of business situations provide motivating contexts for low-level learners.    Separate sections on writing, vocabulary-building, and grammar allow the teacher to tailor the course to tailor the course to students' needs.    Extensive presentation and practice of telephoning language and e-mail writing tasks expressly build skills essential in today's global environment.    Available on CD or Cassette, the accompanying audio program focuses on international English, using British, American, and non-native accents.    Comprehensive teacher support materials include ExamView Pro test generating software and test bank, which allow teachers to create, customize, and correct tests quickly and easily.


Entry testMODULE1 WORLD OF WORK  1 A working day  2 I spend all my time in meetings  3 We're behind schedule  4 Are you a team player?  Extension 1-4MODULE2 THE BUSINESS OF LEISURE  5 Staying in   6 Museums and exhibitions  7 Family entertainment  8 Leisure in 2050  Extension 5-8MODULE3 DON'T OVERDO IT!  9 Getting fit  10 Asleep on the iob?  11 Dealing with stress  12 Work-life balance  Extension 9-12MODULE4 NEW PRODUCTS, NEW MARKETS  13 Low-cost airlines  14 Bright ideas  15 Consumer electronics  16 Cosmetics and pharmaceuticals  Extension 13-16MODULE5 TRAVEL AND COMMUNICATIONS  17 I'm running late  18 Are your considerate?  19 New ways of working  20 Why travel?  Extension 17-20MODULE6 GOING GLOBAL  21 Today's trends  22 Made in Cambodia  23 Tourists are everywhere  24 Eco-friendly business  Extension 21-24Answer key



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