出版時間:2005-6 出版社:人民郵電 作者:比爾·馬斯卡爾 頁數(shù):172 字數(shù):276000
Who is this book for? Business Vocabulary in Use is designed to help intermediate and upper-intermediate learners of business English improve their business vocabulary. It is for people studying English before they start work and for those already working who need English in their job. Apart from improving your business vocabulary, the book also helps you to develop the language needed for important business communication skills.
Business Vocabulary in Use, a new addition to the best selling English Cocabulary in Use titles, is suitable for intermediate and upper intermedtate level learners of business English. Primarily designed as a self-study reference and practice book it can also be used for classroom work. The book covers a wide range of business topics including Jobs, People and Organisations, Production, Marketing, Finance and the Economy and Business Culture. Business skills covered include Meetings, Negotiating and Presentations. 66 easy-to-use units: vocabulary items are presented and explained on lefthand pages with a range of practice exercises on right-hand pages. Presents and explains new words in context and shows learners how to use them. Over to you sections give learners the opportunity to put new language into practice. Contains British and American English. Includes a comprehensive, learner-friendly answer key. Full colour illustrations and photographs.
INTRODUCTIONJOBS,PEOPLE AND ORGANIZATIONS1 Work and jobs2 Ways of working3 Recruitment and selection4 Skills and pualifications5 Pay and benefits6 People and worklaces7 The career ladder8 Problems at work9 Managers,executives and directors10 Businesspeople and business leaders11 Organizations112 Organizations2PRODUCTION13 Manufactring and services14 The development process15 Innovation and invention16 Making things17 Materials and suppliers18 Business philosophiesMARKETING19 Buyers,sellers and the market20 Markets and competitors21 Marketing and market orientation22 Products and brands23 Price24 Place25 Promotion26 The Internet and e-commerceMONEY27 Sales and costs28 Profitability and unprofitability29 Getting paid30 Assets,liabilities and the balance sheet……