
出版時(shí)間:2003-8  出版社:第1版 (2003年8月1日)  作者:(美)艾倫,(美)班泊拉 著  頁數(shù):618  字?jǐn)?shù):901000  


本書以Sun認(rèn)證Java 2企業(yè)級設(shè)計(jì)師(SCEA for J2EE)認(rèn)證考試為目標(biāo),內(nèi)容涵蓋了SCEA(J2EE)核心考試的所有考試要點(diǎn),詳細(xì)介紹了參加SCEA(J2EE)的應(yīng)試者以及J2EE高級用戶所應(yīng)該掌握的技能。    本書在介紹考試要點(diǎn)時(shí)針對每個(gè)考試目標(biāo),使用了大量的插圖、表格、試驗(yàn)、測試等,使讀者在牢固掌握知識點(diǎn)的同時(shí),輕松地獲得豐富的實(shí)踐經(jīng)驗(yàn)。    本書由具有豐富SCEA(J2EE)考試經(jīng)驗(yàn)的專家編寫,是參加SCEA(J2EE)的考試人員的必備考試教材。本書也是一本學(xué)習(xí)使用和管理J2EE的很好的參考書,還可以作為一些疑難問題的速查手冊。


1 Sun Certification for Enterprise Architect  Widespread Capabilities for Application Development  Java Is the Glue That Binds the Application Development Process  Companies Increasingly Need the Internet to Compete  Challenges of Application Development for the Enterprise   Increasing Programmer Productivity   J2EE Architecture Must Respond to Consumer Demand   The Architect Must Be Able to Integrate J2EE and Legacy Systems   The J2EE Standard Promotes Competition and Choices  Design Goals of J2EE Architecture   J2EE Architects Should Strive for Service Availability   J2EE Architecture and Connectivity to Existing Data   Expanded User Definition: Customers, Employees, and Partners   Flexible User Interaction   Flexible Business Component Model  Sun Certified Enterprise Architect Distinguishes the Java Professional  General SCEA Test Preparation Tips 2 Common Architectures and Protocols  Types of Architecture   System Architecture   Reference Architecture   Flexible Reference Architecture  Architectural Design and Principles   Where Architecture Fits in Analysis, Design, and Development 28 Architectural Terminology   Abstraction   Surface Area   Boundaries   Brittleness   Capabilities, Friction, and Layering  Principles of Architecture   Layering   Tiers   Capabilities of an Architecture  Creating an Architecture Using Distributed Services and J2EE   Enterprise JavaBeans   Distributed Application Lifecycle   Iterative Development/MVC   Simplified Architecture and Development   Component-Based Application Models  J2EE APIs and Certification    J2EE Specification   J2EE Reference Implementation   Sun BluePrint Design Guidelines for J2EE  XML and J2EE   Why Use XML?   Electronic Data Exchange and E-Commerce   Electronic Data Interchange(EDI)   Enterprise Application Integration(EAI)   Software Development and XML   XML Technology and the Java Platform  Distributed Programming Services   Naming and Registration   Remote Method Invocation(RMI)   Protocols   Distributed Object Frameworks  Given an Architecture Described in Terms of Network Layout, List Benefits and Potential Weaknesses Associated with It  Exercise 2-1: Role of Architect  Exercise 2-2: Architecture Terminology  Exercise 2-3: Abstraction, Boundaries, Brittleness, and Capabilities  Exercise 2-4: Fundamentals of System Architecture  Exercise 2-5: Abstraction  √Two-Minute Drill  Q&A Self Test      Self Test Answers 3 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design 4 Applicability of J2EE Technology 5 Design Patterns 6 Legacy Connectivity 7 Enterprise JavaBeans and the EJB Container Model 8 Messaging9 Internationalization and Localization 10 Security11 Case Study: Overview of Securities Trading System 555GlossaryA About the CDIndex




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