
出版時間:2001-7  出版社:人民郵電  作者:John R.Vacca  頁數(shù):960  


本書主要內(nèi)容包括:無線寬帶網(wǎng)絡(luò)基礎(chǔ),設(shè)計無線寬帶網(wǎng)絡(luò),寬帶無線接入技術(shù),固定無線寬帶網(wǎng),無線LAN,LMDS,3G、CDMA標準,無線寬帶網(wǎng)絡(luò)管理等。   本書為從事通信工作的相關(guān)技術(shù)人員及大專院校相關(guān)專業(yè)師生。


PrefaceForewordPART 1 OVERVIEW OF WIRELESS BROADBAND NETWORKS TECHNOLOGY  Chpater 1 Wireless Broadband Networks Fundamentals  Chpater 2 Wireless Broadband Networks Platforms  Chpater 3 Services and Applications Over Wireless Broadband Networks  Chpater 4 Wireless Broadband Marketing Environment  Chpater 5 Standards for Next-Generation High-Speed Wireless Broadband ConnectivityPART 2 PLANNING AND DESIGNEING WIRELESS BROADBAND NETWORKS APPLICATIONS  Chpater 6 Planning and Designing Wireless Broadband and Satellite Applications  Chpater 7 Local Multipoint Distribution Service(LMDS)Design Technology  Chpater 8 Broadband Fixed Wireless Network Design  Chpater 9 Broadband Wireless Access Design  Chpater 10 Designing Millimeter-Wave Devices  Chpater 11 Wireless Broadband Services:The Designing of the Broadband Era  Chpater 12 U.S.Specific Wireless Broadband DesignPART 3 INSTALLING AND DEPLOYING WIRELESS BROADBAND NETWORKS  Chpater 13 Deploying Wireless Broadband Satellite Networks  Chpater 14 Implementing Terrestrial Fixed Wireless Broadband Networks  Chpater 15 Implementing Broadband Wireless and Satellite Applications  Chpater 16 Packet-Over-SONET/SDH Specification  Chpater 17 Wireless Broadband Access Implementation MethodsPART 4 CONFIGURING WIRELESS NETWORKS  Chpater 18 Configuring Wrieless LANs  Chpater 19 Configuring Unlicensed-Band Systems to Enhance Wireless Broadband Services in Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Services(MMDS)  Chpater 20 Configuring Wireless Broadband Satellite Networks  Chpater 21 Configuring Residential Wireless Broadband Access TechnologyPART 5 MANAGING WIRELESS NETWORKS  Chpater 22 Managing Wireless Broadband:Operations Management of LMDS Systems and Their Applications  Chpater 23 Testing Wireless Broadband Satellite Networks for Onboard Processing of Multimedia Applications and Next-Generation RF Digital Devices  Chpater 24 Troubleshooting Fixed Wireless Broadband NetworksPART 6 ADVANCED WIRELESS NETWORKS AND THE FUTURE  Chpater 25 Wireless Broadband Network Applications:Teleservice Model and Adaptive QoS Provisions  Chpater 26 Residential High-Speed Internet:Wireless Broadband  Chpater 27 Wireless Broadband Hybrids:The Next Wave  Chpater 28 Next-generation Wireless Broadband Networks  Chpater 29 Global broadband Demand Methodology and Projections  Chpater 30 Summary,Conclusions,and RecommendationsGlossaryIndex



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