出版時間:2007-9 出版社:人民交通出版社 作者:李曉霞 頁數(shù):339
“物流”一詞來自日本學(xué)者對“Physical Distribution”的直譯。由于日文的漢字與中文的歷史淵源,我國學(xué)者自20世紀(jì)80年代初直接將“物流”概念從日本引進,90年代中后期“物流”在我國得到迅速發(fā)展,逐漸形成了“物流熱”。雖然國際上早已從“Physical Distribution”發(fā)展到“Logistics”(國內(nèi)常譯為現(xiàn)代物流),然而我國“物流”一詞直接引用至今。目前,物流已不是一個簡單的商業(yè)、物資、運輸、儲運等部門的問題、局部的問題、地區(qū)的問題、行業(yè)和系統(tǒng)的問題,隨著需求的多樣化、經(jīng)濟的市場化、市場的一體化、競爭的國際化,物流的發(fā)展進入了一個較高級的階段。產(chǎn)業(yè)的科技化、信息的產(chǎn)業(yè)化、系統(tǒng)(設(shè)備)的智能化、管理的集成化賦予了物流更多的內(nèi)涵??梢哉f,物流業(yè)已逐漸成為國民經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的重要支柱,受到各國政府的普遍重視和支持?! ∥锪鲗W(xué)學(xué)科是社會科學(xué)和自然科學(xué)之間的交叉學(xué)科,也是管理科學(xué)和工程技術(shù)科學(xué)之間的交叉學(xué)科。我國物流類專業(yè)分為“物流工程”和“物流管理”,自2000年教育部批準(zhǔn)設(shè)立物流類專業(yè)以來,目前開設(shè)物流類專業(yè)的高校已達上百所,然而我國高校物流教育仍處于探索期。近年來國家及有關(guān)部門對物流高等教育非常重視,教育規(guī)模得到迅速擴大,但是如何正確處理數(shù)量與質(zhì)量的關(guān)系,把握數(shù)量與質(zhì)量辨證的統(tǒng)一是當(dāng)前及今后很長一段時間需要思考和解決的問題。編者認為,教育質(zhì)量必須放在首位,而提高教育質(zhì)量除師資隊伍建設(shè)外一個重要因子就是教材建設(shè)問題。作為物流類專業(yè)“十一五”國家級規(guī)劃教材,《物流工程專業(yè)英語》正是在這種思想的引導(dǎo)下編寫而成的。
作為普通高等教育“十一五”國家級規(guī)劃教材,《普通高等教育“十一五”國家級規(guī)劃教材:物流工程專業(yè)英語》以現(xiàn)代物流的主要功能為對象,系統(tǒng)地介紹了物流基礎(chǔ)知識、物流工程設(shè)備、物流信息系統(tǒng)、貨物運輸與存儲、物流發(fā)展趨勢以及物流案例,為讀者提供了豐富的現(xiàn)代物流、尤其是物流工程方面的專業(yè)英語知識。 本教材可作為物流工程專業(yè)本科生的教材,也可作為物流管理、交通運輸?shù)认嚓P(guān)專業(yè)的專業(yè)英語教材或教學(xué)參考書,同時可供具有一定英語基礎(chǔ)的相關(guān)技術(shù)人員參閱。
Part 1 Basic Knowledge of LogisticsUnit 1Passage A Logistics and Distribution(I)Passage B Logistics and Distribution(II)Unit 2Passage A Logistic and Transportation(I)Passage B Logistic and Transportation(II)Unit 3Passage A Logistics InterfacesPassage B Logistics ProfessionUnit 4Passage A Importance of Logistics and DistributionPassage B Structure.Industry and Education of LogisticsUnit 5Passage A Alternative FuelsPassage B Third-party LogisticsPart 2 Logistics Machines and EquipmentsUnit 6Passage A Getting a Lift from CranesPassage B Up and Away with Overhead CranesUnit 7Passage A Refresher Course Cranes for Overhead HandlingPassage B Hoisting MachinesUnit 8Passage A Automated Guided Vehicle(AGV)Passage B Elevating MachinesUnit 9Passage A Palletizers:Man vs. MachinePassage B The Light Bulb Goes OnUnit 10Passage A Containerization(I)Passage B Containerization(II)Part 3 Logistics Information SystemUnit 11Passage A Logistics Information System and E-Business(I)Passage B Logistics Information System and E-Business(II)Unit 12Passage A EB and EC(I)Passage B EB and EC(II)Unit 13Passage A Logistics in E——Commerce AgePassage B Tax Issues in Electronic CommerceUnit 14Passage A Electronic Payment SystemsPassage B Security Schemes in Electronic Payment SystemsUnit 15Passage A Supply Chain ManagementPassage B The Supply Chain and EDIPart 4 Freight Transportation ModelsUnit 16Passage A Road TransportPassage B Modes of TransportationUnit 17Passage A Rail TransportPassage B Intermodal Transportation and Transportation Market StructuresUnit 18Passage A Air TransportPassage B Ocean ShippingUnit 19Passage A The Integrated Logistics ConceptPassage B Integrated Logistics ManagementUnit 20Passage A Inventory management(I)Passage B Inventory management(II)Part 5 Recent Trends in LogisticsUnit 21Passage A ECR and The Agile Supply ChainPassage B Impediments to Third-party Logistics GrowthUnit 22Passage A BenchmarkingPassage B Benchmarking ProcessUnit 23Passage A Reverse LogisticsPassage B Fourth-party LogisticsUnit 24Passage A Global LogisticsPassage B Virtual WarehousingUnit 25Passage A Trading Using the InternetPassage B Home ShoppingPart 6 Logistics and Transportation CasesUnit 26Passage A Improving the Plant retailer Link in Auto Industry Supply Chain(I)Passage B Improving the Plant-retailer Link in Auto Industry Supply Chain(II)Unit 27Passage A Improving the Plant-retailer Link in Auto Industry Supply Chain(III)Passage B Improving the Plant-retailer Link in Auto Industry Supply Chain(IV)Unit 28Passage A Toys“R”US Japan(Case A-I)Passage B Toys“R”US Japan(Case A-II)Unit 29Passage A Toys“R”US Japan(Case B-I)Passage B Toys“R”US Japan(Case B-II)Unit 30Passage A Logistics Systems Studies(I)Passage B Logistics Systems Studies(II)AppendixA.Basic Knowledge of Business Letter WritingB.Terms of PaymentC.InsuranceD.VocabularyReferences
There are several reasons for the growth of third-party logistics over the past decade. The transportation and distribution departments of some of the major corporations have been downsizing in order to reduce operating costs. The most logical area to reduce costs is advisory functions such as operations research,followed by support functions such as transportation or warehousing. The area where companies want to strengthen by investing more is their core competency. Though it may sound like a fad it has been a reality at some of the major corporations. The other reason is from the customer side. Customers demand an exceptional service but are not willing to pay an extraordinary price for it. This requires the use of faster and frequent transportation services and flexibility in inventory levels. A third-party logistics provider will be in a position to consolidate business from several companies and offer frequent pick-ups and deliveries,whereas in house transportation cannot.