出版時間:2005-10 出版社:人民交通出版社 作者:鄧曉剛 編 頁數(shù):211
《機械制圖及習題集》本習題集與鄧曉剛主編的《機械制圖》教材配套使用。全書共分六個單元,內(nèi)容包括:機械制圖的基本知識;投影作圖;機械的基本法;常用件的規(guī)定表示法;零件圖;裝配圖。全部圖形示例及作業(yè)采用了新的國家標準?! ”玖曨}集在選編中從加強實踐環(huán)節(jié)出發(fā),廣泛匯集習題,精心篩選,繪制圖形準確,使用方便。
《機械制圖及習題集》 單元一 機械制圖的基本知識 單元二 投影作圖 單元三 機件的基本表示法 單元四 常用件的規(guī)定表示法 單元五 零件圖 單元六 裝配圖《機械制圖》
Many of the topics and concerns which preoccupy applied linguists intersect andare shaped by these aspects of the organization of interaction. The remainder of thissection will sketch several of these areas, and suggest their potential bearing on appliedlinguistic interests. Ensuing sections start from the applied linguistic end and touch onwork which has drawn on conversation analytic resources. It is worthwhile to underscore a single underlying premise of this work whichshould be relevant to applied linguists as well. People use language and concomitantforms of conduct to do things, not only to transmit inf rmation; their talk andother conducts do things, and are taken as doing things such as requesting, offering,complaining, inviting, asking, telling, correcting, and other actions which talk-in-interaction can accomplish. By "actions" we are not referring to physical actions but to somethingaccomplished through the talk, and we are referring not only to actions with familiarvernacular names like those just mentioned, but recognizable and describable actionswithout such names (such as confirming allusions). Understanding analytically whatactions are being done by some unit of talk is not accessible to casual inspection andlabeling. It requires examination of actual specimens of naturally occurring talk-in-interaction and analysis of what they are designed to accomplish by their speakers andare understood to have accomplished by their recipients, and what practices implementthat design. On the one hand, the practices of talking in interaction are grounded jointly in Idealing with the contingencies of managing to sustain talking together as an orderlyarena of action, and n the other hand, the contingencies of producing and recognizingdeterminate actions, combinations of actions and sequences of actions. For those tryingto understand a bit of talk, the key questions are: why and what is getting done byvirtue of that conduct, done that way, in just that place? This is the central issue for theparties to the talk- for its construction and understanding.
《應(yīng)用語言學導論》體系完整:全面反映應(yīng)用語言學的學科體系和學科構(gòu)架; 內(nèi)容豐富:充分展示應(yīng)用語言學的跨學科性和交叉性質(zhì); 視野開闊:及時體現(xiàn)應(yīng)用語言學的最新成果和學術(shù)動態(tài); 實踐驅(qū)動:啟發(fā)推進應(yīng)用語言學的學術(shù)素養(yǎng)和學科意識。