
出版時間:2004-8  出版社:人民交通出版社  作者:李品友  頁數(shù):320  


本書是為船舶輪機管理人員學習英語而編寫的。全書共分兩大部分:第一部分是閱讀理解,內(nèi)容涉及現(xiàn)代輪機管理業(yè)務所涵蓋的有關船舶柴油機及其工作系統(tǒng)、各種船舶輔助機械、船舶電氣自動化、機艙業(yè)務管理以及相關國際公約法規(guī)等專業(yè)文獻,每篇課文后有詞匯表、難句注釋、練習題和參考答案;第二部分是輪機英語統(tǒng)考試題注釋,對中國海事服務中心組織編審的輪機英語試題庫的試題逐一進行了注釋。此外,為了使學員學習鞏固英語基本詞法和句法,“輪機英語基礎語法”匯總了在輪機專業(yè)英語學習、考試中常見的語法,一并附于書后。    本書可作為海船輪機長、輪機員適任證書培訓學習用書,也可作為廣大輪機管理人員、大專院校輪機管理。


PART ⅠREADING CONMPRENSION  Lesson1 Brief Introduction to the Marine Diesel Engines  Lesson2 Teh4-stroke Cycle and the 2-stroke Cycle   Lesson3 Diesel Engine Construction(Ⅰ)  Lesson4 Diesel Engine Construction(Ⅱ)  Lesson5 The Fuel Pump and the Fuel Injector  Lesson6 Combustion of Fuel Oil  Lesson7 Main Diesel Engine Cooling System  Lesson8 Preparation for Srandby  Lesson9 Scavenge Fire  Lesson10 Operating Troubles and Their Remedies  Lesson11 Deck Machinery  Lesson12 Steering Gear  Lesson13 Steam Boiler  Lesson14 Oily Sater Separator  Lesson15 Oil Purifier  Lesson16 Marine Refrigeration  Lesson17 Fresh Water Generator  Lesson18 Troubleshootint centrifugal Pumps  Lesson19 AltermatorOperation  Lesson20 Switchboards  Lesson21 Oil Record book Instruction  Lesson22 Centralixed Conrtol and UMS  Lesson23 Bunkering  Lesson24 Oil Record Book Instruction  Lesson25 Makint the Rounds Before Takint Over the Watch   Lesson26 Basic Principles to be Observed in Keeping an Engineering Watch(Ⅰ)  Lesson27 Basic Principles to be Observed in Keeping an Engineering Watch(Ⅱ)  Lesson28 Inernational safety Management(Ⅰ)  Lesson29 Inernational safety Management(Ⅱ)  Lesson30 More Detailed Inspections for PSCPART ⅡNOTES TO THE EXSMINATIONS FOR MARINE ENGINEERS  Appendix Basic English Grammar for Marine Engineerw




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用戶評論 (總計4條)


  •   因為工作買的,還是挺有幫助的,用來提高自己。
  •   當海員去
  •   要想學好,得下功夫。
  •   紙張都黏在一起

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