
出版時間:2004-7  出版社:人民交通  作者:施建勇  頁數(shù):342  


教育部倡導在具備條件的高等院校中進行雙語教學,許多院校都做了有益的探索和嘗試。有些院校直接采用外文原版書進行教學,反饋意見各不相同。由于我國土木工程專業(yè)高等教育模式與國外存在較大差別,編制適合國內學生特點的本土英文版教材,成為國內院校的迫切需要。基于此,河海大學土木工程學院的幾位教授在國內土力學教材的基礎上,參照國外英文版圖書的編寫方式和風格,同時考慮國內學生的使用特點,精心編譯而成此書。本書共分八章:第一章 土體的物理性質和巖土工程的分類;第二章 滲流;第三章 地基中的應力;第四章 地基的壓縮和固結;第五章 土的抗剪強度;第六章 土壓力理論;第七章 邊坡穩(wěn)定分析;第八章 地基承載力。每章后均附有習題、符號說明和部分專業(yè)英語詞匯的漢譯,供學生在使用本書時練習、參照?! ”緯晒└叩葘W校土木工程專業(yè)及相關專業(yè)在開設土力學雙語教學課程時使用。


CHAFFER 1  PHYSICAL PROPERTIES AND ENGINEERING CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL 1.1  Formation of Soil 1.2  Components of Soil    1.2.1  Solid Phase    1.2.2  Liquid Phase    1.2.3  Vapor Phase  1.3  Soil Fabric    1.3.1  Interaction between Soil Particles    1.3.2  Soil Fabric  1.4  Physical Features and Indexes of Soii    1.4.1  Basic Physical Indexes    1.4.2  Calculated Physical Indexes    1.4.3  Conversion between Physical Indexes  1.5  Relative Density of Cohesionless Soil, Consistency of Cohesive Soil and Soil Compaction    1.5.1  Relative Density of Cohesionless Soil    1.5.2  Consistency of Cohesive Soil    1.5.3  Soil Compaction  1.6  Soil ClassificationCI-tAFFER 2  WATER FLOW THROUGH SOIL  2.1  Introduction  2.2  Driving Potential——Total Head  2.3  Darcy's Law    2.3.1  Darcy's Law    2.3.2  Validity of Darcy's Law  2.4  Determination of the Coefficient of Permeability    2.4.1  Empirical Relationships for k    2.4.2  Determination of k in the Laboratory    2.4.3  Pumping Test to Determine k in the Field    2.4.4  The Coefficient of Permeability of Soil Layers  2.5  Two-Dimensional Flow of Water through Soil and Flow Net    2.5.1  Laplace's Equation for Two-Dimensional Steady Flow    2.5.2  Flow Net  2.6  Effective Stress and Pore Water Pressure in soil    2.6.1  The Principle of Effective Stress    2.6.2  Effective Stresses due to Hydrostatic Stress Fields    2.6.3  Effects of Seepage  2.7  Seepage Force and Critical Hydraulic Gradient    2.7.1  Seepage Force    2.7.2  Heaving, Boiling, and Piping    2.7.3  Critical Hydraulic GradientCHAPTER 3  STRESSES IN SOIL  3.1  Introduction  3.2  Effective Overburden Pressure in the Ground  3.3  Contact Pressure between the Foundation and the Ground    3.3.1  Contact Pressure due to Vertical Centric Load    3.3.2  Contact Pressure due to Vertical Eccentric Load    3.3.3  Contact Pressure due to Inclined Eccentric Load  3.4  Stress Increase in the Ground    3.4.1  Stress Increase in Spatial Problems    3.4.2  Stress Increase in Plane Problems    3.4.3  Effective Overburden Pressure of Embankment and Contact Pressure between Embankment and GroundCHAPTER 4  COMPRESSION AND CONSOLIDATION OF SOIL  4.1  Introduction  4.2  Soil Compressibility Characteristics  ……CHAPTER 5  SHEAR STRENGTH OF SOILCHAPTER 6  EARTH PRESSURE ON RETAINING STRUCTURESCHAPTER 7  SLOPE STABILITYCHAPTER 8  BEARING CAPACITY OF FOUNDATIONSREEERENCES




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  •   SOIL MECHANICS(土力學)(英文版)。
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  •   里面的內容很專業(yè),能夠很好地組建自己專業(yè)英語架構,不失為花小錢辦大事的科學途徑~ 強力推薦
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  •   學習專業(yè)英語的好材料,就學習土力學而言,對本科以上的讀者,稍顯粗淺
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