
出版時間:2009-6  出版社:中國鐵道出版社  作者:耿志修  頁數(shù):539  


  The heavy-haul technologies for Datong-Qinhuangdao Railway (hereinafter as Daqin Line ) are ranked as significant achievements attained by China Railways who complies with state strategy deployment, caters  for requirements of national economy development and depends on independent innovation. This works sums up the innovation practices in heavy-haul technologies for Daqin Line, covering development overview ofheavy-haul technologies for Daqin Line, innovation in major technical equipment, upgrading of key technologies,research on train simulation, comprehensive train test, traffic organization, technical and economic evaluation,etc. and may provide reference for engineers and technical personnel engaged in research on heavy-haul technology, development of heavy-haul equipment, design and construction of heavy-haul system, as well as heavy-haul traffic organization.


Evolution History of China's Railway Heavy-haul TransportationDeveloping phasesPrimary technologies and equipmentsMain results brought about by heavy-hauling technologyRole and Significance of Heavy-haul Transportation on Datong-Qinhuangdao RailwayTechnical and Economic Analysis of Enhancing Freight Capacity of Datong-QinhuangdaRailwayCoal outward transport volume from the Three-West regionsSituation analysis of coal transportation on Datong-Qinhuangdao RailwayAnalysis of methods adopted for increasing coal transport volumeKey Technology Comparison on Operating 20,000-ton Heavy-haul Joined TrainsLoeotrol technologyECP braking technologyDemonstration for Datong-Qinhuangdao Railway to adopt Loeotrol technologyAnalysis of the Three Key Technical Issues for Operating 20,000-ton Heavy-haul Joinetrains by Adopting Locotrol DeviceCommunication reliabilityPeriodical circulation brakingTrain longitudinal impulseHeavy-haul Transport Technology SystemLocomotive TechnologySystem integration technology of SS4 DC-drive electric locomotiveHXD1 locomotiveHXD2 locomotiveHeavy-haul Vehicle TechnologyVehiclesKey technology and equipmentTechnical Platform of Communication and TransmissionData communication for network-based wireless locomotive synchronous……Adjusting distribution of minor stations on D~tong-QinhuangdaoRailwayAdjusting distribution of locomotive depots and vehicle depots onDatong-Qinhuangdao RailwayAdjusting distribution of comprehensive maintenance servicesTechnical EvaluationSystem integration innovationTechnology and equipment innovationTransport organization innovationTechnical system innovationEconomic Evaluation



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