
出版時(shí)間:2006-9  出版社:中國(guó)建工  作者:中國(guó)工程建設(shè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化協(xié)會(huì)組織  頁(yè)數(shù):246  


  《鋼結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì)規(guī)范(GB50017-2003英文版中華人民共和國(guó)國(guó)家標(biāo)準(zhǔn))》內(nèi)容為General principles,Terms and symbols,Basic design stipulations,Calculation of flexural members,Calculation of axially loaded members and members subjected to combined axial load and bending等等。


1 General principles2 Terms and symbols  2.1 Terms  2.2 Symbols3 Basic design stipulations  3.1 Design principles  3.2 Load and calculation of load effects  3.3 Material selection  3.4 Design indices  3.5 Provisions for deformation of structures and structural members4 Calculation of flexural members  4.1 Strength  4.2 Overall stability  4.3 Local stability  4.4 Calculation of built-up girder with webs taking accout of post-buckling strength5 Calculation of axially loaded members and members subjected to combined axial load and bending  5.1 Axially loaded members  5.2 Members subjected to combined axial load and bending  5.3 Effective length andallowable slenderness ratio  5.4 Local stability of compression members6 Fatigue calculation  6.1 General stipulations  6.2Fatigue calculation7 Calculation of connections  7.1 Welded connection  7.2 Fastener connection  7.3 Flange connection of built-up I-section  7.4 Beam-to-column rigid connection  7.5 Calculation of connected plates at joints  7.6 Supports8 Detailing requirements  8.1 General stipulations  8.2 Welded connection  8.3 Bolted riveted connections  8.4 Structural members  8.5 Requirements for crane girders and crane trusses  8.6 Large span roof structures  8.7 Requirements for preventing brittle fracture under low temperature  8.8 Fabrication, transportation and erection  8.9 Protection and heat insulation9 Plastic design  9.1 General stipulations  9.2 Calculation of members  9.3 Allowable slenderness ratio and detailing requirements10 Steel tubular tructures  10.1 General stipulations  10.2 Detailiing requirements  10.3 Capacity of members and joints11 Composite steel and concrete beams  11.1 General stipulations  11.2 Design of compolite beams  11.3 Calculation of shear connectors  11.4 Calculation of deflection  11.5 Detailing requirementsAppendix A Allowable deflection of structures of structural membersAppendix B Overall stability factor of beamsAppendix C Stability factor of axial compression memebersAppendix D Effective length factor for columnsAppendix E Classification of memebers and connections for fatigue calculationAppendix F Stability calculation of truss gusset plate subject to compressive force of the diagonalweb memberExplanation of wording in this Code



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