
出版時間:2005-12  出版社:中國建筑工業(yè)出版社  作者:中國工程建設(shè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化協(xié)會 譯  頁數(shù):240  譯者:中國工程建設(shè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化協(xié)會  


According to the requirements of Document JB [1997] No. 108-Ministry ofConstruction, that the"Code for the Design of Building Foundations"GBJ 7——89, has beenrevised by the China Academy of Building Research together with the Design, theInvestigation and Survey, the Construction, the Research as well as the Teaching relevantunits.In the period of revision, the code revision group carried out various studies on specifictopics, investigated and summarized the recent domestic practical experiences and acceptedthe new research results from concerned domain, meanwhile, the various ways were used bythe code revision group to solicit widespread opinions of the Design, the Investigation andSurvey, the Construction, the Research as well as the Teaching relevant units, the code wasborn out through repeated discussions, amendments and trial designs, finally, the newversion of code was decided after examination.The revised edition of the Code includes 10 chapters and 22 appendices. The mainrevised contents are as follows:The applied range and the calculated method of the ultimate limit states and theserviceability limit states in the design of building foundations are clearly difined; theprinciple of deformation controlling design has been emphasized, satisfying the requirementsfor the serviceability function of building; the classification for rocks and the classificationfor the frost heaving of soils are detailed; the calculated methods for the ground deformationand the resilient deformation of limited compressive stratum are added; the design meth~xt ofrock slope retainer is added; the design method of compound ground is added; the designmethod for raft foundation of tall buildings is added; the design method for the settlement ofpile foundation is added; the design method for foundation pit works is added; the contentsof inspection and monitoring for the ground, foundation are added. The stipulations fordesign of shell foundation have been abolished.


  According to the requirements of Document JB [1997] No. 108-Ministry ofConstruction, that the"Code for the Design of Building Foundations"GBJ 7——89, has beenrevised by the China Academy of Building Research together with the Design, theInvestigation and Survey, the Construction, the Research as well as the Teaching relevantunits.


1 General Principles2 Terms and Symbols2.1 Terms2.2 Main Symbols3 Fundamental Stipulations4 Classification of Geotechnical Rocks, Soils and Their Engineering Property Indexes4.1 Classification of Rocks, Soils4.2 Engineering Property Indexes5 Calculation of Ground5.1 Embedded Depth of Foundation5.2 Calculation of Load-bearing Capacity5.3 Calculation of Deformation5.4 Calculation of Stability6 Ground in Mountaineous Region6.1 General Stipulations6.2 Soil-rock Composite Ground6.3 Compacted Fill Ground6.4 Landslide Prevention6.5 Karst and Earth Cave6.6 Soil Side Slope and Gravity Retaining Wall6.7 Rock Side Slope and Rock Anchored Bolt Retaining Wall7 Feeble Ground7.1 General Stipulations7.2 Utilization and Treatment7.3 Architectural Measures7.4 Structural Measures7.5 Large Area Ground Surface Load8 Foundations8.1 Unreinforced Spread Foundation8.2 Spread Foundation8.3 Strip Footing under Columns8.4 Raft Foundation for Tall Buildings8.5 Pile Foundation8.6 Rock Anchored Bolt Foundation9 Foundation Pit Engineering9.1 General Stipulations9.2 Design Calculation9.3 Underground Diaphragm Wall and Top-down Construction Method10 Verification and Monitoring10.1 Verification10.2 MonitoringAppendix A Division of the Hardness Degree of Rocks and the Completenes Degree of Rock MassesAppendix B Field-distinction of Broken Stone SoilAppendix C Main Points of Shallow Stratum Plate-loading TestAppendix D Main Points of Deep Stratum Plate-loading TestAppendix E Characteristic Value of Shear Strength Indexes c, 9Appendix F Map for the Standard Frozen Depth Lines of Seasonal Frozen Soil in ChinaAppendix G Classification for the Frost Heaving Property of Ground Soil and the Maximum Depth of Allowable Remainder Frozen Soil Stratum under Foundation Base of BuildingsAppendix H Main Points for Loading Test of Rock GroundAppendix J Main Points for Uniaxial Compression Strength Test of RockAppendix K Coefficient of Additional Stress a and Coefficient of Average Additional Stress aAppendix L Coefficient of Active Earth Pressure ka for Retaining WallAppendix M Main Points for Pull-out Resistant Test of Rock Anchored BoltAppendix N Calculation for Additional Settlement Amount of Ground under the Action of Large Area Ground Surface LoadAppendix P Calculating Formulae for the Perimeter of Critical Section and the Polar Moment of Inertia for Punching ShearAppendix Q Main Points for Vertical Static Loading Test of Single PileAppendix R Calculation for Final Settlement of Pile FoundationAppendix S Sectional Width for Inclined Section Subjected to Shear of the Stepped Capping and the Cone CappingAppendix T Main Points for Calculation of the Pile-type, the Wall-type Cantilevered Retaining StructuresAppendix U Main Points for Calculation of the Pile-type, the Wall-type Anchor Bracing Retaining StructuresAppendix V Checking Computation for the Stability of Swelling Resistant of Foundation Pit BaseAppendix W Checking Computation for the Stability of Seepage Flow Resistant of Foundation Pit BaseAppendix X Main Points for Soil Stratum Anchored Bolt TestExplanation of Wording in This Code


插圖:7.1.1 The feeble grounds denote the grounds, which are consisted mainly of mud, muddysoil, alluvial filled soil, miscellaneous filled soil or other soil strata with highcompressibility. When within the local range of building's ground exists the highcompressibility soil stratum, that shall be considered as the local feeble soil stratum.7.1.2  When in the field survey, the uniformity, composition, distributing range andproperties for soil of the feeble soil strata shall be ascertained. The condition of drainageconsolidation shall also be understood for the alluvial filled soil. The fundamental factorssuch as the history of piled up, the stability, collapsibility under self-weight etc. shall beascertained and definited for the miscellaneous filled soil.7.1.3 When in the design, the interaction of upper structure and ground shall be takeninto account. The comprehensive analysis shall be earned out concerning with theconfiguration of buildings, the loading conditions, the type of structures and the geologicalconditions to determine the reasonable architectural measures, structural measures and thetreatment method of grounds.7.1.4 When in the construction stage, the attention for the protection of bottom surfaceof mud or muddy soil foundation trench shall be paid to reduce the disturbance duringconstruction. For buildings with comparatively large difference in loadings, hence, theheavy, high parts may be built first, then the light, lower parts may be followed.7.1.5 The structures or the group structures (such as silos, oil tanks etc. ) with compa-ratively large variable loads, their loading velocity shall be controlled and their time intervalof loadings shall be grasped, according to their settlement conditions at the early servicetime, or adjusting the distribution of variable loads to avoid the excessive tilting.


《中華人民共和國國家標(biāo)準(zhǔn):建筑地基基礎(chǔ)設(shè)計規(guī)范(GB 50007-2002)(英文版)》是由中國建筑工業(yè)出版社出版的。



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