
出版時間:2005-12  出版社:建筑工業(yè)出版社  作者:蔡君  頁數(shù):292  


  隨著我國高等院校雙語化教學(xué)趨勢的發(fā)展,為園林專業(yè)師生提供一本語言規(guī)范、題材廣泛、覆蓋園林專業(yè)課程的主要內(nèi)容、語言難易程度切合學(xué)生實際水平的專業(yè)英語教材,已經(jīng)成為一種需要?! ”窘滩闹饕x材于美國相關(guān)大學(xué)園林專業(yè)本科課程——園林概論(Introduction to Landscape Architecture)所列主要教材和參考書目。作者選擇了一部分20世紀(jì)60-80年代美國經(jīng)典園林教材的內(nèi)容,同時也注意選錄一些90年代以后比較有影響的園林專業(yè)著述的部分章節(jié),以延長時效,增加教材的時代感和新鮮活力?;谡J(rèn)識邏輯以及便利教學(xué)的考慮,本書按照園林概述、園林歷史、園林設(shè)計要素及方法、20世紀(jì)園林實踐的順序來編排。在語言的難易程度上,課文語言更規(guī)范,更易理解,而閱讀材料(Rading:Material)主要收入一些與課文相關(guān)的文章,有些更具個人觀點,是課程的拓展部分,以加深學(xué)生對一些專業(yè)理論、觀點的全面理解。  本教材旨在幫助讀者提高園林專業(yè)英語文獻(xiàn)的閱讀理解能力,同時改善專業(yè)英語的翻譯(英一漢,漢一英)、寫作、交流能力。另外,通過對本教材的學(xué)習(xí)和閱讀,也能夠提高園林專業(yè)人員理解及鑒賞不同文化背景之下園林發(fā)展的歷史脈絡(luò),同時將這種理解轉(zhuǎn)化為有效的交流和互動,從而增強(qiáng)園林規(guī)劃及設(shè)計能力?! ”窘滩目勺鳛閳@林、城市規(guī)劃及其相關(guān)專業(yè)本科生和研究生的專業(yè)英語教材,也可供上述相關(guān)專業(yè)的教師、科研人員和設(shè)計人員參考?! ”窘滩牡目蚣芎退夭乃鸭饕刹叹瓿?,并且具體負(fù)責(zé)第1課、第3課至第9課以及第14課的課文及閱讀材料、第18課閱讀材料的編輯整理工作;張文英主要負(fù)責(zé)第10課、第11課以及第13課閱讀材料的選材工作,并具體負(fù)責(zé)第2課、第10課至第13課、第15課至第18課的課文及閱讀材料的編輯整理工作?! 「兄x北京林業(yè)大學(xué)園林學(xué)院李雄教授在百忙之中對本書進(jìn)行了認(rèn)真審校,并提出了中肯的建議?! ¤b于作者視野和學(xué)術(shù)能力的局限,在文章選材和編排等方面存在的不足之處,懇請讀者和使用者批評指正。








  The criteria of functional performance and ecological fitness can be judged with a grea- ter degree of objectivity than aesthetic value. That is, there is more likely to be disagree-ment on aesthetic criteria because opinions about what is visually appropriate and attractive vary enormously. This is the case not only when we consider different peoples opinions,but one person~~s taste may vary markedly during their lifetime or even from day to day ac-cording to their mood. When assessing the aesthetic success of a planting scheme the desig-ner should certainly ask "Do I like it?" and, if so, "Why?" or, if not, "Why not?" Butif we are to give full and systematic answers to the questions of aesthetics we need to de-velop an understanding of the aesthetic characteristics of plants and the effects of thesewhen they are combined in planting composition.  In addition to a personal analysis of the aesthetics of planting it is essential for the de-signer to ask "Does the client like it?" (that is, does it satisfy the person or persons com-missioning the work?)and "Do the users like it?" The taste of the client and other users ofa landscape may be different from that of a trained designer and it is essefltial to under-stand and provide for their various preferences and needs. As designers we may have astrongly individual style and firm opinions about aesthetics but if we do not achieve plant-ing which is appreciated and enjoyed by the client and the users we are simply not doingour job.




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