
出版時(shí)間:2012-9  出版社:機(jī)械工業(yè)出版社  作者:李叢森,張婷婷 主編  頁(yè)數(shù):310  字?jǐn)?shù):329000  




Unit 1 社會(huì)萬(wàn)象News1提醒手機(jī)用戶的新協(xié)議
A New Deal to Warn Cell Phone Use
Raise Money for Charities
News 3新的食物盤(pán)
New Food Plate
News 4雞蛋召回事件
Egg Recall
News 5 燃料標(biāo)準(zhǔn)
Fuel Standards
News 6兒童肥胖癥
Childhood Obesity
News 7新的藥物戰(zhàn)略
New Drug Strategy
News 8瘦一點(diǎn),少花錢(qián)?
Weigh Less, Pay Less·
News 9 基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施計(jì)劃
Infrastructure Plan
News 10隱私擔(dān)憂
Privacy Concer
News 11 交通死亡數(shù)創(chuàng)60年新低
Traffic Deaths at 60?Year Low
News 12水果和蔬菜
Fruits and Veggies News 13書(shū)法獎(jiǎng)
Penmahip Award
Earth Day
News 15亞利桑那槍擊事件
Arizona Shooting
Unit 2 國(guó)際動(dòng)態(tài)News16英國(guó)選舉
UK Electio
News 17尼日利亞暴力事件
Nigeria Violence
News 18王室婚禮
Royal Wedding
News 19利比亞內(nèi)戰(zhàn)
Libya Civil War
News 20日本危機(jī)
Crisis in Japan
News 21歐元峰會(huì)
Euro Meeting
News 22耶路撒冷爆炸事件
Jerusalem Explosion
News 23緊急狀態(tài)
State of Emergency
News 24 聯(lián)合國(guó)大會(huì)年度聚首
Annual Meeting of the UN Assembly
News 25加泰羅尼亞不再允許斗牛
No Longer Bullfighting in Catalonia
News 26哀悼日
Day of Mourning
News 27聯(lián)合國(guó)大會(huì)
U.N.General Assembly
News 28突尼斯的抗議活動(dòng)
Protests in Tunisia
Somalia Is Facing with a Health Crisis
News 30女王訪問(wèn)愛(ài)爾蘭
Queen Visits Ireland
Unit 3 政壇要聞
Who's Running·
News 32國(guó)防部的人員變動(dòng)
Defee Dept. Shift
News 33CPAC測(cè)驗(yàn)民意投票
CPAC Straw Poll
News 34茶葉黨集會(huì)
Tea Party Rally
News 35新的國(guó)會(huì)會(huì)議
New Congress Convenes
News 36議長(zhǎng)換屆
Speaker Change
News 37“思樂(lè)冰”峰會(huì)
Slurpee Summit
News 38聯(lián)邦工資凍結(jié)了嗎·
Federal Wage Freeze·
News 39中期選舉
Midterm Electio
News 40總統(tǒng)預(yù)選
News 41茶葉黨代表大會(huì)
Tea Party Convention
News 42自由勛章
Medal of Freedom
News 43新州長(zhǎng)走馬上任
New Governo
News 44國(guó)情咨文演講預(yù)演
State of the Union Preview
News 45又見(jiàn)在國(guó)會(huì)
On Capitol Hill
Unit 4 金融財(cái)經(jīng)
Unemployment Report
News 47AT&T.移動(dòng)公司
News 48航空公司收購(gòu)
Airline Acquisition
News 49諾貝爾經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)獎(jiǎng)
Nobel Prize for Economics
News 50 減少?lài)?guó)家負(fù)債的計(jì)劃
Plan to Reduce the Country's Debt
News 51消費(fèi)者信心
Coumer Confidence
News 52通用經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商
GM Dealehips
News 53美國(guó)中產(chǎn)階級(jí)
U.S. Middle Class
News 54 油價(jià)猛漲
Jump in Gas Prices
News 55赤字計(jì)劃
Deficit Plan
News 56科技產(chǎn)業(yè)交易
Tech Industry Deal
News 57美國(guó)貧困人口增加
Poverty on the Rise in America
News 58經(jīng)濟(jì)問(wèn)題
Economic Concer
News 59標(biāo)準(zhǔn)普爾500指數(shù)跌入熊市
S&P 500 into Bear Market Territory
News 60 鮑德斯公司破產(chǎn)
Borde Bankrupt
Unit 5 法制時(shí)空
News61 食品安全法案
Food Safety Bill
News 62《夢(mèng)想法案》
News 63擬議勞動(dòng)法案
Proposed Labor Bill
News 64使婦女獲得選舉權(quán)
Gave Women the Right to Vote
News 65食品及藥物管理局警告標(biāo)志訴訟事件
FDA Warning Label Lawsuit
News 66 行人發(fā)短信被禁止了嗎?
Pedestrian Texting Ban·
News 67 撤銷(xiāo)醫(yī)療保?。?br /> Health Care Repeal·
News 68 修正案
News 69 就業(yè)法案
Jobs Bill
News 70 快餐玩具禁令
Fast Food Toy Ban
News 71 小型企業(yè)法案
Small Business Bill
News 72“安靜”法案
News 73 日光浴床禁令
Ban on Tanning Beds
News 74 視頻游戲訴訟案
Video Game Court Case
News 75 對(duì)駕駛征稅?
Tax on Driving·
Unit 6 軍事熱點(diǎn)
News76 舊金山艦隊(duì)周圓滿落下帷幕
San Francisco's Fleet Week Wrapped Up
News 77 今年8月美軍在阿富汗傷亡慘重
A Tragic Month in the Afghanistan Conflict
News 78 美國(guó)海軍為“邁克爾·墨菲”號(hào)驅(qū)逐艦舉行命名儀式
Navy Ship Named after Fallen SEAL.Michael Murphy
News 79 奧巴馬向美墨邊境增派1200名士兵
Obama to Send 1,200 Additional Troops to U.S.Mexico Border
News 80 奧巴馬與顧問(wèn)討論阿富汗和巴基斯坦局勢(shì)Obama Meets with
National Security Team on Afghanistan and Pakistan
News 81 伊朗無(wú)人機(jī)亮相
Iran's Drone Unveiled
News 82 伊朗核問(wèn)題六國(guó)會(huì)談瑞士舉行
Iran's Nuclear Program Talks Starts in Switzerland
News 83 伊拉克頻發(fā)暴力事件 致48人死亡
48 Killed as Wave of Violence Rolls across Iraq
News 84 美國(guó)將啟用新版反恐警報(bào)系統(tǒng)
New Terrorism Alert System Goes into Effect
News 85美最后一戰(zhàn)老兵去世享年110歲
Last WWI Veteran Passed Away at Age of 110
News 86美國(guó)外交家霍爾布魯克逝世
U.S. Diplomat Richard Holbrooke Dies
News 87 40年來(lái)首位在世榮譽(yù)勛章榮獲者白宮授勛Medal of Honor:
Fit Living Recipient in 40 yea Honored at White House
News 88 美俄簽署削減戰(zhàn)略武器條約
Russia and U.S. Sign START Treaty
News 89美國(guó)防部長(zhǎng)蓋茨訪問(wèn)阿富汗
Gates Visits Afghanistan
News 90 利比亞政治暴動(dòng)變戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)
Uprising Has Turned into Warfare in Libya
Unit 7 科技在線
News91 加州現(xiàn)300萬(wàn)年前古鯨化石
3.Million.Year.Old Whale Fossil Unearthed in California
News 92轉(zhuǎn)基因三文魚(yú)有望登上美國(guó)人餐桌
Genetically Altered Salmon Move Closer to Your Table
News 93 科學(xué)家發(fā)現(xiàn)“宜居”類(lèi)地球行星
Found: New Planet Gliese 581g Is Habitable like Earth
News 94 美國(guó)首例胚胎干細(xì)胞人體臨床實(shí)驗(yàn)
Fit Stem Cell Treatment for Human Administered in U.S.
News 95全球五分之一的脊椎動(dòng)物瀕臨滅絕
One.fifth of World?s Vertebrates at Risk of Extinction
News 96人機(jī)大戰(zhàn):超級(jí)計(jì)算機(jī)“沃森”挑戰(zhàn)智賽高人
Man vs. Machine: Watson Challenge Two All?time Winne
News 97常聽(tīng)音樂(lè)致使青少年抑郁
Music.Loving Tee More Likely to Be Depressed
News 98日本地震與海嘯福島核電站泄漏
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Nuclear Power Plant Leak
News 99 歐洲大型強(qiáng)子對(duì)撞機(jī)實(shí)驗(yàn)有新突破
New Breakthrough at Large Hadron Collider
News 100 美國(guó)為何多發(fā)龍卷風(fēng)?
Why So Many Tornadoes·
News 101 亞特蘭蒂斯號(hào)最后一次升空發(fā)射
Space Shuttle Atlantis?s Last Launch
News 102世衛(wèi)組織稱(chēng)手機(jī)輻射致癌
WHO Verdict on Cell Phones & Cancer
News 103 太陽(yáng)動(dòng)力學(xué)天文臺(tái)發(fā)回超清太陽(yáng)圖片
SDO Sent Back Some Very Detailed Images
News 104 三聯(lián)疫苗引發(fā)自閉癥之爭(zhēng)
Does the MMR Vaccine Cause Autism·
News 105能量飲料提神過(guò)頭藏危害
The Hidden Risk of Energy Drink
Unit 8 天災(zāi)人禍
Katrina Left Huge Damage in America
News 107新西蘭基督城又遭地震
Quake Hits New Zealand?s Christchurch Again
News 108日本災(zāi)后兩個(gè)月情況報(bào)道
Japan: Two Months Later
News 109 美國(guó)風(fēng)暴專(zhuān)家預(yù)測(cè)今年大西洋將形成9個(gè)颶風(fēng)
Scientists Forecast Nine Atlantic Hurricanes
News 110得克薩斯森林火災(zāi) 百萬(wàn)英畝良田遭焚
Texas Wildfires: Million Acres Burned
News 111美國(guó)中西部遭遇罕見(jiàn)龍卷風(fēng)
Severe Weather Hits U.S. Mid.section
News 112龍卷風(fēng)肆虐美國(guó)馬薩諸塞州致4人死亡
Rare Tornadoes Hit Massachusetts: 4 Dead
News 113颶風(fēng)“艾琳”余波未消
The Aftermath of Irene
News 114巴基斯坦慘遭暴雨、洪水襲擊
Heavy Rai and Flooding Hit Pakistan
News 115中美洲多國(guó)持續(xù)強(qiáng)降雨
Heavy Rai and Floods Hit Five Countries
News 116泰國(guó)慘遇50年來(lái)最強(qiáng)洪災(zāi)
The Wot Flooding in Thailand 
News 117巴西洪水泥石流致數(shù)百人罹難Brazil Floodwate
and Landslides Leave Hundreds of People Dead
News 118熱帶風(fēng)暴“阿加莎”登陸 危地馬拉現(xiàn)天坑
Tropical Storm Agatha Blows a Sinkhole in Guatemala
News 119墨西哥滑坡 300房屋遭埋
Landslide in Mexico Buries 300 Homes
News 120印尼火山再度噴發(fā)
Indonesia Volcano Erupts Again
Unit 9 體育娛樂(lè)
News121NBA勞資談判若敗 常規(guī)賽將取消NBA Labor Talks Break
Down: the Regular Season Could Be in Jeopardy
News 122 佛羅里達(dá)一校區(qū)將擬運(yùn)動(dòng)員罰金
A School District in Florida Will Slap Fines for Athletes
News 123運(yùn)動(dòng)基因檢測(cè)系統(tǒng)面世
Sports Gene Test Is Available
News 124美洲杯帆船賽寶馬甲骨文隊(duì)奪冠
BMW Oracle Wi America's Cup
News 125 NFL勞資糾紛:停擺或影響下季比賽
NFL Labor Fight: Next Season Might Be Cancelled
News 126觸地得分祈禱引判罰
Touchdown Celebration Costs Ronnie a Flag
News 127凱姆·牛頓盡管丑聞纏身仍獲海斯曼
Cam Newton Wi Heisman Trophy despite Scandal
News 128紐約馬拉松賽 埃塞俄比亞新手奪冠
An Ethiopian Man Wi NYC Marathon
News 129國(guó)會(huì)召開(kāi)腦震蕩聽(tīng)證會(huì)
Concussion Hearing in Congress
News 130 NCAA摔跤賽冠軍 獨(dú)腿英雄安東尼·羅伯斯
One.legged Wrestler Wi NCAA Champiohip
News 131美國(guó)疾病控制中心發(fā)表喪尸求生方案
CDC Launches Walking Dead Survival Guide
News 132改編馬克·吐溫經(jīng)典著作引爭(zhēng)議
Changing Twain Arouses Controvey
Calif. Law Ba Sale of Violent Video Games to Kids
News 134鄉(xiāng)村樂(lè)老劇院重新開(kāi)張
Grand Ole Opry House Reope
News 135高中生作曲家交響樂(lè)首演面世Austin Symphony to Premiere
Work by Local High School Student Composer
Unit 10 校園教育News136校園視頻廣告引爭(zhēng)議
Ads in School Generate Debate
News 137佐治亞州教師討論草書(shū)應(yīng)為常設(shè)課程
Teache Debate Keeping Cuive in Curriculum
News 138奧巴馬建立校園午餐新標(biāo)準(zhǔn)
Obama Sets New Rules for School Lunches
News 139更多美國(guó)大學(xué)生選修非英語(yǔ)語(yǔ)言課程
More College Students Learn Foreign Language
News 140 英國(guó)大學(xué)學(xué)費(fèi)暴漲 數(shù)萬(wàn)學(xué)生示威游行
UK Students Protests agait Rising Tuition Fees
News 141美國(guó)經(jīng)濟(jì)衰退 高校學(xué)費(fèi)漲價(jià) American Economic Recession
Causes the Raise of College Tuition
News 142奧巴馬發(fā)表演說(shuō)聚焦校園欺辱事件
President Obama Addresses School Bullying
News 143奧巴馬出臺(tái)教育新政
Obama Proposes New Education Program
News 144奧巴馬出臺(tái)教育新計(jì)劃 推動(dòng)數(shù)學(xué)與科學(xué)發(fā)展Obama Launches
New Education Policy to Initiate: Math and Science
News 145美國(guó)學(xué)校囊中羞澀 每周只上4天課
School Budget Cuts: Shorter School Weeks
News 146美國(guó)擬出臺(tái)統(tǒng)一教學(xué)新標(biāo)準(zhǔn)
Push Is ON for National Academic Standards
News 147得州學(xué)生搗蛋或遭法庭傳票
Misdemeanor Students Obtain Ticketing in Texas
News 148華盛頓州學(xué)校開(kāi)展“拔掉電源”社會(huì)實(shí)驗(yàn)Shoreline Social
Experiment: Students Pledge to Unplug from Social Media in
Washington State
News 149奧巴馬擴(kuò)展社區(qū)大學(xué)計(jì)劃揭曉
Obama's Community College Plan Unveiled
News 150 奧巴馬出臺(tái)教育新政 資助學(xué)校改革
Obama's New Plan to Fund School Reform



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