
出版時(shí)間:2011-10  出版社:機(jī)械工業(yè)出版社  作者:(荷))Andrew S. Tanenbaum,(美)David J. Wetherall  頁數(shù):949  


   PREFACE   This book is now in its fifth edition. Each edition has corresponded to a different phase in the way computer networks were used. When the first edition appearedin 1980, networks were an academic curiosity. When the second edition appeared in 1988, networks were used by universities and large businesses. When the third edition appeared in 1996, computer networks, especially the Internet, had become a daily reality for millions of people. By the fourth edition, in 2003, wireless networks and mobile computers had become commonplace for accessing the Web and the Internet. Now, in the fifth edition, networks are about content distribution(especially videos using CDNs and peer-to-peer networks) and mobile phones are small computers on the Internet.   Among the many changes in this book, the most important one is the addition f Prof. David J. Wetheall as a co-author. David brings a rich background in networking,having cut his teeth designing metropolitan-area networks more than 20years ago. He has worked with the Internet and wireless networks ever since and is a professor at the University of Washington, where he has been teaching and doing research on computer networks and related topics for the past decade.   Of course, the book also has many changes to keep up with the: ever-changing world of computer networks. Among these are revised and new material on Wireless networks (802.12 and 802.16)   The 3G networks used by smart phones   RFID and sensor networks   Content distribution using CDNs   Peer-to-peer networks   Real-time media (from stored, streaming, and live sources)   Internet telephony (voice over IP)   Delay-tolerant networks   A more detailed chapter-by-chapter list follows.   Chapter 1 has the same introductory function as in the fourth edition, but the contents have been revised and brought up to date. The Internet, mobile phone networks, 802.11, and RFID and sensor networks are discussed as examples of computer networks. Material on the original Ethernet—with its vampire taps—has been removed, along with the material on ATM.   Chapter 2, which covers the physical layer, has expanded coverage of digital modulation (including OFDM as widely used in wireless networks) and 3G networks (based on CDMA). New technologies are discussed, including Fiber to the Home and power-line networking.   Chapter 3, on point-to-point links, has been improved in two ways. The material on codes for error detection and correction has been updated, and also includes a brief description of the modern codes that are important in practice (e.g., convolutional and LDPC codes). The examples of protocols now use Packet over SONET and ADSL. Sadly, the material on protocol verification has been removed as it is little used.   In Chapter 4, on the MAC sublayer, the principles are timeless but the technologies have changed. Sections on the example networks have been redone accordingly, including gigabit Ethernet, 802.11, 802.16, Bluetooth, and RFID.   Also updated is the coverage of LAN switching, including VLANs.   Chapter 5, on the network layer, covers the same ground as in the fourth edition.   .  The revisions have been to update material and add depth, particularly for quality of service (relevant for real-time media) and internetworking. The sections on BGP, OSPF and CIDR have been expanded, as has the treatment of multicast routing. Anycast routing is now included.   Chapter 6, on the transport layer, has had material added, revised, and removed.   New material describes delay-tolerant networking and congestion control in general. The revised material updates and expands the coverage of TCP congestion control. The material removed described connection-oriented network layers, something rarely seen any more.   Chapter 7, on applications, has also been updated and enlarged. While material on DNS and email is similar to that in the fourth edition, in the past few years there have been many developments in the use of the Web, streaming media and content delivery. Accordingly, sections on the Web and streaming media have been brought up to date. A new section covers content distribution, including CDNs and peer-to-peer networks.   Chapter 8, on security, still covers both symmetric and public-key cryptography for confidentiality and authenticity. Material on the techniques used in practice, including firewalls and VPNs, has been updated, with new material on 802.11 security and Kerberos V5 added.   Chapter 9 contains a renewed list of suggested readings and a comprehensive bibliography of over 300 citations to the current literature. More than half of these are to papers and books written in 2000 or later, and the rest are citations to classic papers.   Computer books are full of acronyms. This one is no exception. By the time you are finished reading this one, the following should ring a bell: ADSL, AES, AJAX, AODV, AP, ARP, ARQ, AS, BGP, BOC, CDMA, CDN, CGI, CIDR, CRL, CSMA, CSS, DCT, DES, DHCP, DHT, DIFS, DMCA, DMT, DMZ, DNS,DOCSIS, DOM, DSLAM, DTN, FCFS, FDD, FDDI, FDM, FEC, FIFO, FSK,FTP, GPRS, GSM, HDTV, HFC, HMAC, HTTP, IAB, ICANN, ICMP, IDEA,IETF, IMAP, IMP, IP, IPTV, IRTF, ISO, ISP, ITU, JPEG, JSP, JVM, LAN,LATA, LEC, LEO, LLC, LSR, LTE, MAN, MFJ, MIME, MPEG, MPLS, MSC,MTSO, MTU, NAP, NAT, NRZ, NSAP, OFDM, OSI, OSPF, PAWS, PCM, PGP,PIM, PKI, POP, POTS, PPP, PSTN, QAM, QPSK, RED, RFC, RFID, RPC, RSA,RTSP, SHA, SIP, SMTP, SNR, SOAP, SONET, SPE, SSL, TCP, TDD, TDM,TSAP, UDP, UMTS, URL, VLAN, VSAT, WAN, WDM, and XML. But don’t worry. Each will appear in and be carefully defined before it is used. As a fun test, see how many you can identify before reading the book, write the number in the margin, then try again after reading the book.   To help instructors use this book as a text for courses ranging in length from quarters to semesters, we have structured the chapters into core and optional material.   The sections marked with a ‘‘*’’ in the table of contents are the optional ones. If a major section (e.g., 2.7) is so marked, all of its subsections are optional.   They provide material on network technologies that is useful but can be omitted from a short course without loss of continuity. Of course, students should be encouraged to read those sections as well, to the extent they have time, as all the material is up to date and of value.   The following protected instructors’ resource materials are available on the publisher’s Web site at www.pearsonhighered.com/tanenbaum. For a username and password, please contact your local Pearson representative.   Solutions manual   PowerPoint lecture slides   Resources for students are available through the open-access Companion Web site link on www.pearsonhighered.com/tanenbaum, including Web resources, links to tutorials, organizations, FAQs, and more Figures, tables, and programs from the book Steganography demo Protocol simulators   Many people helped us during the course of the fifth edition. We would especially like to thank Emmanuel Agu (Worcester Polytechnic Institute), Yoris Au (University of Texas at Antonio), Nikhil Bhargava (Aircom International, Inc.),Michael Buettner (University of Washington), John Day (Boston University),Kevin Fall (Intel Labs), Ronald Fulle (Rochester Institute of Technology), Ben Greenstein (Intel Labs), Daniel Halperin (University of Washington), Bob Kinicki (Worcester Polytechnic Institute), Tadayoshi Kohno (University of Washington),Sarvish Kulkarni (Villanova University), Hank Levy (University of Washington),Ratul Mahajan (Microsoft Research), Craig Partridge (BBN), Michael Piatek (University of Washington), Joshua Smith (Intel Labs), Neil Spring (University of Maryland), David Teneyuca (University of Texas at Antonio), Tammy VanDegrift (University of Portland), and Bo Yuan (Rochester Institute of Technology),for providing ideas and feedback. Melody Kadenko and Julie Svendsen provided administrative support to David.   Shivakant Mishra (University of Colorado at Boulder) and Paul Nagin (Chimborazo   Publishing, Inc.) thought of many new and challenging end-of-chapter problems. Our editor at Pearson, Tracy Dunkelberger, was her usual helpful self in many ways large and small. Melinda Haggerty and Jeff Holcomb did a good job of keeping things running smoothly. Steve Armstrong (LeTourneau University) prepared the PowerPoint slides. Stephen Turner (University of Michigan at Flint) artfully revised the Web resources and the simulators that accompany the text. Our copyeditor, Rachel Head, is an odd hybrid: she has the eye of an eagle and the memory of an elephant. After reading all her corrections, both of us wondered how we ever made it past third grade.   Finally, we come to the most important people. Suzanne has been through this 19 times now and still has endless patience and love. Barbara and Marvin now know the difference between good textbooks and bad ones and are always an inspiration to produce good ones. Daniel and Matilde are welcome additions to our family. Aron is unlikely to read this book soon, but he likes the nice pictures on page 884 (AST). Katrin and Lucy provided endless support and always managed to keep a smile on my face.   Thank you (DJW).   ANDREW S. TANENBAUM   DAVID J.WETHERALL




Andrew S. Tanenbaum
Karl V.
David J. Wetherall


about the authors
1 introduction
 1.1 uses of computer networks,
  1.1.1 business applications,
  1.1.2 home applications,
  1.1.3 mobile users,
  1.1.4 social issues,
 1.2 network hardware,
  1.2.1 personal area networks,
  1.2.2 local area networks,
  1.2.3 metropolitan area networks,
  1.2.4 wide area networks,
  1.2.5 internetworks,
 1.3 network software,
  1.3.1 protocol hierarchies,
  1.3.2 design issues for the layers,
  1.3.3 connection-oriented versus connectionless service,
  1.3.4 service primitives,
  1.3.5 the relationship of services to protocols,
 1.4 reference models,
  1.4.1 the osi reference model,
  1.4.2 the tcp/ip reference model,
  1.4.3 the model used in this book,
  1.4.4 a comparison of the osi and tcp/ip reference models,
  1.4.5 a critique of the osi model and protocols,
  1.4.6 a critique of the tcp/ip reference model,
 1.5 example networks,
  1.5.1 the internet,
  1.5.2 third-generation mobile phone networks,
  1.5.3 wireless lans: 802.11,
  1.5.4 rfid and sensor networks,
 1.6 network standardization,
  1.6.1 who’s who in the telecommunications world,
  1.6.2 who’s who in the international standards world,
  1.6.3 who’s who in the internet standards world,
 1.7 metric units,
 1.8 outline of the rest of the book,
 1.9 summary,
2 the physical layer
 2.1 the theoretical basis for data communication,
  2.1.1 fourier analysis,
  2.1.2 bandwidth-limited signals,
  2.1.3 the maximum data rate of a channel,
 2.2 guided transmission media,
  2.2.1 magnetic media,
  2.2.2 twisted pairs,
  2.2.3 coaxial cable,
  2.2.4 power lines,
  2.2.5 fiber optics,
 2.3 wireless transmission,
  2.3.1 the electromagnetic spectrum,
  2.3.2 radio transmission,
  2.3.3 microwave transmission,
  2.3.4 infrared transmission,
  2.3.5 light transmission,
 2.4 communication satellites,
  2.4.1 geostationary satellites,
  2.4.2 medium-earth orbit satellites,
  2.4.3 low-earth orbit satellites,
  2.4.4 satellites versus fiber,
 2.5 digital modulation and multiplexing,
  2.5.1 baseband transmission,
  2.5.2 passband transmission,
  2.5.3 frequency division multiplexing,
  2.5.4 time division multiplexing,
  2.5.5 code division multiplexing,
 2.6 the public switched telephone network,
  2.6.1 structure of the telephone system,
  2.6.2 the politics of telephones,
  2.6.3 the local loop: modems, adsl, and fiber,
  2.6.4 trunks and multiplexing,
  2.6.5 switching,
 2.7 the mobile telephone system,
  2.7.1 first-generation (1g) mobile phones: analog voice,
  2.7.2 second-generation (2g) mobile phones: digital voice,
  2.7.3 third-generation (3g) mobile phones: digital voice and
  2.8 cable television,
 2.8.1 community antenna television,
  2.8.2 internet over cable,
  2.8.3 spectrum allocation,
  2.8.4 cable modems,
  2.8.5 adsl versus cable,
 2.9 summary,
3 the data link layer
 3.1 data link layer design issues,
  3.1.1 services provided to the network layer,
  3.1.2 framing,
  3.1.3 error control,
  3.1.4 flow control,
 3.2 error detection and correction,
  3.2.1 error-correcting codes,
  3.2.2 error-detecting codes,
  3.3 elementary data link protocols,
  3.3.1 a utopian simplex protocol,
 3.3.2 a simplex stop-and-wait protocol for an error-free
  3.3.3 a simplex stop-and-wait protocol for a noisy channel,
 3.4 sliding window protocols,
  3.4.1 a one-bit sliding window protocol,
  3.4.2 a protocol using go-back-n,
  3.4.3 a protocol using selective repeat,
 3.5 example data link protocols,
  3.5.1 packet over sonet,
  3.5.2 adsl (asymmetric digital subscriber loop),
  3.6 summary,
4 the medium access control sublayer
 4.1 the channel allocation problem,
  4.1.1 static channel allocation,
  4.1.2 assumptions for dynamic channel allocation,
 4.2 multiple access protocols,
  4.2.1 aloha,
  4.2.2 carrier sense multiple access protocols,
  4.2.3 collision-free protocols,
  4.2.4 limited-contention protocols,
  4.2.5 wireless lan protocols,
 4.3 ethernet,
  4.3.1 classic ethernet physical layer,
  4.3.2 classic ethernet mac sublayer protocol,
  4.3.3 ethernet performance,
  4.3.4 switched ethernet,
  4.4.4 the 802.11 frame structure,
  4.4.5 services,
 4.5 broadband wireless,
  4.5.1 comparison of 802.16 with 802.11 and 3g,
  4.5.2 the 802.16 architecture and protocol stack,
  4.5.3 the 802.16 physical layer,
  4.5.4 the 802.16 mac sublayer protocol,
  4.5.5 the 802.16 frame structure,
 4.6 bluetooth,
  4.6.1 bluetooth architecture,
  4.6.2 bluetooth applications,
  4.6.3 the bluetooth protocol stack,
  4.6.4 the bluetooth radio layer,
  4.6.5 the bluetooth link layers,
  4.6.6 the bluetooth frame structure,
 4.7 rfid,
  4.7.1 epc gen 2 architecture,
  4.7.2 epc gen 2 physical layer,
  4.7.3 epc gen 2 tag identification layer,
  4.7.4 tag identification message formats,
 4.8 data link layer switching,
  4.8.1 uses of bridges,
  4.8.2 learning bridges,
  4.8.3 spanning tree bridges,
  4.8.4 repeaters, hubs, bridges, switches, routers, and
  4.8.5 virtual lans,
 4.9 summary,
5 the network layer
 5.1 network layer design issues,
  5.1.1 store-and-forward packet switching,
  5.1.2 services provided to the transport layer,
  5.1.3 implementation of connectionless service,
  5.1.4 implementation of connection-oriented service,
  5.1.5 comparison of virtual-circuit and datagram networks,
 5.2 routing algorithms,
  5.2.1 the optimality principle,
  5.2.2 shortest path algorithm,
  5.2.3 flooding,
  5.2.4 distance vector routing,
  5.2.5 link state routing,
  5.2.6 hierarchical routing,
  5.2.7 broadcast routing,
  5.2.8 multicast routing,
  5.2.9 anycast routing,
  5.2.10 routing for mobile hosts,
  5.2.11 routing in ad hoc networks,
 5.3 congestion control algorithms,
  5.3.1 approaches to congestion control,
  5.3.2 traffic-aware routing,
  5.3.3 admission control,
  5.3.4 traffic throttling,
  5.3.5 load shedding,
 5.4 quality of service,
  5.4.1 application requirements,
  5.4.2 traffic shaping,
  5.4.3 packet scheduling,
  5.4.4 admission control,
  5.4.5 integrated services,
  5.4.6 differentiated services,
 5.5 internetworking,
  5.5.1 how networks differ,
  5.5.2 how networks can be connected,
  5.5.3 tunneling,
  5.5.4 internetwork routing,
  5.5.5 packet fragmentation,
 5.6 the network layer in the internet,
  5.6.1 the ip version 4 protocol,
  5.6.2 ip addresses,
  5.6.3 ip version 6,
  5.6.4 internet control protocols,
  5.6.5 label switching and mpls,
  5.6.6 ospf—an interior gateway routing protocol,
  5.6.7 bgp—the exterior gateway routing protocol,
  5.6.8 internet multicasting,
  5.6.9 mobile ip,
 5.7 summary,
6 the transport layer
 6.1 the transport service,
  6.1.1 services provided to the upper layers,
  6.1.2 transport service primitives,
  6.1.3 berkeley sockets,
  6.1.4 an example of socket programming: an internet file
 6.2 elements of transport protocols,
  6.2.1 addressing,
  6.2.2 connection establishment,
  6.2.3 connection release,
  6.2.4 error control and flow control,
  6.2.5 multiplexing,
  6.2.6 crash recovery,
 6.3 congestion control,
  6.3.1 desirable bandwidth allocation,
  6.3.2 regulating the sending rate,
  6.3.3 wireless issues,
 6.4 the internet transport protocols: udp,
  6.4.1 introduction to udp,
  6.4.2 remote procedure call,
  6.4.3 real-time transport protocols,
 6.5 the internet transport protocols: tcp,
  6.5.1 introduction to tcp,
  6.5.2 the tcp service model,
  6.5.3 the tcp protocol,
  6.5.4 the tcp segment header,
  6.5.5 tcp connection establishment,
  6.5.6 tcp connection release,
  6.5.7 tcp connection management modeling,
  6.5.8 tcp sliding window,
  6.5.9 tcp timer management,
  6.5.10 tcp congestion control,
  6.5.11 the future of tcp,
 6.6 performance issues,
  6.6.1 performance problems in computer networks,
  6.6.2 network performance measurement,
  6.6.3 host design for fast networks,
  6.6.4 fast segment processing,
  6.6.5 header compression,
  6.6.6 protocols for long fat networks,
 6.7 delay-tolerant networking,
  6.7.1 dtn architecture,
  6.7.2 the bundle protocol,
 6.8 summary,
7 the application layer
 7.1 dns—the domain name system,
  7.1.1 the dns name space,
  7.1.2 domain resource records,
  7.1.3 name servers,
 7.2 electronic mail,
  7.2.1 architecture and services,
  7.2.2 the user agent,
  7.2.3 message formats,
  7.2.4 message transfer,
  7.2.5 final delivery,
 7.3 the world wide web,
  7.3.1 architectural overview,
  7.3.2 static web pages,
  7.3.3 dynamic web pages and web applications,
  7.3.4 http—the hypertext transfer protocol,
  7.3.5 the mobile web,
  7.3.6 web search,
 7.4 streaming audio and video,
  7.4.1 digital audio,
  7.4.2 digital video,
  7.4.3 streaming stored media,
  7.4.4 streaming live media,
  7.4.5 real-time conferencing,
 7.5 content delivery,
  7.5.1 content and internet traffic,
  7.5.2 server farms and web proxies,
  7.5.3 content delivery networks,
  7.5.4 peer-to-peer networks,
 7.6 summary,
8 network security
 8.1 cryptography,
  8.1.1 introduction to cryptography,
  8.1.2 substitution ciphers,
  8.1.3 transposition ciphers,
  8.1.4 one-time pads,
  8.1.5 two fundamental cryptographic principles,
 8.2 symmetric-key algorithms,
  8.2.1 des—the data encryption standard,
  8.2.2 aes—the advanced encryption standard,
  8.2.3 cipher modes,
  8.2.4 other ciphers,
  8.2.5 cryptanalysis,
 8.3 public-key algorithms,
  8.3.1 rsa,
  8.3.2 other public-key algorithms,
 8.4 digital signatures,
  8.4.1 symmetric-key signatures,
  8.4.2 public-key signatures,
  8.4.3 message digests,
  8.4.4 the birthday attack,
 8.5 management of public keys,
  8.5.1 certificates,
  8.5.2 x.509,
  8.5.3 public key infrastructures,
 8.6 communication security,
  8.6.1 ipsec,
  8.6.2 firewalls,
  8.6.3 virtual private networks,
  8.6.4 wireless security,
 8.7 authentication protocols,
  8.7.1 authentication based on a shared secret key,
  8.7.2 establishing a shared key: the diffie-hellman key
  8.7.3 authentication using a key distribution center,
  8.7.4 authentication using kerberos,
  8.7.5 authentication using public-key cryptography,
 8.8 email security,
  8.8.1 pgp—pretty good privacy,
  8.8.2 s/mime,
 8.9 web security,
  8.9.1 threats,
  8.9.2 secure naming,
  8.9.3 ssl—the secure sockets layer,
  8.9.4 mobile code security,
 8.10 social issues,
  8.10.1 privacy,
  8.10.2 freedom of speech,
  8.10.3 copyright,
  8.11 summary,
9 reading list and bibliography
 9.1 suggestions for further reading,
  9.1.1 introduction and general works,
  9.1.2 the physical layer,
  9.1.3 the data link layer,
  9.1.4 the medium access control sublayer,
  9.1.5 the network layer,
  9.1.6 the transport layer,
  9.1.7 the application layer,
  9.1.8 network security,
 9.2 alphabetical bibliography,


版權(quán)頁:插圖:Before we start to examine the technical issues in detail, it is worth devotingsome time to pointing out why people are interested in computer networks andwhat they can be used for.After all, if nobody were interested in computer net-works,few of them would be built. We will start with traditional uses at com-panies,then move on to home networking and recent developments regardingmobile users, and finish with social issues.1.1.1 usiness Applications Most companies have a substantial number of computers. For example, acompany may have a computer for each worker and use them to design products,write brochures, and do the payroll.Initially, some of these computers may haveworked in isolation from the others, but at some point, management may havedecided to connect them to be able to distribute information throughout the com-pany.






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  •   印刷清晰,經(jīng)典教材,耐心閱讀,英文的
  •   原版和清華大學(xué)出版的譯文版同時(shí)買,對(duì)照著看,講的很細(xì)致也很豐富,難能可貴的是一點(diǎn)不枯燥~
  •   上課用的教材,很經(jīng)典的一本書。
  •   教材 很不錯(cuò),書看上去很舒服。
  •   很全面,原理講的很透徹
  •   通信專業(yè)必備的好教材,漫漫看吧。。
  •   好厚啊~跟牛津字典那么厚。學(xué)校要訂的教材,比學(xué)校訂便宜。
  •   很好的教材 老師推薦的 我是買了中文版對(duì)照著看的
  •   經(jīng)典書籍系列,作者真是厲害啊
  •   書不錯(cuò),有助于提高英語水平,希望內(nèi)容也有實(shí)際幫助
  •   絕對(duì)的最新版,與國際接軌。
  •   要比CS:APP略小,也沒想象中那么厚,邊上留白也略小。不過還是很不錯(cuò),內(nèi)容自不必多說
  •   大致翻了下,內(nèi)容比較全。
  •   內(nèi)容是全英文~ 看上去很牛~ 正在啃
  •   內(nèi)容比較多,看起來需要花一些時(shí)間。
  •   內(nèi)容還需要很長時(shí)間去啃才好評(píng)論,不過印刷和紙張看起來都很舒服的感覺。
  •   這個(gè)書要看很長時(shí)間了,留待以后再做品論
  •   經(jīng)典,權(quán)威,沒啥好說的,就是好
  •   是正版,確實(shí)是經(jīng)典,不知道多久能看完
  •   紙質(zhì)很好,經(jīng)典之作
  •   兩個(gè)字“經(jīng)典”,好好拜讀ING。
  •   在當(dāng)當(dāng)網(wǎng)上賣比原價(jià)便宜了30元。這本書大概只會(huì)上一半。里面和中文版的對(duì)比還是差別的。書的確是好書,字典不離手。大概是鄙人水平太低了。
  •   見容全面
  •   物流真是太慢了 等的人花都謝了 不過書是正版 還好
  •   真的不錯(cuò)!正版書,建議在校學(xué)生都買來讀讀。
  •   這書真厚,正版,質(zhì)量很好
  •   書是好書,奈何英語能力不行啊,看不懂,得再買本中文版的對(duì)比著讀~~~
  •   還是此英文書比較好了!
  •   書確實(shí)好厚,向同學(xué)所說,像一本牛精詞典,但其實(shí)還是要薄一些。書紙質(zhì)挺好的,英語啊~我要努力的啃。
  •   看完評(píng)論我就下決心啃完這本厚厚的枕頭! 這書確實(shí)恐怖~ 厚厚的一本,還有有心理準(zhǔn)備,而且物流也很給力
  •   這本書飛航好看
  •   1.灰常厚的一本書!
  •   挺好的一本書。。。就是太厚了,哈哈
  •   買來基本沒有看,因?yàn)橥﹄y的
  •   很厚很厚,900多頁,拿回家當(dāng)枕頭吧!
  •   買成了全英文的
  •   太厚了 ,而且全英文,有鴨梨啊
  •   書本的質(zhì)量很是可以啊啊啊啊
  •   方便、快捷、不錯(cuò)。
  •   老師規(guī)定用書
  •   全英文的,看起來比較累,末有時(shí)間啊
  •   包裝的很好。 沒有損壞。和同學(xué)一起買的。.. 買叻四本。都很好... 5顆星!
  •   學(xué)習(xí)還是要看看英文原著,成長才快。推薦。
  •   包裝很好,發(fā)貨快,紙質(zhì)和印刷質(zhì)量不錯(cuò)
  •   如果買正版的話很貴。
  •   書本還不錯(cuò),就是太厚了。。。
  •   應(yīng)該是正版,從紙張來看,比其他網(wǎng)上的便宜了20多
  •   退貨很速度。不錯(cuò)
  •   沒啥好說的,慢慢啃吧。。
  •   這次買的是原版,有一本中文版的,對(duì)照著看,還能學(xué)習(xí)英文。非常不錯(cuò)
  •   比中文版厚很多,慢慢啃吧,對(duì)學(xué)英語大有意
  •   沖著英語去的 一邊學(xué)專業(yè) 一邊練英語 考六級(jí)
  •   目前看著還好
  •   很 好 有點(diǎn)厚哦 要慢慢讀了 順便熟悉下詞匯
  •   喜歡,比謝希仁謝的好,并非崇洋媚外,嘿嘿。好好讀吧。
  •   學(xué)習(xí)計(jì)算機(jī)網(wǎng)絡(luò)必備用書
  •   網(wǎng)絡(luò)的各個(gè)方面都講到了,語言也很流暢,是很不錯(cuò)的讀物。
  •   學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)絡(luò)必看這本書。通俗易懂,覆蓋面廣。英文也不難,可以邊復(fù)習(xí)英語變學(xué)習(xí)。一舉兩得。
  •   書的表面有一層透明塑料袋包裹,具體內(nèi)容還沒看
  •   相關(guān)專業(yè)的必讀教材
  •   包裝不錯(cuò),內(nèi)容很經(jīng)典
  •   經(jīng)典中的經(jīng)典!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  •   經(jīng)典,高屋建瓴
  •   書很好,正版,價(jià)格優(yōu)惠,就是包裝不夠好,希望下次有改進(jìn)
  •   原版書還是不錯(cuò)的,要是和中文版一樣大小就好了
  •   不錯(cuò)的一本書,值得推薦,有價(jià)值!
  •   好書,正在讀,挺厚的!
  •   內(nèi)容比較多,看起來需要花一些時(shí)間
  •   怎一個(gè)貴字
  •   看評(píng)論心動(dòng),買了,準(zhǔn)備咬牙啃完。
  •   印刷沒有問題,就是紙質(zhì)感覺有點(diǎn)薄。。
  •   計(jì)算機(jī)網(wǎng)絡(luò)(英文版)
  •   書,只有長期堅(jiān)持不懈的讀,才有讓人從內(nèi)而外的改變.我堅(jiān)信這些,知識(shí)能改變?nèi)松?
  •   差不多運(yùn)來是有些破損
  •   沒答案沒答案,淘寶上還沒有第五版中英文答案賣
  •   差評(píng)!
    但是你這個(gè)邊兒上像被耗子啃了一口一樣是咋回事Σ(?д?lll) 上面還有泥的痕跡
  •   請(qǐng)以后包郵不要選小物流可以不?住在市中心,還得上門提貨,不上門提貨,得等幾天才送到。
  •   花了將近一個(gè)月,基本算是看完了~這是一本很有誠意的書,作者寫的細(xì)致簡單明了,而且絕不枯燥,時(shí)常會(huì)穿插一些小段子。比如,因?yàn)樵缙谑褂勉~纜,AT&T其實(shí)是全世界最大的銅礦;高速路雷達(dá)測速裝置對(duì)凱迪拉克汽車ABS的干擾;無線電跳頻技術(shù)實(shí)際上是一個(gè)好萊塢女星發(fā)明的~~等等這樣有趣的故事穿插其間。但是這種風(fēng)格實(shí)際上讓這個(gè)教材顯得有點(diǎn)羅嗦,如果是為了應(yīng)付考試突擊學(xué)習(xí)的話,這本書可能不如一些國內(nèi)教材合適。 書的內(nèi)容又新又全,說新是因?yàn)闀杏兄v解社交網(wǎng)絡(luò)(facebook myspace等等),也提及近場射頻通信和現(xiàn)在我不知道國內(nèi)有沒有的WiMax~ 說全是因?yàn)樽髡哌€講解了一些現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)基本不用的網(wǎng)絡(luò)協(xié)議(作者的說,人們往往能從那些已經(jīng)被拋棄的網(wǎng)絡(luò)協(xié)議中找到解決現(xiàn)在遇到的新問題的方法,所以他選了幾個(gè)可能若干年后會(huì)起死回生的協(xié)議,希望做開發(fā)的讀者知道它們的存在) 手頭上有一本謝希仁第五版計(jì)算機(jī)網(wǎng)絡(luò),里面有若干內(nèi)容和這本書是雷同的,個(gè)別例子中的數(shù)字和字母都是一模一樣?;蛟S,謝也讀過這本書吧哈哈哈~ 最后說一點(diǎn)比較遺憾的,這本書實(shí)際上是有詳細(xì)的課后習(xí)題答案的,但是需要去網(wǎng)站下載,而且還要向網(wǎng)站證明你是一名教師而不是一名準(zhǔn)備抄答案的學(xué)生。以至于像我這樣的自學(xué)黨完全無力!如果有人下到這本書的答案,求分享!
  •   這本書很經(jīng)典不用說了。我是昨天晚上訂的這本書,今天早上就到了,非???。書的質(zhì)量也不錯(cuò),紙張質(zhì)量,字體大小都比原來類似的影印版要好一些,并且是有塑料模包著的。
  •   比國內(nèi)教材實(shí)用多了,工科生值得一讀!
  •   經(jīng)典教程,無需贅述。書的印刷很好,沒有什么模糊的字跡。值得一提的是,退換貨服務(wù),原先那本中間脫膠斷裂了。亞馬遜的反應(yīng)非常迅速,第二天就發(fā)了本新的過來,值得表揚(yáng),請(qǐng)務(wù)必保持下去,莫讓支持你的顧客失望,謝謝。
  •   通俗易懂 形象生動(dòng) 內(nèi)容詳實(shí)全面塔嫩鮑姆把知識(shí)點(diǎn)和原理講解得很清楚
  •   可以,圖書質(zhì)量也挺好的

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評(píng)論、評(píng)分,PDF格式免費(fèi)下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機(jī)版
