2012年MBA、MPA、MPAcc聯(lián)考 英語閱讀理解100篇精粹

出版時間:2011-7  出版社:機械工業(yè)  作者:曹其軍 編  頁數(shù):283  


  《英語閱讀理解100篇精粹(第10版)(2012版)》根據(jù)MBA、MPA、MPAcc最新考試大綱編寫,閱讀的題型及難度與大綱完全相符。全書選用了100篇內(nèi)容豐富、題材廣泛的文章,涵蓋了經(jīng)濟、管理、科普、文化、社會和教育等領(lǐng)域?!队⒄Z閱讀理解100篇精粹 (第10版)(2012版)》側(cè)重于解題技巧,對閱讀中的各種難點進行了深入淺出的分析,使得考生易學(xué)、易懂、易掌握。《英語閱讀理解100篇精粹 (第10版)(2012版)》還增加了長難句解析,使得考生在提高閱讀水平的同時也提高了翻譯水平?!  队⒄Z閱讀理解100篇精粹(第10版)(2012版)》分為“閱讀記詞”和“閱讀解題”兩個部分,各50篇文章。“閱讀記詞”注重的是精講精練,以使考生掌握足夠的應(yīng)試技能;而“閱讀解題”則注重實戰(zhàn)性,以使考生獲得足夠的臨場經(jīng)驗。兩個部分的主要目的是力求使考生能夠在短期內(nèi)突破英語閱讀的難關(guān),并掌握翻譯技巧?!  队⒄Z閱讀理解100篇精粹(第10版)(2012版)》可作為MBA、MPA、MPAcc考生英語備考的自學(xué)輔導(dǎo)用書,也可作為MBA、MPA、MPAcc輔導(dǎo)班的授課用書。


叢書序第10版前言第一部分 閱 讀 記 詞基礎(chǔ)20篇Passage 1譯文與重點詞匯擴展Passage 2譯文與重點詞匯擴展Passage 3譯文與重點詞匯擴展Passage 4譯文與重點詞匯擴展Passage 5譯文與重點詞匯擴展Passage 6譯文與重點詞匯擴展Passage 7譯文與重點詞匯擴展Passage 8譯文與重點詞匯擴展Passage 9譯文與重點詞匯擴展Passage 10譯文與重點詞匯擴展Passage 11譯文與重點詞匯擴展Passage 12譯文與重點詞匯擴展Passage 13譯文與重點詞匯擴展Passage 14譯文與重點詞匯擴展Passage 15譯文與重點詞匯擴展Passage 16譯文與重點詞匯擴展Passage 17譯文與重點詞匯擴展Passage 18譯文與重點詞匯擴展Passage 19譯文與重點詞匯擴展Passage 20譯文與重點詞匯擴展中級30篇Passage 21參考譯文及重點詞匯長難句解析Passage 22參考譯文及重點詞匯長難句解析Passage 23參考譯文及重點詞匯長難句解析Passage 24參考譯文及重點詞匯長難句解析Passage 25參考譯文及重點詞匯長難句解析Passage 26參考譯文及重點詞匯長難句解析Passage 27參考譯文及重點詞匯長難句解析Passage 28參考譯文及重點詞匯長難句解析Passage 29參考譯文及重點詞匯長難句解析Passage 30參考譯文及重點詞匯長難句解析Passage 31參考譯文及重點詞匯長難句解析Passage 32參考譯文及重點詞匯長難句解析Passage 33參考譯文及重點詞匯長難句解析Passage 34參考譯文及重點詞匯長難句解析Passage 35參考譯文及重點詞匯長難句解析Passage 36參考譯文及重點詞匯長難句解析Passage 37參考譯文及重點詞匯長難句解析Passage 38參考譯文及重點詞匯長難句解析Passage 39參考譯文及重點詞匯長難句解析Passage 40參考譯文及重點詞匯長難句解析Passage 41參考譯文及重點詞匯長難句解析Passage 42參考譯文及重點詞匯長難句解析Passage 43參考譯文及重點詞匯長難句解析Passage 44參考譯文及重點詞匯長難句解析Passage 45參考譯文及重點詞匯長難句解析Passage 46參考譯文及重點詞匯長難句解析Passage 47參考譯文及重點詞匯……第二部分 閱讀解題


  After retirement from medical research, my wife and I built our home in a gated community surrounded by yacht clubs and golf courses on Hilton Head Island. But when I left for the other side of the island, I was traveling on unpaved roads lined with leaky cottages. The lifestyle of many of the native islanders stood in. shocking contrast to my comfortable existence.  By talking to the local folks, I discovered that the vast majority of the maids, gardeners, waitresses and construction workers who make this island work had little or no access to medical care. It seemed outrageous to me. I wondered why someone didn't do something about that. Then my father's words, which he had asked his children daily when they were young, rang in my head again: What did you do for someone today?  Even though my father had died several years before, I guess I still didn't want to disappoint him. So I started working on a solution. The island was full of retired doctors. If I could persuade them to spend a few hours a week volunteering their services, we could provide free primary health care to those so desperately in need of it. Most of the doctors I approached liked the idea, so long as they could be relicensed without troubles. It took one year and plenty of persistence, but I was able to persuade the state legislators to create a special license for doctors volunteering in not-for-profit clinics.



    2012年MBA、MPA、MPAcc聯(lián)考 英語閱讀理解100篇精粹 PDF格式下載

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