
出版時(shí)間:2011-6  出版社:機(jī)械工業(yè)出版社  作者:(美)Robert A. Stine,(美)Dean P. Foster  頁(yè)數(shù):832  




作者:(美國(guó))斯泰恩(Robert A.Stine) (美國(guó))福斯特(Dean P.Foster)斯泰恩,Robert A.Stine,于普林斯頓大學(xué)獲得博士學(xué)位。自1983年以來他一直在賓夕法尼亞大學(xué)沃頓商學(xué)院講授商務(wù)統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)課程。在任教期間,他獲得了多項(xiàng)教學(xué)獎(jiǎng),包括MBA核心教學(xué)獎(jiǎng)、David W.Hauck優(yōu)秀教學(xué)獎(jiǎng)。他的研究領(lǐng)域包括計(jì)算機(jī)軟件、時(shí)間序列分析和預(yù)測(cè)、與模型識(shí)別和選擇相關(guān)的一般問題等。福斯特,Dean P.Foster,于馬里蘭大學(xué)獲得博士學(xué)位。他曾在芝加哥大學(xué)任教,自1992年以來任教于賓夕法尼亞大學(xué)沃頓商學(xué)院。他講授的課程有商務(wù)統(tǒng)計(jì)初步、概率論與馬爾可夫鏈、統(tǒng)計(jì)計(jì)算和高等統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)等。其研究領(lǐng)域包括隨機(jī)過程的統(tǒng)計(jì)推斷、博弈論、機(jī)器學(xué)習(xí)和變量選擇。


preface iii
index of applications xvii
part onevariation
 1.1what is statistics?
 1.3how to use this book92data
 2.1data tables
 2.2categorical and numerical data
 2.3recoding and aggregation
 2.4time series
 2.5further attributes of data
 chapter summary
 3describing categorical data
 3.1looking at data
 3.2charts of categorical data
 3.3the area principle
 3.4mode and median
 chapter summary
 4describing numerical data
 4.1summaries of numerical variables
 4.2histograms and the distribution of numerical data
 4.4shape of a distribution
 chapter summary
 5association between categorical variables
 5.1contingency tables
 5.2lurking variables and simpson’s paradox
 5.3strength of association
 chapter summary
 6association between quantitative variables
 6.2association in scatterplots
 6.3measuring association
 6.4summarizing association with a line
 6.5spurious correlation
 chapter summary
 statistics in action casefinancial time series
 statistics in action caseexecutive compensation
parttwo probability
 7.1from data to probability
 7.2rules for probability
 7.3independent events
 chapter summary
 8conditional probability
 8.1from tables to probabilities
 8.2dependent events
 8.3organizing probabilities
 8.4order in conditional probabilities
 chapter summary
 9random variables
 9.1random variables
 9.2properties of random variables
 9.3properties of expected values
 9.4comparing random variables
 chapter summary
 10association between random variables
 10.1portfolios and random variables
 10.2joint probability distribution
 10.3sums of random variables
 10.4dependence between random variables
 10.5iid random variables
 10.6weighted sums
 chapter summary
 11probability models for counts
 11.1random variables for counts
 11.2binomial model
 11.3properties of binomial random variables
 11.4poisson model
 chapter summary
 12the normal probability model
 12.1normal random variable
 12.2the normal model
 12.4de partures from normality
 chapter summary
 statistics in action casemanaging financial risk
 statistics in action casemodeling sampling variation
part three inference
 13samples and surveys
 13.1two surprising properties of sampling
 13.3alternative sampling methods
 13.4checklist for surveys
 chapter summary
 14sampling variation and quality
 14.1sampling distribution of the mean
 14.2control limits
 14.3using a control chart
 14.4control charts for variation
 chapter summary
 15confidence intervals
 15.1ranges for parameters
 15.2confidence interval for the mean
 15.3interpreting confidence intervals
 15.4manipulating confidence intervals
 15.5margin of error
 chapter summary
 16statistical tests
 16.1concepts of statistical tests
 16.2testing the proportion
 16.3testing the mean
 16.4other properties of tests
 chapter summary
 17alternative approaches to inference
 17.1a confidence interval for the median
 17.3prediction intervals
 17.4proportions based on small samples
 chapter summary
 18.1data for comparisons
 18.2two-sample t-test
 18.3confidence interval for the difference
 18.4other comparisons
 chapter summary
 statistics in action caserare events
 statistics in action casetesting association
part four regression models
 19linear patterns
 19.1fitting a line to data
 19.2interpreting the fitted line
 19.3properties of residuals
 19.4explaining variation
 19.5conditions for simple regression
 chapter summary
 20curved patterns
 20.1detecting nonlinear patterns
 20.3reciprocal transformation
 20.4logarithm transformation
 chapter summary
 21the simple regression model
 21.1the simple regression model
 21.2conditions for the simple regression model
 21.3inference in regression
 21.4prediction intervals
 chapter summary
 22regression diagnostics
 22.1problem 1:changing variation
 22.2problem 2: leveraged outliers
 22.3problem 3:dependent errors and time series
 chapter summary
 23multiple regression
 23.1the multiple regression model
 23.2interpreting multiple regression
 23.3checking conditions
 23.4inference in multiple regression
 23.5steps in fitting a multiple regression
 chapter summary
 24building regression models
 24.1identifying explanatory variables
 24.3removing explanatory variables
 chapter summary
 25categorical explanatory variables
 25.1two-sample comparisons
 25.2analysis of covariance
 25.3checking conditions
 25.4interactions and inference
 25.5regression with several groups
 chapter summary
 26analysis of variance
 26.1comparing several groups
 26.2inference in anova regression models
 26.3multiple comparisons
 26.4groups of different size
 chapter summary
 27time series
 27.1decomposing a time series
 27.2regression models
 27.3checking the model
 chapter summary
statistics in action caseanalyzing experiments
statistics in action caseautomated modeling
appendix: tables
photo acknowledgmentsc-


版權(quán)頁(yè):插圖:Suddenly, the initial pricing question branches into several questions, andthe answers depend on whom you ask. There's variation among customers;customers react differently. One customer might be willing to pay $300whereas another would pay only $200. Once you recognize these differencesamong customers, how are you going to set one price? Statistics shows howto use your data——what you know about your product and your customers——to set a price that will attract business and earn a profit.  Here's another interesting question: Why does a shopper choose a particu-lar box of cereal? Modern grocers have become information-rich retailers,tracking every item purchased by each patron. That's why they give out per-sonalized shopping cards; they're paying customers with discounts in returnfor tracking purchases. Customers keep retailers off balance because theydon't buy the same things every time they shop. Did the customer buy that boxof cereal because it was conveniently positioned at the end of an aisle,because he or she had a discount coupon, or simply because a six-year-old justsaw a commercial while watching Sponge Bob? Again, variation makes thequestion hard to answer. If they find that coupons improve sales, store man-agers might decide to place more advertising in the local newspaper.Patterns and HodelsStatistics helps you answer questions by providing methods designed to han-dle variation. These methods filter out the clutter by revealing patterns. Apattern in data is a systematic, predictable feature. If customers who receivecoupons buy more cereal than customers without coupons, there's a pattern.   Patterns form one part of a statistical model. A statistical model describesthe variation in data as the combination of a pattern plus a background ofremaining, unexplained variation. The pattern in a statistical model describesthe variation that we claim to understand. The pattern tells us what we cananticipate in new data and thus goes beyond describing the data we observe.Often, an equation can summarize the pattern in a precise mathematicalform. Background variation represents variation due to factors we cannot ex-plain because we lack enough information to do so. For instance, retail salesincrease during holiday seasons. Retailers recognize this pattern and prepareby increasing inventories and hiring extra employees. It's impossible, though,for retailers to know exactly which items customers will want and how muchthey ~ spend. The pattern does not explain everything.   Good statistical models simplify reality to help us answer questions. Indeed,the word mode/once meant the blueprints, the plans, for a building. Plans answersome questions about the building. How large is the building? Where are thebathrooms? The model isn't the building, but we can learn a lot from the model.A model of an airplane in a wind tunnel provides insights about flight eventhough it doesn't mimic every detail of flight. Models of data provide answers toquestions even though those answers may not be entirely right. A famous statisti-cian, George Box, once said, "All models are wrong, but some are useful."


《商務(wù)統(tǒng)計(jì):決策與分析(英文版)》特色:?啟發(fā)性案例:每章都從一個(gè)商業(yè)案例開始,提出問題并引出該章內(nèi)容。?4M示例:4M(動(dòng)機(jī)、方法、實(shí)施、結(jié)論)的問題解決策略為學(xué)生解決商務(wù)問題提供了清晰的思路。每個(gè)4M示例都先提出一個(gè)商業(yè)問題,然后引導(dǎo)學(xué)生尋求解決該問題的最佳統(tǒng)計(jì)方法,使用統(tǒng)計(jì)軟件實(shí)現(xiàn)。并說明分析結(jié)果。?陷阱:為避免發(fā)生常見錯(cuò)誤,每章結(jié)尾處給出一些有用的提示。?軟件提示:每章都有關(guān)于運(yùn)用Excel(2003和2007)、Mi rlitab和JMP進(jìn)行計(jì)算的提示。?背后的數(shù)學(xué):在多數(shù)章節(jié)的最后,提供了一些有趣的技術(shù)細(xì)節(jié),以解釋某些重要結(jié)論,如對(duì)某個(gè)基本公式的證明或解釋。?實(shí)際的統(tǒng)計(jì)案例研究:每部分最后都包括兩個(gè)深度案例研究,這些案例使用真實(shí)數(shù)據(jù),涉及股票價(jià)格、經(jīng)理人薪酬、企業(yè)債券違約、零售額管理和過程控制等方面。




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  •   正在翻閱中。
  •   作者簡(jiǎn)介Robert Stine 于普林斯頓大學(xué)獲得博士學(xué)位。自1983年以來他一直在賓夕法尼亞大學(xué)沃頓商學(xué)院講授商務(wù)統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)課程。在任教期間,他獲得了多項(xiàng)教學(xué)獎(jiǎng),包括MBA核心教學(xué)獎(jiǎng)、David W. Hauck優(yōu)秀教學(xué)獎(jiǎng)。他的研究領(lǐng)域包括計(jì)算機(jī)軟件、時(shí)間序列分析和預(yù)測(cè)、與模型識(shí)別和選擇相關(guān)的一般問題等。Dean Foster 于馬里蘭大學(xué)獲得博士學(xué)位。他曾在芝加哥大學(xué)任教,自1992年以來任教于賓夕法尼亞大學(xué)沃頓商學(xué)院。他講授的課程有商務(wù)統(tǒng)計(jì)初步、概率論與馬爾可夫鏈、統(tǒng)計(jì)計(jì)算和高等統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)等。其研究領(lǐng)域包括隨機(jī)過程的統(tǒng)計(jì)推斷、博弈論、機(jī)器學(xué)習(xí)和變量選擇。內(nèi)容簡(jiǎn)介現(xiàn)在商業(yè)競(jìng)爭(zhēng)日益激烈,有效做出商務(wù)決策變得至關(guān)重要。本書從實(shí)際的商業(yè)問題出發(fā),詳細(xì)闡述如何利用數(shù)據(jù)進(jìn)行信息決策,并將統(tǒng)計(jì)概念與實(shí)際問題聯(lián)系起來,告訴讀者如何尋找模式從數(shù)據(jù)建立統(tǒng)計(jì)模型,以及如何提供調(diào)查結(jié)果。書中涵蓋了應(yīng)用統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)在當(dāng)代商務(wù)經(jīng)濟(jì)領(lǐng)域中幾乎所有的重要應(yīng)用,并且統(tǒng)計(jì)軟件(包括Excel、Minitab等)的使用貫穿全書。本書特色? 啟發(fā)性案例:每章都從一個(gè)商業(yè)案例開始,提出問題并引出該章內(nèi)容。? 4M示例:4M(動(dòng)機(jī)、方法、實(shí)施、結(jié)論)的問題解決策略為學(xué)生解決商務(wù)問題提供了清晰的思路。每個(gè)4M示例都...先提出一個(gè)商業(yè)問題,然后引導(dǎo)學(xué)生尋求解決該問題的最佳統(tǒng)計(jì)方法,使用統(tǒng)計(jì)軟件實(shí)現(xiàn),并說明分析結(jié)果。? 陷阱:為避免發(fā)生常見錯(cuò)誤,每章結(jié)尾處給出一些有用的提示。? 軟件提示:每章都有關(guān)于運(yùn)用Excel(2003和2007)、Minitab和JMP進(jìn)行計(jì)算的提示。? 背后的數(shù)學(xué):在多數(shù)章節(jié)的最后,提供了一些有趣的技術(shù)細(xì)節(jié),以解釋某些重要結(jié)論,如對(duì)某個(gè)基本公式的證明或解釋。? 實(shí)際的統(tǒng)計(jì)案例研究:每部分最后都包括兩個(gè)深度案例研究,這些案例使用真實(shí)數(shù)據(jù),涉及股票價(jià)格、經(jīng)理人薪酬、企業(yè)債券違約、零售額管理和過程控制等方面。隨書光盤中包括純文本、Excel、Minitab 14、Minitab 15和SPSS(PASW)格式的數(shù)據(jù)集文件以及Excel的一個(gè)統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)插件DDXL。 閱讀更多 ›
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