
出版時(shí)間:2011-4  出版社:機(jī)械工業(yè)出版社  作者:王紅紅  頁數(shù):132  字?jǐn)?shù):214000  





Module 1 Basic Knowledge of Business Letter Writing
 1.1 Functions of Business Letters
 1.2 Forms of Business Letters
  1.2.1 Full Block Form :
  1.2.2 Modified Block Form with Indented Style
  1.2.3 Modified Block Form
  1.2.4 Simplified Form
 1.3 The Structure of Business Letters
  1.3.1 Parts of a Business Letter
  1.3.2 The Ways of Writing All the Above Parts
  1.3.3 Addressing Envelopes
 1.4 Writing Principles and Language Features of Business
Module 2 Establishing Business Relations
 2.1 How to Establish Business Relations
 2.2 How to Write a Letter for Establishing Business
 2.3 Specimens of Aiming at Establishing Business
Module 3 Enquiries and Replies : -
 3.1 Guidelines for Writing Enquiry Letters
 3.2 Forms of Enquiries
 3.3 Specimens of Enquiries and Replies
Module 4 Sales Letters, Firm Offers and Counter-offers
 4. 1 Sales Letters
  4.1.1 The Purpose of Writing Sales Letters
  4.1.2 Two Functions of a Sales Letter
  4.1.3 The Principles of Writing a Sales Letter --
  4.1.4 A Specimen of a Sales Letter
 4.2 Firm Offer & Counter-offer
  4.2.1 Firm Offer and Non-finn Offer
  4.2.2 Counter-offer
  4.2.3 Specimens of Firm Offers and Counter-offers
Module 5 Orders
 5.1 Orders
  5.1.1 Format of an Order
  5.1.2 Specimen of Orders
 5.2 Acknowledgements
  5.2.1 Forms of Acknowledgements
  5.2.2 Specimens of Acknowledgements
5.3 Specimen of a Sales Contract / Confirmation or
Purchase Contract / Confirmation
Module 6 Packing
6.1 Factors Which influence the Nature of
6.2 Functions of Packing
6.3 How to Write a Letter on Packing
6.4 Specimens of Packing
Module 7 Terms of Payment
 7.1 Three Main Methods of Payment
7.2 The Time of Opening an L/C
7.3 Specimens of Letter of Credit
Module 8 Transport and Insurance
8.1 Transport
  8.1.1 writing Purpose
  8.1.2 The Structure and Content of a Letter on
  8.1.3 Specimens of Transport
8.2 Insurance
  8.2.1 Necessities of Insurance in International Trade
  8.2.2 Functions of Insurance
  8.2.3 Various Kinds of Risks
  8.2.4 The Structure and Content of a Letter on
  8.2.5 Specimens of Insurance
Module 9 Complaints and Claims
 9.1 Complaint
  9.1.1 How to Write a Complaint Letter
  9.1.2 How to Write Reply to a Complaint Letter
  9.1.3 Specimens of Complaints
9.2 Claim
  9.2.1 How to Write a Claim Letter
  9.2.2 How to Reply to Claims
  9.2.3 Specimens of Claims



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