
出版時間:2011-6  出版社:機械工業(yè)出版社  作者:(美)休D.楊//羅杰A.弗里德曼  頁數(shù):1551  




  休 D.楊(Hugh D.Young) is Emeritus Professor of Physics at
Carnegie Mellon Universityin Pittsburgh,PA.He attended Carnegie
Mellon for both undergraduate and grad-uate study and earned his
Ph.D.in fundamental particle theory under the direction 0f the late
Richard Cutkosky.He joined the faculty of Carnegie Mellon in 1956
and has also spent two years as a Visiting Professor at the
University of Califomia at Berkeley. Pro Young’S career has
centered entirely around undergraduate education.He has written
several undergraduate-level textbooks,and in 1 973 he became
aCO-authorwithFrancis Sears
andMarkZemanskyfortheirwell-knownintroduc-tory texts.witIl their
deaths,he assumed full responsibility for new editions 0fthese
books until joined by Prof.Freedman for Uiversity Physics.
Prof.Young is an enthusiastic skier,climber,and hiker.He also
served for sev.eral years as Associate Organist at St.Paul’S
Cathedral in Pittsburgh,and hasplayed numerous organ recitals in
the Pittsburgh area.Prof.Young and his wife Alice usually travel
extensively in the summer,especially in Europe and in the desert
canyon counthern of southern Utah.


1 Units,Physical Quantities,and Vectors
2 Motion Along a Straight Line
3 Motion in Two or Three Dimensions
4 Newton,s Laws of Motion
3 Applying Newton's Laws
6 Work and Kinetic Energy
7 Potential Energyand Energy Conservation
8 Momentum,Impulse,and Collisions
9 Rotation of Rigid Bodies
10 Dynamics of Rotational Motion
11 Equilibrium and Elasticity
12 Gravitation
13 Periodic Motion
14 F1uid Mechanics Waves/Acoustics
15 Mechanical Waves
16 Sound and HearingThermodynamics
17 Temperature and Heat
18 Thermal Properties of Matter
19 The First Law of Thermodynamics
20 The Second Law of ThermodynamicsElectromagnetism
21 Electric Charge and Electric Field
22 Gauss S Law
23 Electric Potential
24 Capacitance and Dielectrics
25 Current.Resistance,and Electromotive Force
26 Direct.Current Circuits
27 Magnetic Field and Magnetic Forces
28 Sources of Magnetic Field
29 Electromagnetic Induction
30 Inductance
31 Alternating Current
32 Electromagnetic WaveOptics
33 The Nature and Propagation of Light
34 Geometric Opticsand Optical Instruments
35 Interference
36 DiffractionModern Physics
37 Relativity
38 Photons,Electrons,and Atoms
39 The wave Nature of Particles
40 Quantum Mechanics
41 Atomic Structure
42 Molecules and Condensed Matter
43 Nuclear Physics
44 Particle Physics and CosmologyAPPENDICES
A The International System of Units A-
B Useful Mathematical Relations A-
C The Greek Alphabet A-
D Periodic Table of Elements A-
E Unit Conversion Factors A-
F Numerical Constants A-
Answers to 0dd-Numbered Problems A-


插圖:The development of physical theory requires creativity at every stage.The physicist has to learn to ask appropriate questions,design experiments to try to answer the questions,and draw appropriate conclusions from the results.Fig-ure 1~shows two famous experimental facilities.  Legend has it that Galileo Galilei(1564-1642)dropped fight and heavy objects from the top ofthe Leaning Tower ofPisa(Fig.1.1a)to find out whether meir rates of fall were the same or different.Galileo recognized that only experi.mental investigation could answer this question.From examining the results of his experiments(which were actually much more sophisticated than in the leg.end),he made the inductive leap to the principle,or theory,that the acceleration of a falling body is independent of its weight.  The development of physical theories such as Galileo’s is alwaysa two.way process that starts and ends with observations or expedmen~.This development often takes an indirect path,with blind alleys,wrong guesses,and the discarding of unsuccessful theories in favor of more promising Ones.-Physics is not simply a collection of facts and princil;}les;it is also the process by which we arrive at gen.eral principles that describe how the physical universe behaves.  No theory is ever regarded as the final or ultimate truth.The possibility always”exists that new observations will require that a theory be revised or discarded.It isin t11e nature of physical theory that we can disprove a theory by finding behaviormat 1s inconsistent wlth 1t,but we can never prove that a theory is always correct.  Getting back to Galileo,suppose we drop a feather and a cannonball.Thevcertainly do not faU at the same rate.This does not mean that Galileo was wrong;lt means that his theory was incomplete.If we drop the feather and the cannon.ball in a Vacuum to eliminate the effects ofthe air,then they do fall at the samerate.Galileo’s theory has a range of validity:It applies only to objects for whichthe force exerted by the air(due to air resistance and buoyancy)is much 1ess thanthe weight.Objects like feathers or parachutes are clearly outside this range.  Every physical theory has a range of validity outside of which it is not appli,cable.Often a new development in physics extends a principle’s range of valid-ity.Galileo’s analysis of falling bodies was greatly extended half a century laterby Newton’s laws of motion and law of gravitation.






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用戶評論 (總計36條)


  •   想買英文原版的大學物理教材,看了幾本其它書的評論,說紙?zhí)?,沒敢買。這本書還沒被評論過,但看出版時間挺新的,想印刷應該會變好吧,于是買了。拿到書,質(zhì)量很好,內(nèi)容更是精彩。安靜的書桌前,品讀這樣的經(jīng)典原版,是一種享受。
  •   今年剛開物理課,結果老師說教材需要自己到網(wǎng)上訂,還說我們要使用的這本物理教材是當今最優(yōu)秀的大學物理教材之一。剛開始時自己還對老師的話嗤之以鼻,今日見貨方知確實如此。這本書寫的的確十分詳盡,語言流暢,完全可以用于自學,根本不是國內(nèi)教材那種只有定理的填鴨式教材,確實非常好!唯一的不足可能就是太詳盡了······一套足有1400多頁,對我們而言的確是一個不小的壓力······
  •   這本書適合英語基礎較好的學生學習,其中的物理知識較容易
  •   書中的圖應該是有顏色的,可惜影印本是黑白的。書讀起來像小說,十分過癮,可惜沒太多時間看。是MIT的物理教材。
  •   厚厚的兩大本英文版物理學教材。。裝幀印刷都不錯。內(nèi)容誰讀誰知道。
  •   一般大學都有這書的中文版,非常好,但是太舊了。比國內(nèi)的教材好多了。什么十一五二百五的,差沒影了。好書不在于在封皮上打上“xx五”“xx 獎”,而是真的能讓讀者受教育,有收獲。國內(nèi)那些書(我讀過的絕大多數(shù)國人“寫”的書),很大的優(yōu)點是有老師教還是讀不懂。
  •   內(nèi)容非常全面,聯(lián)系很多生活中的例子。有很大的題庫還有教學軟件,老外的書就是不一般
  •   好幾年沒有想通的問題,才看了緒論的第一頁就解決了。遂感到奇怪:為什么我們自己寫不出這樣的書!這到底是沒有這樣的思想,還是沒有這樣的語言
  •   書很不錯,封面也很新,送貨速度也很快,就是書有一點小味道,不過這只是小問題,太陽底下曬曬就好啦。
  •   是幫學校買的 還不錯 買書一直是在當當買的 速度快
  •   商品很好,書的印刷質(zhì)量絕對很贊,沒得說好評啊啊啊啊?。?/li>
  •   不得不承認國外的教材比我們國內(nèi)寫得好,內(nèi)容詳實,深入淺出,系統(tǒng)完整,非常容易讀懂,寫的還非常有趣,適合自學。
  •   經(jīng)典之作值得學習
  •   理工科必讀
  •   經(jīng)典教科書,比較厚,很花時間的。如果能看下來,那么收貨一定很大。內(nèi)容很細。
  •   學院買來當教材的,質(zhì)量不錯
  •   內(nèi)容非常詳細 不過英文不過關看起來很費力啊
  •   內(nèi)容詳細,字有點密
  •   雖然還沒細看 可也強烈推薦 除了封面和序言有漢字 剩下的都是英語了
  •   東西不錯,價格公道,送貨也快
  •   好看得得得得,啊啊啊啊啊
  •   這本書經(jīng)久不衰,內(nèi)容不錯,就是印刷不算好
  •   寫得很好,配套答案不全
  •   一看人家的書,就不只是為了完成任務,賺你money,浪費你時間。好書的第一條是,作者有誠意。
  •   用來準備sub再好不過了
  •   書籍邊角略有卷起, 能接受.很喜歡的一本書, 作者能將枯燥的物理學和顯示生活(當然, 是美國人的現(xiàn)實生活)緊緊聯(lián)系在一起, 并且充分考慮到, 初學大學物理的人的數(shù)學基礎, 在諸如向量等數(shù)學知識都給做了介紹. 我正在慢慢啃. 對于喜歡物理并且有一點英文基礎的同學很適合.
  •   全英文,建議買同步詞匯月習題選解,此外印刷可能油墨有點淡(一開始誤以為盜版)。
  •   這個也是幫弟弟買的,他說都不錯,好滿意,希望賣家繼續(xù)加油
  •   老外的寫書敬業(yè)精神就是令國內(nèi)的作者汗顏
  •   書很好,內(nèi)容豐富,可讀性強
  •   在大學物理課時就是用了該書的第10版,雖然中國大學物理課程(至少我們學校的本科生物理課程)與該教材不完全吻合,但是該書還是內(nèi)容非常的翔實和具體。很欣賞這類教科書,不過需要讀者具備扎實的高中物理和大學物理的基礎,不適合小白閱讀。
  •   發(fā)貨很及時,商家的服務也非常好,按預定時間送到,書是正版的,非常滿意,希望有機會再合作??!
  •   本打算好好學的,怎么只有上冊。
  •   很大的一部書,雖然乍一看價格挺高,到貨后就知道非常劃算的。內(nèi)容看了一下,相當不錯。
  •   書本本身我就不說什么了,包裝很好,快遞服務也好
  •   西爾斯當代大學物理我個人認為是一部很好的教材,內(nèi)容檔次很高。影印版很清晰,強烈推薦。

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
