
出版時間:2011-1  出版社:機(jī)械工業(yè)  作者:蔡曄 編  頁數(shù):106  字?jǐn)?shù):107000  




致讀者第一部分 人物秀 【自我風(fēng)采】  Exercise 1 Introduce Myself  Exercise 2 This Is Me  Exercise 3 A Very Lovely Girl  Exercise 4 I'm a Happy Boy 【家庭成員】  Exercise 5 The Greatest Person  Exercise 6 I Miss My Father  Exercise 7 My Aunt  Exercise 8 I Love You,Mum!  Exercise 9 My Uncle  Exercise 10 My Sister 【老師畫像】  Exercise 11 My Favourite Teacher  Exercise 12 My Maths Teacher  Exercise 1 3 Our Head teacher 【同學(xué)朋友】  Exercise 14 My Classmate Li Lin  Exercise 15 My Best Friend  Exercise 16 MY Good Desk.Mate-Wang Ling  Exercise 17 An American Boy 【其他人物】  Exercise 18 The Greens   Exercise 19 My Favourite Person  Exercise 20 A Pop Singer-Wilber Pan  Exercise 21 Pleasant Sheep and Big Big Wolf  Exercise 22 An Artist第二部分 擋案在手 【成長記錄】  Exercise 23 A Story about MY Childhood  Exercise 24 My Day  Exercise 25 I Can Swim  Exercise 26 Busy Sundays  Exercise 27 My Happy Day  Exercise 28 How Unlucky I Was!  Exercise 29 My Winter Holiday  Exercise 30 A Visit to the West Lake 【家庭軼事】  Exercise 31 Cooking the Sweet Dumpl ings  Exercise 32 A Visit to the Smiths  Exercise 33 My Grandma'S Birthday  Exercise 34 l Was Wrong  Exercise 35 April Fool Day  Exercise 36 I Help MY Mother  Exercise 37 Grandpa'S Smile  Exercise 38 I’m Sorry.Mum 【校園生活】  Exercise 39 Let'S Repair It Together!  Exercise 40 Let'S Help Him!  Exercise 4 1 We Plant Trees!  Exercise 42 Fly the Kite  Exercise 43 A Basketball Match  Exercise 44 Put Up Your Hand!  Exercise 45 An Unforgettable English Lesson  Exercise 46 A Picnic With My Classmate 【社會見聞】  Exercise 47 On My Way Home  Exercise 48 What a Warm Hearted Man!  Exercise 49 An Accident  Exercise 50 Beijing Zoo第三部分 自然風(fēng)光 【繁忙都市】  Exercise 51 Busy Beijing  Exercise 52 I Love My Hometown Qingdao  Exercise 53 The Night of Shanghai 【田園風(fēng)光】  Exercise 54 A Picture of the Countryside  Exercise 55 The Peaceful Spring in My Hometown  Exercise 56 My Village 【校園風(fēng)景】  Exercise 57 Our Schoolyard after the Snow  Exercise 58 Our Garden School 【河流山川】  Exercise 59 The Sea  Exercise 60 Mountain Tai  Exercise 61 The Lake in the Park 【晨昏氣象】  Exercise 62 Sunset  Exercise 63 Watch the Rain  Exercise 64 Stars  Exercise 65 It Snowed  Exercise 66 A Thunder Storm 【四季如畫】  Exercise 67 My Favourite Season  Exercise 68 l Love Spring  Exercise 69 The Most Beautiful Autumn  Exercise 70 Winter and Snow  Exercise 71 The Four Seasons in Beijing第四部分 摹形繪聲 【動物世界】  Exercise 72 Birds  Exercise 73 My Favourite Animal  Exercise 74 A Cute Cat  Exercise 75 My Dog  Exercise 76 Goldfish  Exercise 77 Lovely Pandas 【植物樂園】  Exercise 78 An Apple Tree  Exercise 79 Little Grass  Exercise 80 The Bamboo  Exercise 8 1 Tomatoes  Exercise 82 Mushrooms 【物品展示】  Exercise 83 The Computer  Exercise 84 My MP3  Exercise 85 A Lovely Doll  Exercise 86 My Pencil Box  Exercise 87 My Little Schoolbag  Exercise 88 Clock  Exercise 89 My Bedroom第五部分 暢想記 【生活雜感】  Exercise 90 I Love Harry Potter  Exercise 91 Please Care for the old  Exercise 92 No Pains,No Gains 【奇思異想】  Exercise 93 My Dream  Exercise 94 I Want to Be a Teacher  Exercise 95 My Future Plan  Exercise 96 I Want to Fly  Exercise 97 If I Become Thin 【童話天地】  Exercise 98 The Tiger and the Fox  Exercise 99 The Story of a Snake  Exercise 1 00 Animal Sports Meeting  Exercise 101 The Story of Fishing第六部分 應(yīng)用舞臺 【書信】  Exercise 102 A Letter to Mother  Exercise 103 Some Advice about Learning Chinese  Exercise 104 I Need Your Help  Exercise 105 I Like Reading  Exercise 106 A Letter to Lucy 【日記】  Exercise 107 Cooking for Myself  Exercise 108 Happy Teacher'S Day  Exercise 109 Look After Mr.Wang  Exercise 110 Go Swimming  Exercise 111 Make a Snowman  Exercise 112 An Exam 【看圖說話】  Exercise 113 Take Care of the Trees  Exercise 114 Helping Others Is a Happy Thing  Exercise 115 Take Care of the Environment  Exercise 116 Happy Birthday to  My Grandma  Exercise 117 Flying a Kite with  My Mother 【賀卡】  Exercise 118 Merry Christmas!  Exercise 119 Happy Birthday  Exercise 120 Hope You CanPass the Exam!





    小升初英語作文天天練 PDF格式下載

用戶評論 (總計46條)


  •   包含量較大,有人物、家庭、社會、風(fēng)景、動植物、生活應(yīng)用等部分,范文比較規(guī)范精短,部分比較簡單,適合所有小學(xué)生。是小學(xué)生英語作文的基礎(chǔ)和起點(diǎn)。
  •   這個作文天天練 感覺不錯
  •   范文,很有用??墒剐『⒎聦?,了解作文該如何動筆
  •   本書真的很好,有各個主題的范文和訓(xùn)練,不錯
  •   題目都具備練習(xí)意義,但范文是中式英語,不可取
  •   根據(jù)范文寫作文,孩子容易上手,還可積累一些優(yōu)秀的句子
  •   作文的類型都包括了,每天寫一篇,作文的寫作水平也提高不少。
  •   這本書值得買,學(xué)英語很有幫助
  •   感覺不錯,版面清晰,范文種類較多,女兒挺喜歡的!
  •   范文很有用,孩子能仿寫,知道如何動筆 。
  •   不錯,讓學(xué)生仿寫,長期堅持,對提高寫作水平有很大幫助
  •   小學(xué)生或準(zhǔn)備小升初的學(xué)生可以每天看一看讀一讀
  •   非常適合小升初的孩子,打好寫作基礎(chǔ)
  •   給孩子買的,對提高寫作能力有幫助。
  •   內(nèi)容印刷都不錯,很好.
  •   當(dāng)當(dāng)?shù)某?土?,很好!大致看了一下,對孩子有幫助?/li>
  •   很不錯的書,孩子做了有提高
  •   對寫作有提高
  •   是的不錯,是 不錯。 商品
  •   多看看,多練練,總會有用的!
  •   書質(zhì)很好,內(nèi)容豐富。
  •   現(xiàn)在買書都在當(dāng)當(dāng)網(wǎng)買了,真是很方便,價格也優(yōu)惠,書的質(zhì)量也很好。
  •   性價比高..............
  •   支持當(dāng)當(dāng) 價格實在
  •   適合小學(xué)生月度,詞量都比較簡單。很好
  •   不錯是想要的那種
  •   非常喜歡,內(nèi)容豐富,真是大開眼界。
  •   作文范本
  •   名符其實的,很喜歡,可以經(jīng)常練習(xí)英文作文了
  •   給學(xué)生做范文,指導(dǎo)寫作
  •   不錯,很適合5-6年級的小學(xué)生使用
  •   不錯,分類得很詳細(xì),讓家長明白到寫作要求可以更好輔導(dǎo)小朋友的寫作
  •   文章簡潔易懂,適合小學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)與背誦!
  •   幫別人的孩子買的,他說不錯
  •   很適合小學(xué)生,很好。
  •   可以讓孩子看著列文,自己寫作文。就是書薄了點(diǎn)。
  •   內(nèi)容還不錯,比較適合小學(xué)生用
  •   質(zhì)量很好,乃榮不錯,不過寫的作文大多數(shù)是重復(fù)的
  •   買來送人了,聽說還不錯,對小孩的英語寫作有較大幫助
  •   質(zhì)量還行吧,適合孩子。
  •   方便快捷好用
  •   英語作文天天練
  •   質(zhì)量還可以值這個價格
  •   很適合六年級學(xué)生復(fù)習(xí)用書
  •   小升初英語作文天天練
  •   很好的,孩子比較喜歡。



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