出版時間:2010-12 出版社:機械工業(yè)出版社 作者:(美)Umakishore Ramachandran,William D. Leahy, Jr. 頁數(shù):741
here is excitement when you talk to high school students about computers.There is a sense of mystery as to what is“inside the box”that makes the computer do such things as play video games with cool graphics.play music—_be it rap or symphony——send instant messages to friends,and so on.The purpose behind this textbook is to take the 10umey together to discover the mystery ofwhat is inside the box As a glimpse ofwhat is to come,let us say at the outset that what makes the box interesting is not 1USt the hardware,but also how the hardware and the system software work in tandem to make it a11 happen Therefore.the path we take in this book is to look at hardware and software together to see how one helps the other and how together they make the box interesting and useful We caU this approach“unraveling the box”一that is.resolving the mysteIT of what is in—side the box:We look inside the box and understand how to design the key hardware el—ements(processor,memory,and peripheral controllers)and the OS abstractions neededto manage all the hardware resources inside a computer,including processor,memory,I/0 and disk,multiple processors,and network.Hence,this is a textbook for a first course in computer systems embodying a novel integrated approach to these topics.
作者:(美國)拉姆阿堪德蘭(Umakishore Ramachandran) (美國)利海(William D.Leahy.Jr.)Umakishore Ramachandran,1986年獲得威斯康星大學麥迪遜分校計算機科學專業(yè)博士學位.現(xiàn)在是佐治亞理工學院計算機系教授,STAR Center&Korean Programs中心主任.其主要研究興趣是體系結構設計、程序設計和并行分布式系統(tǒng)分析。他曾獲得NSF授予的美國總統(tǒng)青年科學家獎、佐治亞理工學院優(yōu)秀博士論文指導獎等。William D.Leahy,Jr.現(xiàn)為佐治亞理工學院計算機系講師。
PrefaceChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Processor ArchitectureChapter 3 Processor ImplementationChapter 4 Interrupts,Traps,and ExceptionsChapter 5 Processor Performance and Pipelined Processor DesignChapter 6 Processor SchedulingChapter 7 Memory Management TechniquesChapter 8 Details of Page-Based Memory ManagementChapter 9 Memory HierarchyChapter 10 Input/Output and Stable StorageChapter 11 File SystemChapter 12 Multithreaded Programmin and MultiprocessorsChapter 13 Fundamentals of Networking and Network ProtocolsChapter 14 Epilogue:A Look Back at the Journey
插圖:Applications have in the past influenced, and continue to date to influence, the designof instruction set. In the 1970s, and perhaps into the 1980s, computers were used pri-marily for number crunching in scientific and engineering applications. Such applica-tions rely heavily on floating-point arithmetic. Whereas high-end computers (such asIBM 370 series and Cray) included such instructions in their ISA, the so-calledminicomputers of that era (such as DEC PDP 11 series) did not. There were successfulcompanies (e.g., Floating Point Systems, Inc.) that made attached processors for acceler-ating floating-point arithmetic for the minicomputers. Nowadays, floating-pointinstructions are a part of any general-purpose processor. Processors (e.g., StrongARM,ARM) that are used in embedded applications such as cell phones and PDAs may nothave such instructions. Instead, they realize the effect of floating-point arithmetic byinteger instructions for supporting math libraries.Another example of applications' influence on the ISA is the MMX instructionsfrom Intel. Applications that process audio, video, and graphics deal with streamingdata——that is, continuous data such as a movie or music. Such data would be repre-sented as arrays in the memory. The MMX instructions, first introduced by Intel in 1997in their Pentium line of processors, aimed at dealing with streaming data efficiently bythe CPU. The intuition behind these instructions is pretty straightforward. As the namestream data suggests, audio, video, and graphics applications require the same operation(such as addition) to be applied to corresponding elements of two or more streams.Therefore, it makes sense to have instructions that mimic this behavior. The MMXinstructions originally introduced in the Pentium line and its successors do preciselythat. There are 57 instructions, grouped into categories such as arithmetic, logical, com-parison, conversion, shift, and data transfer, and each one takes two operands (each ofwhich is not a scalar, but a vector of elements).