出版時間:2010-07-01 出版社:機械工業(yè)出版社 作者:巴里 H. 坎特威茨(Barry H. Kantowitz),亨利 L. 羅迪格(Henry L. Roediger, III),戴維 G. 埃爾姆斯(David G. Elmes) 頁數(shù):413 譯者:郭秀艷 導讀
作者:(美國)巴里 H.坎特威茨(Barry H.Kantowitz) (美國)亨利 L.羅迪格(Henry L.Roediger.lll) (美國)戴維 G.埃爾姆斯(David G.Elmes) 合著者:郭秀艷
導讀序言術語表第一部分 研究的基本問題 第1章 什么是科學心理學 第2章 研究技術:觀察與相關 第3章 研究技術:實驗 第4章 心理學研究的道德 第5章 如何閱讀和撰寫研究報告 第二部分 實驗心理學的基本原則與實踐 第6章 心理物理學 第7章 知覺 第8章 注意和反應時 第9章 條件反射與學習 第10章 記憶與遺忘 第11章 思維與問題解決 第12章 個別差異與發(fā)展 第13章 社會影響 第14章 環(huán)境心理學 第15章 人的因素附錄參考文獻
插圖:An illusion is a mistaken or distorted perception. Why is your perception of these qualities in the Alesund photograph an illusion? "The smallbuildings near the top of the photograph could beminiature buildings, or they could be farther awaythan the large buildings at the bottom. However,in the photograph, both sets of buildings are qually distant from you (assuming that your eyes and the plane of the picture are parallel). On thebasis of your past experience with small buildingsbeing distant from you, you confer illusory depthcues to the two-dimensional photographic representation of Alesund. This interpretation of depthleads to a three-dimensional percept. Since there is no real depth in the two-dimensional photo-graph, the depth and distance that we do perceivecan be attributed to an indirect process resulting from our interpretation of the (illusory) cues inthe scene.Most perceptions involve a complex interplay between direct and indirect factors (or bottomupand top-down processes), and many contemporary theories "emphasize that interplay. Forexample, Norman (2002) suggests that rather than assuming they represent completely different types of perception, it may make sense to considerdirect and indirect processes as working together to result in perceptual experience. We will later seea particular example of how this may work.Awareness and PerceptionIf the perceiver adds meaning and interpretation to sensations, the question arises as to whether these additions result from conscious deliberation. The controversial topic in perception that we emphasize in this chapter concerns the role of conscious awareness in perception. The gist of the a war eness issue is this question: Can meanings and interpretations be applied to sense data automatically, without our being verbally aware of them, or is verbal awareness a necessary part of perception?Von He lmholtz, you will remember, argued that our inferences and conclusions are unconscious.
自1978年本書的第1版問世以來,目前最新的這版已經(jīng)發(fā)展到了第9版,足見其受歡迎的程度。雖然原書第9版的中文版也將面世,但對于那些學有余力的心理學愛好者來說,能夠直接閱讀英文原著,仿佛能夠親耳聆聽大師的教誨、親眼目睹大師的風采,這種原汁原味的切身體驗顯然是閱讀中文版本所無法替代的,而其中的收獲也是不言而喻。這也正是我們把這本經(jīng)典實驗心理學原著介紹給國內(nèi)讀者的初衷?! 闫G華東師范大學心理與認知科學學院教授、博士生導師 2009年第11屆中國青年科技獎得主