
出版時間:2010-8  出版社:機(jī)械工業(yè)出版社  作者:(美)埃爾瑪斯里,加里克,萊文 著  頁數(shù):509  


We have long felt that the traditional approach to teaching about Operating Systems(OSsl was not the best approach .The purpose of this book is to support a difrerent approach to this task When studying any complex domaln of knowledge,the order in which one learns the hierarchy Of principles,laws,ideas,and concepts carl make the process easier or more difficult.The most common technique is to partition the subject into major topics and then stody each one in great detail For 0Ss,this has traditionally meant that after a brief in t~oducfion to some terms and an overview,astudent studied isolated topics in depthproeesses and process management.


本書采用螺旋方法和深度導(dǎo)向方法講解操作系統(tǒng)原理。首先介紹一些基本的背景和定義,然后描述一個非常簡單的操作系統(tǒng),之后將它演化為具有更多特性的更復(fù)雜的操作系統(tǒng)。這樣循序漸進(jìn)、逐步深入,可以使學(xué)生更透徹地理解操作系統(tǒng)的本質(zhì)?! ”緯譃榱鶄€部分:第一部分介紹一些總體背景信息;第二部分采用螺旋方法,按照復(fù)雜度遞增的次序,介紹五類操作系統(tǒng);第三部分到第五部分采用深度導(dǎo)向方法詳細(xì)地探討操作系統(tǒng)的各個主題:從進(jìn)程到內(nèi)存管理,再到文件系統(tǒng);第六部分通過三個實例更深入地研究這些系統(tǒng)的特性是如何實現(xiàn)的?! ”緯厣  τ谒懻摰牟僮飨到y(tǒng),書中適當(dāng)介紹一些當(dāng)時的行業(yè)歷史,有時還涉及關(guān)鍵的企業(yè)或個人,這樣能幫助學(xué)生更好地理解操作系統(tǒng)?!  ずw在設(shè)備中的現(xiàn)代操作系統(tǒng),而不僅僅是通常的計算機(jī)中的操作系統(tǒng)?!  び懻撍惴壗鉀Q方案,而沒有列出實際代碼,便于使用不同編程語言實現(xiàn)。  ·每章末都有一些練習(xí)題,便于學(xué)生鞏固所學(xué)知識。


Ramez Elmasri,得克薩斯大學(xué)阿靈頓分校教授。他于1980年在美國斯坦福大學(xué)獲得計算機(jī)科學(xué)碩士和博士學(xué)位。其研究興趣是傳感器網(wǎng)絡(luò)和RFID、生物信息介質(zhì)、查詢個性化和系統(tǒng)集成。


Preface viii Part 1 Operating Systems Overview and Background  Chapter  1 Getting Started  Chapter  2 Operating System Concepts, Components,and Architectures Part 2 Building Operating Systems Incrementally: A Breadth-Oriented Spiral Approach  Chapter  3 A Simple, Single-Process Operating System  Chapter  4 A Single-User Multitasking Operating System  Chapter  5 A Single-User Multitasking/Multithreading Operating System  Chapter  6 A Multiple-User Operating System  Chapter  7 Parallel and Distributed Computing, Clusters,and Grids Part 3 CPU and Memory Management  Chapter  8 Process Management: Concepts, Threads,and Scheduling  Chapter  9 More Process Management: Interprocess Communication, Synchronization,and Deadlocks  Chapter  10 Basic Memory Management  Chapter  11 Advanced Memory Management Part 4 A Depth-Oriented Presentation of OS Concepts: Files Systems and Input/Output  Chapter  12 File Systems-Basics  Chapter  13 File Systems-Examples and More Features  Chapter  14 Disk Scheduling and Input/Output Management Part 5 Networks, Distributed Systems,and Security  Chapter  15 Introduction to Computer Networks  Chapter  16 Protection and Security  Chapter  17 Distributed Operating Systems Part 6 Case Studies  Chapter  18 Windows NT through Vista  Chapter  19 Linux: A Case Study 445  Chapter  20 Palm OS: A Class Case Study Appendix Overview of Computer System and Architecture Concepts






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