出版時(shí)間:2010-5 出版社:機(jī)械工業(yè) 作者:范積偉 編 頁(yè)數(shù):245
材料是人類(lèi)物質(zhì)文明的基礎(chǔ),新材料是社會(huì)不斷發(fā)展進(jìn)步的一大支柱,新材料的研究開(kāi)發(fā)極大地促進(jìn)了工業(yè)發(fā)展和社會(huì)進(jìn)步。英語(yǔ)作為一種重要的全球化的交流工具,發(fā)揮著重要的作用。學(xué)好英語(yǔ),尤其是專業(yè)英語(yǔ),是學(xué)生、學(xué)者和工程技術(shù)人員獲取科研信息、掌握學(xué)科發(fā)展動(dòng)態(tài)、參加國(guó)際學(xué)術(shù)交流的基本前提。材料學(xué)科涉及廣泛的研究領(lǐng)域,具有很強(qiáng)的學(xué)科交叉性,日新月異的新材料發(fā)展使得材料學(xué)科的專業(yè)英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)尤為重要。為此,我們編寫(xiě)了本書(shū),希望能對(duì)從事材料科學(xué)與工程的工程技術(shù)人員、研究生、本科生的專業(yè)英語(yǔ)水平的提高有所幫助。 本書(shū)分為8章,每一章含3-4節(jié),分別對(duì)應(yīng)于材料科學(xué)的不同領(lǐng)域。前7章中,每一節(jié)均由一篇課文和一篇閱讀材料組成。閱讀材料提供了與課文對(duì)應(yīng)的背景知識(shí)或者是課文的續(xù)篇,從而進(jìn)一步拓展了課文的內(nèi)容。全書(shū)共29節(jié),課文及閱讀材料共計(jì)55篇,涵蓋了金屬材料、陶瓷材料、高分子材料、復(fù)合材料、生物醫(yī)學(xué)材料、納米材料和工程應(yīng)用等內(nèi)容,涉及面廣,學(xué)科全面。本書(shū)附錄A為化學(xué)元素的中英文對(duì)照表。附錄B為新版元素周期表。另外,英美科技文章中經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)的非公制單位往往使讀者感到困惑,為此,附錄C給出了英美度量衡系統(tǒng)與公制系統(tǒng)之間的關(guān)系。附錄D列出了本書(shū)的主要詞匯?! ”緯?shū)具有以下幾個(gè)特點(diǎn): 1.知識(shí)面廣,趣味性強(qiáng)。涉及材料科學(xué)相關(guān)專業(yè)的各類(lèi)知識(shí),論述的概念清楚、準(zhǔn)確、簡(jiǎn)練?! ?.內(nèi)容豐富、新穎。55篇文章全部選自近年來(lái)出版的原版英文教科書(shū)、科技報(bào)告、專業(yè)期刊和著作,內(nèi)容新穎,學(xué)科前沿知識(shí)豐富,特別突出在納米技術(shù)和生物醫(yī)學(xué)材料方面的進(jìn)展?! ?.詞匯量大,詞匯表實(shí)用。本書(shū)既可作為材料專業(yè)的英語(yǔ)教科書(shū),又可用于自學(xué)。為了提高讀者的科技英語(yǔ)翻譯和寫(xiě)作水平,每一章都附有有關(guān)科技英語(yǔ)翻譯及寫(xiě)作技巧的內(nèi)容。 本書(shū)由范積偉擔(dān)任主編,席艷君、王艷芝擔(dān)任副主編。第1、6、8章由范積偉編寫(xiě),第2章及科技翻譯和寫(xiě)作技巧部分由席艷君編寫(xiě),第3章由趙慧君編寫(xiě),第4章由曲良俊編寫(xiě),第5章由王艷芝編寫(xiě),第7章由張小立編寫(xiě),全書(shū)由范積偉統(tǒng)稿。本書(shū)在編寫(xiě)過(guò)程中,得到了中原工學(xué)院教務(wù)處、材料與化工學(xué)院領(lǐng)導(dǎo)及同仁的支持和幫助,在此表示衷心的感謝。
本書(shū)課文和閱讀材料全部選自近年來(lái)英、美等國(guó)材料科學(xué)專業(yè)教材和專業(yè)刊物,共55篇,涵蓋了金屬材料、陶瓷材料、高分子材料、復(fù)合材料、生物醫(yī)學(xué)材料、納米材料和工程應(yīng)用等內(nèi)容。所選文章題材多樣,內(nèi)容新穎,學(xué)科前沿知識(shí)豐富,融知識(shí)性和趣味性于一體。為了提高讀者的科技英語(yǔ)翻譯和寫(xiě)作水平,每一章都附有有關(guān)科技英語(yǔ)翻譯及寫(xiě)作技巧的內(nèi)容。讀者可在掌握材料專業(yè)英語(yǔ)和翻譯及寫(xiě)作技巧的同時(shí)進(jìn)一步學(xué)習(xí)材料專業(yè)的有關(guān)知識(shí)。 本書(shū)可作為普通高等院校材料科學(xué)與工程類(lèi)專業(yè)本科生、研究生的專業(yè)英語(yǔ)教材,也可供材料科學(xué)研究人員、工程技術(shù)人員學(xué)習(xí)和參考。
前言Chapter 1 Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering 1.1 What Is a Material? 1.2 Classification of Materials 1.3 Fundamental Properties of Different Kind of Materials 科技英語(yǔ)翻譯技巧(一):詞義選擇和引申Chapter 2 Metals and Alloys 2.1 Atomic Arrangements and Imperfects in the Atomic Arrangement 2.2 Thermal Equilibrium Diagram 2.3 Casting 2.4 Nonferrous Alloy 科技英語(yǔ)翻譯技巧(二):數(shù)詞Chapter 3 Ceramics45 3.1 Introduction to Ceramics ( I ) 3.2 Novel Ceramic Processing Routes ( I ) 3.3 Advanced Ceramics ( I )59 3.4 Clean Energy through Ceramics ( I ) 科技英語(yǔ)翻譯技巧(三):常見(jiàn)多功能詞as的用法Chapter 4 Polymer Materials 4.1 Polymers 4.2 Methods for Synthesis of Polymers85 4.3 Processing of Polymers 科技英語(yǔ)翻譯技巧(四):常見(jiàn)多功能詞it的用法Chapter 5 Composites98 5.1 Composite Basics—Material System 5.2 Introduction to Carbon Fiber Composites 5.3 Three?Dimensionally Reinforced Preforms and Composites 5.4 The Uses of Composite Materials 科技英語(yǔ)翻譯技巧(五):關(guān)連詞引導(dǎo)的句型翻譯技巧(I)Chapter 6 Biomaterials 6.1 Biomaterials and Biomaterials Science 6.2 Traditional and New Generation Biomaterials 6.3 Examples of Biomaterials Applications 6.4 The Future of Biomaterials 科技英語(yǔ)翻譯技巧(六):關(guān)連詞引導(dǎo)的句型翻譯技巧(II)Chapter 7 Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials 7.1 What Are Nanomaterials? 7.2 What Is Nanotechnology? 7.3 Nano?Crystalline Metal and Nano Metal Foam 7.4 Applications of Nanotechnology 科技英語(yǔ)翻譯技巧(七):并列句和復(fù)合句Chapter 8 Recent Advances in Materials Science and Technology and Future Trends 8.1 Recent Advances in Materials Science and Technology 8.2 Trends in Materials Science and Technology ( I ) 8.3 Trends in Materials Science and Technology ( II ) 科技英語(yǔ)寫(xiě)作技巧Appendixes Appendix AChemical Elements Appendix BPeriodic Table of Elements Appendix CThe Metric, British and U.S. Systems Appendix DGlossary
From a practical standpoint, we know that all material objects are essential for a human beingto build things. This definition includes solids, but also liquid (e. g. , liquid crystals that createLCD displays), and even gases for more specific situations. Really, every raw material used by in-dustry could be included in this classification, but we use the word "material" in a restricted sense :We think about materials whose properties might not be an exact image of those that their elementspossess. Thus, we especially concern ourselves with how elements are structured in macroscopicbodies, with how treatments are used during the elaboration of materials, or with the physicochemi-cal aggregation of different elements——all activities that condition the properties of the materials wegenerate. The selection, modification, and elaboration of materials to satisfy our needs merge in the foun-dations of human culture. From the very beginnings of prehistory, humans have manipulated sub-stances so that they would be more useful. To create more useful materials, our forebears wanted tounderstand and control the composition of materials, and they often succeeded in modifying a materi-al' s behavior and properties and in predicting the effects of such manipulations. This task developed over time, beginning as a handcraft that employed empirical and specula-tive knowledge. The history of materials science and engineering had already begun in the Stone Agewhen stones, wood, clay, and leather began to be manipulated. In the Bronze Age, mankind dis-covered the value of temperature and used it to modify materials by thermal treatments or by addingother substances. Yet, in spite of technological improvements, materials science remained empiricaluntil the end of the nineteen century. Materials science, as we now understand it, began with theappearance of Mendeiev s periodic table. Since that time, some properties of elements that are re-lated to their position in the periodic table began to be explained scientifically~, and these resultsbecame incorporated in the annals of science. Since the end of the nineteen century, the introduc-tion of chemistry and physics, calculus, and modem experimentation have brought the use and prof-its of materials to a mature status. Currently, thanks to more reliable knowledge of the structure ofmatter, we can design new materials atom by atom, to achieve the properties we want. ……
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