
出版時間:1970-1  出版社:機械工業(yè)出版社  作者:高山  頁數(shù):247  


  在職場大門外徘徊的你,身在職場的你,抑或是在外企打拼多年、卻因為語言障礙遲遲得不到晉升的你,是不是常會遇到以下語言溝通問題:總是說到一半沒自信,不知現(xiàn)在該說什么;本來記得卻臨時忘了;很想學但又怕內(nèi)容太多……  如果是因為英語溝通阻礙了你前進的腳步,如果是因為畏懼英語而禁錮了你的夢想,那你就要立刻采取行動,改變局面。要想輕松擁有卓越的職場溝通能力,在工作上展現(xiàn)不凡的工作能力,外語能力一直是關鍵的問題。本書一學就上手,是為你打開職場大門的最精巧的鑰匙,是為你消除英語障礙的最堅實的利劍,是引領你攀登職場高峰的最牢固的繩索。職場英語會話重在應用,本書運用“情境學習法”,模擬實際工作情境,真實呈現(xiàn)職場人士的生活,讓讀者仿佛親臨職場生活,在學習中體驗上班族的工作實況。本書在內(nèi)容安排上是按照一個職場新人從求職面試、踏入職場,到與同事相處、與上司相處,到基本應對、公司會議,到客戶關系、職場交際、業(yè)務往來、出差旅行等依次設計的。本書共分為10章,內(nèi)容均采取了以上班族為主、年輕工作者之間活潑的情景對話的形式。全書共有61個小節(jié),每個小節(jié)都精心設計了相關章節(jié)主題式的會話專欄,還列出了常用詞匯、短語和重點句型。每一個生動的對話都再現(xiàn)了鮮活的情境,每一部分內(nèi)容均由資深老師編寫,用字遣詞自然流暢。本書有以下四大特色:1.職場實用會話,隨時派上用場每章內(nèi)容均有職場情景會話,以實際職業(yè)場合為背景的表達方式,不僅針對各主題可能遇到的情境加強對話演練,而且傳授你職場溝通的技巧。




Users Guide使用說明Preface 前言Chapter 1 Job Interview求職面試Unit 1 First Meeting初次會面Unit 2 Personal Experience個人經(jīng)歷Unit 3 Career Planning and Goals職業(yè)規(guī)劃與目標Unit 4 Character and Hobby性格愛好Unit 5 Job Skills工作技能Unit 6 Teamwork團隊合作Unit 7 Personal Salary個人薪資Chapter 2 Career Life踏入職場Unit 1 Checking In and Beginning to Work報到上班Unit 2 Being Familiar with Regulations of Personnel Department熟悉人事規(guī)定Unit 3 Receiving Office Supplies領取辦公用品Unit 4 Acquainting Yourself with the Work了解部門工作Unit 5 Job Description工作內(nèi)容說明Unit 6 Exposure to Practical Work接觸實際工作內(nèi)容Unit 7 Allotting the Task分配工作任務Chapter 3 Getting Along with Colleagues與同事相處Unit 1 Introducing Colleagues介紹同事認識Unit 2 Greetings among Colleagues與同事寒暄Unit 3 Work Exchange工作交流Unit 4 Chatting閑聊Unit 5 Dinner進餐Unit 6 Entertainment游玩Chapter 4 Getting Along with Superior與上司相處Unit 1 Reporting Your Work匯報工作情況Unit 2 Understanding Your Job Duties了解工作職責Unit 3 Criticism from Boss上司批評Unit 4 Praise from Boss上司褒獎Unit 5 Demanding for Pay Increase要求加薪Unit 6 Late and Leave遲到與請假Unit 7 Basic Terminology基本用語Chapter 5 Basic Response基本應對Unit 1 Answering the Call接聽電話Unit 2 Call Transfer轉(zhuǎn)接電話Unit 3 Calling撥打電話Unit 4 Sending and Receiving Fax收發(fā)傳真Unit 5 Sending and Receiving E-mail收發(fā)郵件Chapter 6 Corporation Meeting公司會議Unit 1 Arranging a Meeting安排會議Unit 2 Presiding over a Conference會議主持Unit 3 Work Report工作匯報Unit 4 Meeting Discussion會議討論Unit 5 Meeting Rest會議休息Unit 6 Summarizing a Meeting會議總結Chapter 7 Customer Relationship客戶關系Unit 1 Visit and Tour拜訪客戶與參觀Unit 2 Customer Reception接待來訪客戶Unit 3 Introducing Products and Prices介紹公司產(chǎn)品與報價Unit 4 Asking Suggestions and After-sale Service詢問客戶意見與售后服務Unit 5 Dealing with Complaints處理抱怨和不滿Chapter 8 Workplace Communication職場交際Unit 1 Decline推辭Unit 2 Acceptance接受Unit 3 Apology道歉Unit 4 Thanks致謝Unit 5 Anger & Rage生氣和憤怒Unit 6 Complaints抱怨Chapter 9 Business業(yè)務往來Unit 1 Product Packaging產(chǎn)品包裝{Unit 2 Product Shipment產(chǎn)品裝運Unit 3 Product Insurance產(chǎn)品保險Unit 4 Delivery交貨Unit 5 Test檢驗Unit 6 Claims索賠Chapter 10 Business Trip出差旅行Unit 1 Booking Tickets訂票Unit 2 Room Reservation預訂房間Unit 3 In the Plane在飛機上Unit 4 At the Customs在海關Unit 5 Checking In登記入住Unit 6 In the Hotel在酒店


  A:Mr.Black.I’m worried about the danger of our goods being damaged during shipment.As you know,some of our goods break quite easily,especially those sensitive to high temperatures.  B:Of course.Ann.That’S why we must be sure to aflach such warnings as “Fragile”,“Handle with Care”,“Keep Dry”and so on to our packages,and we must always insure them.especially with marine insurance.  A:How would you estimate the fee?  B:lt depends on the shipping weight and the service required.  A:Can you mark those breakable shipments with“Fragile”?  B:Yes.we offer the service.Shipments can also be made under refrigeration for a special fee.  A:Do you box goods?  B:Yes.of course.We will use box or rope on any articles for a small charges.  A:What about correspondence?  B:Personal correspondence is not ordinarily accepted,but business papers can naturally be shipped without any extra charge.  A:Good.that’S what I thought.And what documents are required for international shipments?  B:One is an invoice showing the number of cases.their weight and their value.Another is some copies of the shipper’S export declaration.Special documents are also required in some countries.  A:1 was told that there are many dangers during the transit.  B:Yes,during the transit there are quite a number of dangers,such as moisture,corrosion and chemical reactions,breakage and pilferage.But we can arrange for safe packing.  A:That’S good.Is there any way that we could have lower transportation cost?  B:Well.if you send goods through slow or irregular transit means,we can cut down on a great deal 0f the shipping expense.


  《職場會話,懂這些就夠了》四大特色:  ◎職場實用會話,隨時派上用場  每章內(nèi)容均有職場情景會話,可直接套用于實際工作中,迅速提升會話能力!  ◎輕松學習英語詞匯  對與會話相關的重要詞匯加以解說,輕松增加詞匯量,并掌握實際用法,使學習更流暢!  ◎職場溝通常識  收錄職場基本禮儀和職場知識,可以增加你的商務常識,讓你輕輕松松應付各種場面!  ◎詞典式查詢功能,隨查隨用  全面真實地呈現(xiàn)了職場中的各種情況,讓你再也不用擔心無話可說!  一書在手,職場會話全搞定!要學好英文,關鍵在會話能力!  通過英語會話,英語單詞、語法、句型自然全都通,全面提升英文詞匯力、閱讀力與寫作力!  非英文背景,照樣精通英語會話。從一竅不通到會話高手,輕輕松松就能立即上手,簡單易學,一看就懂,練就熟練英文、精通英語會話超簡單!  353個句型,128個主題,一開口就能流利說




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