
出版時間:2009-11  出版社:機械工業(yè)出版社  作者:米芙錚,王建華 主編  頁數(shù):163  


  本書既可供高職院校商貿(mào)專業(yè)的在校學(xué)生使用,也可供廣大從事對外商貿(mào)工作的人士閱讀參考?! 「鶕?jù)高職院校商貿(mào)專業(yè)的學(xué)生未來崗位對于外貿(mào)英語函電的知識需求和能力需求,本著以應(yīng)用為目的,以必需、夠用為度的原則,本書內(nèi)容深入淺出,突出高等職業(yè)教育以能力為本位的方針,注重對學(xué)生實踐能力的培養(yǎng)?! ≡趦?nèi)容的編排上,本書緊扣外貿(mào)工作流程,引用大量外貿(mào)往來函電真實案例,力求創(chuàng)設(shè)真實的外貿(mào)工作情景,力求內(nèi)容的科學(xué)性和準確性。每章配有大量練習(xí),練習(xí)內(nèi)容緊貼主題,練習(xí)方式多樣,難易適中,針對性強。本書采取以案例為導(dǎo)向的編寫體例,符合高職高專學(xué)生的認知規(guī)律,有較強的施教性。每章案例后安排小組討論,以任務(wù)的方式引導(dǎo)學(xué)生對案例進行分析,重在培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的分析問題、解決問題的能力以及學(xué)生自主學(xué)習(xí)、合作學(xué)習(xí)的能力。每章結(jié)束部分提供提示,對章節(jié)要點進行總結(jié)?! ”緯尚熘莨I(yè)職業(yè)技術(shù)學(xué)院米芙錚,王建華主編。湖北交通職業(yè)技術(shù)學(xué)院張有元,安徽商貿(mào)職業(yè)技術(shù)學(xué)院葉興副主編。徐州工業(yè)職業(yè)技術(shù)學(xué)院苗坤、姚琪、魏雪超參編。湖北交通職業(yè)技術(shù)學(xué)院張充、馬紅麗參編?! ”緯诰帉戇^程中得到了許多從事外貿(mào)工作多年的有關(guān)專家的幫助,真正實現(xiàn)了教材內(nèi)容與行業(yè)實際的緊密對接。本書最后由美籍專家Ian Wolfe Von Thanden進行了審稿?! g迎有關(guān)專家、學(xué)者及廣大師生在使用過程中提出寶貴意見以便于我們不斷改進,在此我們表示衷心的感謝。




前言Unit 1  Introduction of Business Letters Case One Case Two Case Three Case Four Case FiveUnit 2  Establishment of Business Relations. Case One Case TwoUnit 3 Eoqniry & Reply Case One  Case TwoUnit 4  Firm Offer & Non-firm Offer Case One Case TwoUnit 5  Counter Offer Case One Case Two Case Three Case FourUnit 6  COnfirmation & Acceptance Case One Case Two Case Three Case Four Case FiveUnit 7  Terms of Payment. Case One Case Two Case Three Case Four   Case Five Case SixUnit 8  Examination of Letter of Credit Case One Case Two Case Three Case FourUnit 9  Packing & Shipment Case One Case Two Case Three Case FourUnit 10  Insurance Case One Case Two Case Three Case FourUnit 11  Orders & Contracts Case One Case TwoUnit 12  Complaints & Claims Case One Case Two Case Three Case Four Case FiveKeys to Exerclses Keys to Unit 1 ……附錄參考文獻


  5. Translate the following sentences into English. ?。?) Weve come to know your name and address from the Commercial Counselors Office of the Chinese Embassy in London.  (2) Your company are exporting large quantities of textile to European countries. ?。?) We are importers of wool blankets and wish to establish direct business relations with you in this line.  (4) Please provide/furnish us with some of your latest samples. ?。?) We specialize in the export of Japanese light industrial products, and would like to trade with you in this line. ?。?) Our lines are mainly arts and crafts. ?。?) Your letter expressing the hope of establishing business connections with us has met with approval. ?。?) A catalogue and a price list of our products are enclosed. ?。?) Several copies of your sales literature have been forwarded to you today. ?。?0) An early reply will be highly appreciated.  6. Read the following letters, trying to understand and translate them.  7. Writing: Please understand the given article and try to translate it into English. Dear sirs,  We have your name and address from the Commercial Office of Chinese Embassy in Russia. We are taking this opportunity to write to you with a view to set up friendly business relations with you.  We are a state-owned company, dealing specially in the export of cotton bed sheets. We are in a position to accept orders according to the customers samples. In the customers samples, requests about the assorted pattern, specification and package of the needed goods should be indicated particularly.  In order to give you a general idea of various kinds of the cotton bed sheets we are handling in, we are airmailing you, under separate cover, our latest catalogue for your reference. Please let us know if you are interested in our products. We will send you our price list and samples to you as soon as we receive your specific inquiry.  Looking forward to your early reply.  ……



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