
出版時(shí)間:2009-1  出版社:機(jī)械工業(yè)出版社  作者:河南機(jī)電學(xué)?;A(chǔ)部 編  頁數(shù):209  字?jǐn)?shù):341000  


Patterns)、情景會(huì)話(Situational DiaIogue)、課文(Text)、知識(shí)運(yùn)用(Knowledge
using)、單詞(New Words)五個(gè)部分。從不同角度培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的英語應(yīng)用能力。


Step Ⅰ (實(shí)用層)
Unit 1 Asking the Name,Age and Address
Unit 2 Meeting and Greeting People
Unit 3 Giving an Introduction
Unit 4 Making a Telephone Call
Unit 5 Doing Some Shopping
Unit 6 Asking the Time and Date
Unit 7 Special Greetings
Unit 8 Giving Complements
Unit 9 Good Wishes 
Unit 10 Likes and Dislikes
Unit 11 Giving Suggestions 
Unit 12 Talking about Warnings 
Unit 13 Making a Promise
Unit 14 Asking for Help
Unit 15 Offering Help
Unit 16 Giving an Invitation
Unit 17 At the School
Unit 18 At the Post Omce
Unit 19 At the Restaurant
Unit 20 Watching TV
Step Ⅱ (應(yīng)用層)
Unit 1 Asking the Name.Age and Address 
Unit 2 Meeting and Greeting People
Unit 3 Giving an Introduction 
Unit 4 Making a Telephone Call 
Unit 5 Asking the Time and Date
Unit 6 Talking about the Weather
Unit 7 Expression of Thanks
Unit 8 Giving Compliments 
Unit 9 Good Wishes 
Unit 10 Talking about Likes and Dislikes
Unit 11 Doing Some Shoppin9
Unit 12 Giving Suggestions 
Unit 13 Talking about Warnings 
Unit 14 Making a Promise
Unit 15 Offering Help
Unit 16 Paying a Visit 
Unit 17 At the School
Unit 18 At the Hotel
Unit 19 At the Barber’S
Unit 20 Talking about Sports
Unit 21 Watching TV 
Step Ⅲ (提高層)
Unit 1 Asking the Name,Age and Address
Unit 2 Meeting and Greeting People
Unit 3 Giving an Introduction
Unit 4 Making a Telephone Call
Unit 5 Doing Some Shopping
Unit 6 Asking the Time and Date
Unit 7 Talking about Weather
Unit 8 Expression of Thanks
附錄 專業(yè)詞匯


The good man asked a tree. The tree said, " 1 give shade (樹蔭),And yet I am cut frown.Let the tiger eat you. " Next, the good man asked a bird. The bird said, "I hurt no one. Yet peo-ple hunt and kill me. Let the tiger eat you. " The last one that the good man asked was a road.The road said, "I don't care if the tiger eats you. People could not get along too well without me.Yet all day and all night people step on me without even a ' thank you'. "  The tiger was ready to eat the good man. Just then a dog came by. "What is happening?"asked the dog. The man told the dog the whole story. "I don't understand," said the dog, "The tiger wants to eat you because you put him in acage ?"  "No, no," said the man. "Some other men put him in a cage. "  "Oh," the dog said, "He is going to eat you because you do not have a cage. "  "Silly dog!" the tiger cried, "Don't you understand? I was in the cage. This man let meout. "  "Oh, I see," the dog said, "When the man was in the cage, you let him out. "  "I was in the cage!" the tiger cried, "In this way!" with that, he jumped back into thecage.  At once, the dog closed the door of the cage. "Oh," the dog laughed, "At last I under-stand !"  The good man and the dog walked off. The tiger looked sad in the cage. If he waited long e-nough, perhaps another good man would come by.  ……



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