
出版時間:2009-8  出版社:機械工業(yè)出版社  作者:宋紅英 編  頁數(shù):199  字數(shù):315000  


  《汽車專業(yè)英語》最初于2003年出版,經(jīng)過6年多的使用,得到了高職高專院校師生的廣泛認可。但是,隨著汽車技術(shù)、高職教育和崗位需求的變化,原版教材在內(nèi)容選取、編寫體例和教學(xué)目標等方面已經(jīng)不能滿足教學(xué)要求,因此,在機械工業(yè)出版社的大力支持下,教材編寫組克服時間緊、任務(wù)重等難題,在原有基礎(chǔ)上,積極探索、銳意創(chuàng)新,對原版教材做了大幅度的修訂。  新版教材更新了絕大部分內(nèi)容,使其更符合高職教育要求,更貼近崗位工作需要。本書的整體構(gòu)思借鑒了國內(nèi)外先進的職業(yè)教育理念,突出“學(xué)生主體,能力本位,任務(wù)載體”的工作過程導(dǎo)向課程開發(fā)原則。以學(xué)習(xí)者為中心,根據(jù)高職學(xué)生及其職業(yè)特點,設(shè)定課程學(xué)習(xí)目標,按照學(xué)習(xí)者獲取職業(yè)英語技能的需求,用靈活多樣的任務(wù)形式組織教學(xué)內(nèi)容,便于教師實施各種高效的教學(xué)方法和手段,實現(xiàn)預(yù)期的教學(xué)目標?! ”緯鴥?nèi)容的選取突出以“學(xué)習(xí)者為中心、語用為中心、技能為中心”的職場英語課程特征,符合能力本位的職業(yè)教育需求;以汽車職業(yè)交流用語、汽車技術(shù)應(yīng)用用語、汽車職業(yè)實務(wù)用語為核心,采用與公共英語不同的能力鑒定理念和方法,創(chuàng)設(shè)仿真的語用環(huán)境,提高學(xué)習(xí)者的英語綜合應(yīng)用能力,鞏固學(xué)習(xí)效果和效用。  本書共八個單元。第一、二、三、四單元是以汽車構(gòu)造為主,涵蓋了發(fā)動機、底盤及電氣設(shè)備等內(nèi)容,所有素材均選自英文原文,體例編排圖文并茂,便于識讀、理解、記憶和靈活運用;第五單元為汽車銷售和售后服務(wù)用語,主要介紹客戶接待、車款推介、價格商談、維修接待等常用英語,旨在提高學(xué)習(xí)者的口語交流能力;第六單元為實用會話,是在第五單元的基礎(chǔ)上,模擬真實的職場情境,力求提高學(xué)習(xí)者的職場英語實戰(zhàn)能力;第七單元為常見汽車標識,主要介紹汽車標牌及VIN代碼的含義;第八單元為OBD一Ⅱ故障碼的中英文對照。  每個單元都配有詞匯表、課文注釋、閱讀材料和實用性很強的練習(xí)題,便于學(xué)生復(fù)習(xí)、鞏固和提高。這些練習(xí)題不但對課文內(nèi)容有很好的針對性,而且還提供了口語交流、資料翻譯等工作崗位必需的技能訓(xùn)練題目,增強了內(nèi)容的實用性,是本書的一大亮點。書后附有專業(yè)詞匯表和常用縮略語表,便于學(xué)生自學(xué)和實際工作中查閱?! ”緯歉叩嚷殬I(yè)技術(shù)院校汽車專業(yè)的教學(xué)用書,也可作為相關(guān)行業(yè)崗位培訓(xùn)或自學(xué)用書,同時可供汽車維修人員學(xué)習(xí)參考?! ”緯尚吓_職業(yè)技術(shù)學(xué)院宋紅英任主編,侯江麗、何寶文任副主編。其中,第一、二、八單元由侯江麗、宋紅英、胡利平編寫,第三單元由劉學(xué)明、宋紅英編寫,第四單元由何寶文編寫,第五、七單元由胡慧敏、宋紅英編寫,第六單元由宋紅英、劉學(xué)明編寫,附錄I、Ⅱ由胡利平、侯江麗編寫?! ∮捎谧髡咚接邢蓿杪┖湾e誤之處在所難免,敬請讀者予以斧正。


本書共八個單元。第一、二、三、四單元以汽車構(gòu)造為主,介紹發(fā)動機、底盤及電氣設(shè)備等內(nèi)容;第五單元為汽車銷售和售后服務(wù)用語,主要介紹客戶接待、車款推介、價格商談、維修接待等常用英語;第六單元為實用會話,模擬真實的職場情境;第七單元為常見汽車標識,主要介紹汽車標牌及VIN代碼的含義;第八單元為OBD—Ⅱ故障碼的中英文對照。    本書內(nèi)容安排合理、條理清晰,符合高職教育要求和崗位工作需要,適合高等職業(yè)技術(shù)院校汽車專業(yè)英語教學(xué)使用,也可作為相關(guān)行業(yè)崗位培訓(xùn)或自學(xué)用書,同時可供汽車維修人員學(xué)習(xí)參考。


前言Unit One  Brief Introduction of AutomobileUnit Two  Engine System  2.1   Main Components of Engine  2.2   Cylinder Block and Cylinder Head  2.3  Piston and Connecting Rod  2.4   Crankshaft and Flywheel  2.5   Valve Gear  2.6  Cooling System  2.7  Lubrication System  2.8  Electronic Fuel Injection System   2.9  Emission Control System  2.10  Intake and Exhaust SystemsUnit Three  Chassis  3.1   Drive Line  3.2  Clutch  3.3   Manual Transmission  3.4  Automatic Transmission  3.5   Final Drive  3.6  Universal Drive  3.7  Running Gear  3.8  The Steering System  3.9  Braking SystemUnit Four  Electrical Equipment  4.1   Charging System  4.2  Starting System  4.3  Ignition System Basics  4.4  Electronic Ignition System  4.5  Air Bag System  4.6  Air ConditioningUnit Five  Automobile Sales and   After Service  5.1   Greetings  5.2  Introduction of New Models  5.3  Negotiation of Price  5.4  Terms of Payment  5.5  Appointment  5.6  Maintenance Reception  5.7  Users' Feedback  5.8  Reply for Customers' ComplaintsUnit Six  Practical Conversation  6.1   Receiving Customers  6.2  Inquiry  6.3  Automatic Transmission and Manual  Transmission  6.4  Suspension System  6.5  Automobile ABS  6.6  Automobile Noise and Vibration  6.7  Hybrid Car  6.8  GPS Navigation SystemUnit Seven  Common English Identifier   of Imported Vehicles  7.1  Marks of VehicIe Model  7.2  Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Unit Eight OBD- II DTC  8.1  OBD- II DTC Summarization  8.2  Explanation of DTCAppendix  Appendix I   Vocabulary  Appendix II   AbbreviationsReferences (參考文獻)


  Camshaft s function is to open the engine valves posi-tively and timely, in a definite sequence, and to control theirclosing against the return action of the valve springs. Theshaft is made integral with its cams and bearing journals.Each cam controls a single valve, either intake or exhaust. Insome automobile engines, the camshaft is made integral withfuel pump eccentric wheel and oil pump drive gear. Thecamshaft bearings are lubricated with oil supplied under pres-sure from the main gallery in the cylinder block.  The tappets serve to transmit the force from the camshaftto the push rods. The tappets are small cylindrical bores re-ceiving the push rods. They are made of cast iron or steeland located in the guides, which may be made integral withthe cylinder block or removable as in the engine. When theengines operate, the tappets continuously rotate about theiraxes for uniform wear. The rotation is ensured by a convexsurface of their bottoms and a slanted surface of the cams.  The push rods transmit the force from the tappets to the rocker. They usually have small con-vex balls inserted on each of their ends. These convex bails fit into the tappet and rocker arm toallow proper movement. Overhead camshafts do not need the push rod.  Rocker arms are designed to change the direction of the cam lifting force and provide a cer-tain mechanical advantage during valve lifting. The purpose of the mechanical advantage is toopen the valve more than the actual lift of the camshaft lobe, which can be done by changing thedistance from the pivot point to the end of the rocker ann. There is the valve clearance betweenthe rocker contact pad and the valve stem tip, so that the valve will be tightly pressed against itsseat when hot. The clearance can be adjusted by adjusting screw of the rocker arm.  Each cylinder of a four-stroke-cycle diesel or gasoline engine is commonly equipped with anintake valve and an exhaust valve. The purpose of the intake valve is to allow the air fuel mixtureor air to enter the cylinder. After the combustion process has been completed, the burned gasesare permitted to escape from the cylinder through the exhaust valve. The differences of the intakeand exhaust valves are of different diameter. For better engine breathing, the intake valve has alarger diameter than the exhaust one. To obtain sufficient valve area, some automobiles have twointake valves and two exhaust valves.  A valve consists of a head and stem. The valve head has a narrow chamfer of 45~or 30~re-ferred to as valve face. The valve face fits tightly against the seat, which is achieved by grinding. Valve seats are defined as circular surfaces that are machined into the cylinder block or head.The seats provide a surface for the intake and exhaust valves to seal for gas leakage. The seats alsohelp to dissipate the heat built up in the valve.



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