
出版時間:2010-1  出版社:機械工業(yè)出版社  作者:馬文冰 主編  頁數(shù):182  


  聽力和口語在職業(yè)學校的外語教學中一般被當作技能訓練來處理。教師更多地把時間放在了閱讀和寫作的教學上。學生在英語學習中也是重讀寫、輕聽說。這種思想實際上忽略了聽力在四項技能中的重要作用?! ∮⒄Z是表音文字,與表意文字,如中文,有很大的差別。如果說中文是用眼睛來學的,那么英語就應(yīng)該用耳朵來學?,F(xiàn)代英語教育理論認為,人的頭腦對語音的記憶能力和識別能力往往大于對文字的認讀能力。儲存在頭腦中的語音信息,寫出來就是文章,說出來就是口語。識讀的文字與頭腦中的語音相匹配,則能理解所讀的詞句及文章,反之,則會出現(xiàn)閱讀困難?! ÷犛⒄Z的過程大概都是從識別單詞開始的,再由單詞擴展到詞組和句子。本書的編寫就遵循著這個規(guī)律:首先,將生詞或重點詞放在句子中,讓學生辨音;接下來,讓學生在熟練識別單詞的基礎(chǔ)上識別句子;最后,把重點句子放在文章中,讓學生在正常語速的信息流中,辨別所列出的句子。如果單詞是點,句子是線,那么接下來的就是面,即對整個篇章的理解。這樣一來,從點到線再到面,逐步突破聽力難關(guān)。學生的進步也在這個過程中從點到面地展開。由于我們的任務(wù)布置得清晰、明確,而且任務(wù)量不大,同學時刻可以感受到自己的進步,很有成就感。  聽的目的不僅是為了應(yīng)付考試,而且是為了完成工作任務(wù),進行功能交際??谡Z的訓練一方面要強調(diào)對語言的記憶能力,另一方面要強調(diào)將一些記住的資料重復(fù)出來,在不斷的模仿練習中培養(yǎng)說英語的能力和興趣。我們認為,英語的聽和說是一個硬幣的兩面,聽是輸入,說是產(chǎn)出,二者相互聯(lián)系、密不可分?,F(xiàn)代英語教學強調(diào)的是交際教學法,更加注重對聽說能力的培養(yǎng)。


現(xiàn)代英語教學強調(diào)的是交際教學法,更加注重對學生聽、說能力的培養(yǎng)。本書基于先進的英語教學理論,從學生就業(yè)和發(fā)展的需要出發(fā),把聽與說融合在一起。從教學實踐和學生掌握情況來看,這種思路是卓有成效的。    本書分為日常用語、商務(wù)流程、相關(guān)行業(yè)用語三個模塊。日常用語模塊從找工作開始到辦公室英語,進入工作狀態(tài)后,分別介紹了接機、安排日程、宴請、觀光和送別等內(nèi)容。商務(wù)流程模塊包括產(chǎn)品介紹、報盤和發(fā)盤、定價、支付方式、包裝、保險、運輸和合同等內(nèi)容。相關(guān)行業(yè)用語模塊包括會議、會展及營銷英語等內(nèi)容。    本書可作為國際商務(wù)專業(yè)和商務(wù)英語專業(yè)的教材,也可作為相關(guān)人員的參考用書。


前言Module1  Everyday English Unit 1  Finding a Job  Part A  Words and Expressions  Part B  Sample Talk  Part C  After-class Practice  Part D  Listening Practice  Part E  Extra Exercises  Part F Unit2  Office English  Part A  Words and Expressions  Part B  Sample Talk  Part C  After-class Practice  Part D  Listening Practice  Part E  Extra Exercises  Part F Unit3  Picking up the Customer at the Airport  Part A  Words and Expressions  Part B  Sample Talk  Part C  After-class Practice  Part D  Listening Practice  Part E  Extra Exercises  Part F Unit4  Making an Agenda  Part A  Words and Expressions  Part B  Sample Talk  Part C  After-class Practice  Part D  Listening Practice  Part E  Extra Exercises  Part F Unit5  At a Dinner Party  Part A  Words and Expressions  Part B  Sample Talk  Part C  After-class Practice  Part D  Listening and Practice  Part E  Extra Exercises  Part F Unit6  Touring with the Customer  Part A  Words and Expressions  Part B  Sample Talk  Part C  After-class Practice  Part D  Listening Practice  Part E  Extra Exercises  Part F Unit7  Seeing off Warmly  Part A  Words and Expressions  Part B  Sample Talk  Part C  After-class Practice  Part D  Listening Practice  Part E  Extra Exercises  Part FModule2  Business Procedures Unit8  Product Presentation  Part A  Words and Expressions  Part B  Sample Talk  Part C  After-class Practice  Part D  Listening Practice  Part E  Extra Exercises  Part F Unit 9  Inquiry and Offer  Part A  Words and Expressions  Part B  Sample Talk  Part C  After-class Practice  Part D  Listening Practice  Part E  Extra Exercises  Part F Unit 10  Price  Part A  Words and Expressions  Part B  Sample Talk  Part C  After-class Practice  Part D  Listening Practice  Part E  Extra Exercises  Part F Unit 11  Terms of Payment  Part A  Words and Expressions  Part B  Sample Talk  Part C  After-class Practice  Part D  Listening Practice  Part E  Extra Exercises  Part F Unit 12  Packing  Part A  Words and Expressions  Part B  Sample Talk  Part C  After-class practice  Part D  Listening Practice  Part E  Extra Exercises  Part F Unit 13  Insurance  Part A  Words and Expressions..  Part B  Sample Talk  Part C  After-class Practice  Part D  Listening Practice  Part E  Extra Exercises  Part F Unit 14  Shipping  Part A  Words and Expressions  Part B  Sample Talk  Part C  After-class practice  Part D  Listening Practice  Part E  Extra Exercises  Part F Unit 15  Signing a Contract  Part A  Words and Expressions  Part B  Sample Talk  Part C  After-class Practice  Part D  Listening Practice  Part E  Extra Exercises  Part FModule 3  English in the Relative Fields Unit 16  AtaMeeting  1  Part A  Words and Expressions  Part B  Sample Talk  Part C  After-class Practice  Part D  Listening Practice  Part E  Extra Exercises  Part F Unit 17  Marketing andPromotion  Part A  Words and Expressions  Part B  Sample Talk  Part C  After-class Practice  Part D  Listening Practice  Part E  Extra Exercises  Part F Unit 18  Signing up fora        Trade Show  Part A  Words and Expressions  Part B  Sample Talk  Part C  After-class Practice  Part D  Listening Practice  Part E  Extra Exercises  Part F


  One of Chinas greatest treasures is her long, rich history. As early as 1.7 million years ago, the earliest humans evolved on this land. The first dynasty, the Xia Dynasty, dates to about the 21st century BC. For 4,000 years, feudalism was the dominant economic and cultural model. Then, in 1911, the revolution led by Sun Yatsen brought the monarchy to an end. On October 1st, 1949, modern China was founded as the Peoples Republic of China. Since then, China has developed independently and vigorously. Most recently, reform and opening-up policy has energized life in China.  China is proud of her many people, long history, resplendent culture and distinctive customs. Among her greatest gifts to the world are the four great inventions (paper, gunpowder, printing and the compass). Chinese arts and crafts, including painting, calligraphy, operas, embroidery and silk, are distinctive and unique. Martial arts, which have only recently begun to enjoy popularity in other parts of the world, have been part of Chinese culture for centuries, and Chinese literature testifies to the countrys rich heritage. And, of course, there is Chinese cuisine, which has been exported to every corner of the globe.



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