出版時間:2009-8 出版社:機械工業(yè)出版社 作者:歐內斯特 編 頁數(shù):172 譯者:曲英姿
世界上最優(yōu)美的散文是哪一篇?世界上最感人的書信是誰寫的?世界上最美麗的風景在哪里?一個個問題牽動我們的思緒,勾起我們的遐思。我們的心底泛起層層波瀾,我們幻想著陶醉于自然美景中的愜意,我們心靈深處的清泉為它而流淌——“世界上最美麗的英文”?! ∥覀儫o法一睹原作者的尊容,可是他們筆尖下的情詩依舊散發(fā)著馨香。他們講臺上的演講仍然縈繞在我們耳畔,他們親切的話語在信紙上娓娓道來,他們楚楚生情的語言滋養(yǎng)著我們的心靈,他們展示給我們的夢幻旖旎的風景令我們身心舒暢?! 笆澜缟献蠲利惖挠⑽摹毕盗泄?本,囊括了散文、詩歌、書信和演講詞等各種體裁,以滿足不同讀者的閱讀口味。散文取材廣泛,融合了記敘、說明、抒情、議論、描寫等豐富多彩的表達方式,如同五彩斑斕的風景畫,惹人喜愛,讓人陶醉。詩歌融合了多種抒情方式,語言高度凝練,思想內容集中,想象豐富,集節(jié)奏感和韻律美于二身。書信以真實情感為核心,或抒情,或議論,或敘述,都是圍繞作者的心靈體驗和感悟而展開,親切感人;演講詞語言絢麗多彩,既具美感。又催人奮進。
Part1 Hold Your Hand Karl Marx to Jenny Marx Ogden Nash to His Wife George Washington to His wife Winston Churchill to His Wife Napoleon to Josephine John Adams to His Wife Mark Twain to His Wife William Wordsworth to Mary Wordsworth Virginia Woolf to Her Husband Leonard Balzac to Madame HanskaPart2 So Love You Elizabeth Barrett to Robert Browning ……Part3 Blood Is Thicker than Water
Frances darling, Ive been reading your letter over all day, its so dear, even the part thatworried me. I imagine that tomorrow mornings mail will tell me what hashappened and whether I really upset things. My mind has been constantly on the Cape——I can see you, but I don’t know what you are doing and saying, andI want so dreadfully to know. Tell me that everything is all right, and tell meagain. Ive wanted to telephone, but I know you don’t like the telephone, andbesides I remember that yours is right out in the middle of everything andconversation is impossible. Damn the distance between us! You wont get thisuntil thirty-six hours after I write it. But remember that when I tell you now thatI love you I shall be loving you even more by the time you read the words. LastSunday I couldn’t have believed that my love could ever be bigger and strongerthan it was then——but its growing every hour. Cant you feel it? Yesterday ! Couldn’t do a stroke of work. I was exhausted——burned out——stunned. The terrific suspense and emotional strain and then the unbelievablehappiness left me without much body or mind. But today I was myself again,only better than ever before; you were the motive for everything. Ive never hadso much energy. You have done that; don’t stop. Havent you a photograph or even a snapshot of yourself?. I want to look atand touch, as I read and touch your letters; it helps bring you a little closer.
世界上最美麗的英文,一滴墨水可以引發(fā)千萬人的思考,一封書信可以溫暖無數(shù)人的心靈。 豐富單詞量,提高英語閱讀、寫作能力;提高文學素養(yǎng)和人格涵養(yǎng),提高鑒賞能力;英漢雙語對比賞析,提高翻譯能力;提高個人修養(yǎng)和英語能力,提高職場競爭力;欣賞英語原著風采,感受原汁原味的英文氛圍;欣賞優(yōu)美雅致的文字,收獲睿智的人生哲理;廣泛的教學素材,提高英語教學能力;精選世界精品美文,最值得發(fā)給學員閱讀的經典;富含哲理的美文,憩息心靈的家園。