
出版時(shí)間:2009-5  出版社:機(jī)械工業(yè)出版社  作者:菲利普斯  頁數(shù):772  


  The basic structure and philosophy of the previous editions of Signals, System and Transforms are retained in the third edition. New examples have been added and some examples have been revised to demonstrate key concepts more clearly. New figures have been added to better illustrate concepts such as aliasing, orthogonality of exponentials, data reconstruction, etc. The wording of many passages throughout the text has been revised to ease reading and improve clarity. In particular, we have greatly simplified the development of convolution, the Fourier Transform, and the Discrete Fourier Transform. Further, we use si&bars in Sections 2.1 and 2.7 to  demonstrate real world applications of the material.  Chapters 5, 6, and 12 have been reorganized to consolidate the presentation on sampling and data construction and to reduce redundancy. Many end of chapter problems have been revised and numerous new problems are provided. Several of these new problems illustrate real world concepts in digital communications, filtering, and control theory. In addition, in response to requests from students at our universities, we have included answers to selected problems in Appendix H. We hope that this will enable the student to obtain immediate feedback about his/her  understanding of new material and concepts.  All MATLAB examples have been updated to ensure compatibility with Student Version Release 12. Several new MATLAB examples have been added.  New to this edition is a third co author, Professor Eve Riskin from the University of Washington. Professor Riskin has contributed many ideas for the text including a companion web site at http://www, ee. washington.edu/class/SST_textbook/textbook, html.  This web site contains sample laboratories, lecture notes for Chapters 1 7 and Chapters 9 12, and the MATLAB files listed in the textbook as well as several additional MATLAB files. It also contains a link to a second web site at http://www.ee.washington.edu/class/235dl/, which contains interactive versions of the lecture notes for Chapters 1 7. Here, students and professors can find workedout solutions to all the examples in the lecture notes, as well as animated demonstrations of various concepts including transformations of continuous time  signals, properties of continuous time systems (including numerous examples on time invariance), convolution, sampling, and aliasing. Additional examples for discrete time material will be added as they are developed.  In addition to the website listed above, the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Washington, maintains an electronic mail list server for your use. For information on how to subscribe and unsubscribe, simply send aplain text E mail message with the word HELP as the message body (and nothing else) to sstextbook request@ee, washington, edu. This list server will be used to communicate any typos found in the book or solution manual as well as point out  new updates to the above mentioned web pages.  This book is intended to be used primarily as a text for junior level students in engineering curricula and for self study by practicing engineers. It is assumed that the reader has had some introduction to signal models, system models, and differ ential equations (as in, for example, circuits courses and courses in mathematics),and some laboratory work with physical systems.


  《信號、系統(tǒng)和變換(英文版)(第4版)》對關(guān)于信號、系統(tǒng)和變換的理論與應(yīng)用進(jìn)行了清晰而全面的闡述。介紹了有關(guān)信號與系統(tǒng)的數(shù)學(xué)背景知識,主要包括:傅里葉變換、傅里葉級數(shù).拉普拉斯變換.離散時(shí)間、離散傅里葉變換以及z變換等。本版在課程體系的組織上可以靈活地應(yīng)對讀者的不同側(cè)重需求。MATLAB示例貫穿于全書各章,同時(shí)MATLAB學(xué)生版本的高級功能也在例題和習(xí)題的應(yīng)用中有所體現(xiàn)?! ∪珪?50多道習(xí)題和150多道例題。給出的習(xí)題答案可使讀者獲得關(guān)于新概念理解的即時(shí)反饋。


  CharlesL.Phillips奧本大學(xué)工程學(xué)院教授?! ohnM.Parr現(xiàn)任教于艾溫斯維爾大學(xué)?! veA.Riskin分別于1985年和1986年獲斯坦福大學(xué)電氣工程和運(yùn)籌學(xué)碩士學(xué)位,1990年獲斯坦福大學(xué)電氣工程博士學(xué)位,現(xiàn)為華盛頓大學(xué)工程學(xué)院教授。


PREFACE1 INTRODUCTION1.1 Modeling 11.2 Continuous-Time Physical Systems 4Electric Circuits, 4Operational Amplifier Circuits, 6Simple Pendulum, 9DC Power Supplies, 10Analogous Systems, 121.3 Samplers and Discrete-Time Physical Systems 14Analog-to-Digital Converter, 14Numerical Integration, 16Picture in a Picture, 17Compact Disks, 18Sampling in Telephone Systems, 19Data-Acquisition System, 211.4 MATLAB and SIMULINK 221.5 Signals and Systems References 23References 232 CONTINUOUS-TIME SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS2.1 Transformations of Continuous-Time Signals 25Time Transformations, 25Amplitude Transformations, 312.2 Signal Characteristics 33Even and Odd Signals, 33Periodic Signals, 352.3 Common Signals in Engineering 402.4 Singularity Functions 46Unit Step Function, 46Unit Impulse Function, 502.5 Mathematical Functions for Signals 552.6 Continuous-Time Systems 60Interconnecting Systems, 62Feedback System, 642.7 Properties of Continuous-Time Systems 66Stability 70Linearity 75Summary 77References 79Problems 793 CONTINUOUS-TIME LINEAR TIME-INVARIANT SYSTEMS3.1 Impulse Representation of Continuous-Time Signals 903.2 Convolution for Continuous-Time LTI Systems 933.3 Properties of Convolution 1053.4 Properties of Continuous-Time LTI Systems 109Memoryless Systems, 110Invertibility, 110Causality, 111Stability, 112Unit Step Response, 1133.5 Differential-Equation Models 114Solution of Differential Equations, 116General Case, 118Relation to Physical Systems, 1203.6 Terms in the Natural Response 121Stability, 1223.7 System Response for Complex-Exponential Inputs 125Linearity, 125Complex Inputs for LTI Systems, 126Impulse Response, 1303.8 Block Diagrams 131Direct Form I, 135Direct Form II, 135nth-Order Realizations, 135Practical Considerations, 137Summary 139References 141Problems 1414 FOURIER SERIES4.1 Approximating Periodic Functions 153Periodic Functions, 153Approximating Periodic Functions, 1544.2 Fourier Series 158Fourier Series, 159Fourier Coefficients, 1604.3 Fourier Series and Frequency Spectra 163Frequency Spectra, 1644.4 Properties of Fourier Series 1734.5 System Analysis 1764.6 Fourier Series Transformations 183Amplitude Transformations, 184Time Transformations, 186Summary 188References 189Problems 1895 THE FOURIER TRANSFORM5.1 Definition of the Fourier Transform 1995.2 Properties of the Fourier Transform 208Linearity, 208Time Scaling, 210Time Shifting, 213Time Transformation, 214Duality, 215Convolution, 218Frequency Shifting, 219Time Differentiation, 221Time Integration, 226Frequency Differentiation, 229Summary, 2295.3 Fourier Transforms of Time Functions 230DC Level, 230Unit Step Function, 230Switched Cosine, 231Pulsed Cosine, 231Exponential Pulse, 233Fourier Transforms of Periodic Functions, 233Summary, 2395.4 Sampling Continuous-Time Signals 239Impulse Sampling, 240Shannons Sampling Theorem, 242Practical Sampling, 2445.5 Application of the Fourier Transform 244Frequency Response of Linear Systems, 244Frequency Spectra of Signals, 253Summary, 2565.6 Energy and Power Density Spectra 256Energy Density Spectrum, 256Power Density Spectrum, 259Power and Energy Transmission, 262Summary, 264Summary 265References 267Problems 2676 APPLICATIONS OF THE FOURIER TRANSFORM6.1 Ideal Filters 2756.2 Real Filters 282RC Low-Pass Filter, 283Butterworth Filter, 285Chebyschev and Elliptic Filters, 291Bandpass Filters, 295Summary, 2966.3 Bandwidth Relationships 2966.4 Reconstruction of Signals from Sample Data 300Interpolating Function, 302Digital-to-Analog Conversion, 3046.5 Sinusoidal Amplitude Modulation 307Frequency-Division Multiplexing, 3166.6 Pulse-Amplitude Modulation 318Time-Division Multiplexing, 320Flat-Top PAM, 322Summary 325References 325Problems 3267 THE LAPLACE TRANSFORM7.1 Definitions of Laplace Transforms 3387.2 Examples 3417.3 Laplace Transforms of Functions 3467.4 Laplace Transform Properties 350Real Shifting, 351Differentiation, 355Integration, 3577.5 Additional Properties 358Multiplication by t, 358Initial Value, 359Final Value, 360Time Transformation, 3617.6 Response of LTI Systems 364Initial Conditions, 364Transfer Functions, 365Convolution, 370Transforms with Complex Poles, 372Functions with Repeated Poles, 3757.7 LTI Systems Characteristics 376Causality, 376Stability, 377Invertibility, 379Frequency Response, 3807.8 Bilateral Laplace Transform 382Region of Convergence, 384Bilateral Transform from Unilateral Tables, 386Inverse Bilateral Laplace Transform, 3887.9 Relationship of the Laplace Transform to the Fourier Transform 390Summary 391References 392Problems 3928 STATE VARIABLES FOR CONTINUOUS-TIME SYSTEMS   4008.1 State-Variable Modeling 4018.2 Simulation Diagrams 4058.3 Solution of State Equations 410Laplace-Transform Solution, 411Convolution Solution, 416Infinite Series Solution, 4178.4 Properties of the State Transition Matrix 4208.5 Transfer Functions 422Stability, 4248.6 Similarity Transformations 426Transformations, 426Properties, 432Summary 434References 436Problems 4369 DISCRETE-TIME SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS      4459.1 Discrete-Time Signals and Systems 447Unit Step and Unit Impulse Functions, 449Equivalent Operations, 4519.2 Transformations of Discrete-Time Signals 452Time Transformations, 453Amplitude Transformations, 4589.3 Characteristics of Discrete-Time Signals 461Even and Odd Signals, 461Signals Periodic in n, 464Signals Periodic in , 4679.4 Common Discrete-Time Signals 4689.5 Discrete-Time Systems 474Interconnecting Systems, 4759.6 Properties of Discrete-Time Systems 477Systems with Memory, 477Invertibility, 478Inverse of a System, 479Causality, 479Stability, 480Time Invariance, 480Linearity, 481Summary 483References 485Problems 48510 DISCRETE-TIME LINEAR TIME-INVARIANT SYSTEMS 49310.1 Impulse Representation of Discrete-Time Signals 49410.2 Convolution for Discrete-Time Systems 495Properties of Convolution, 50410.3 Properties of Discrete-Time LTI Systems 507Memory, 508Invertibility, 508Causality, 508Stability, 509Unit Step Response, 51110.4 Difference-Equation Models 512Difference-Equation Models, 512Classical Method, 514Solution by Iteration, 51910.5 Terms in the Natural Response 520Stability, 52110.6 Block Diagrams 523Two Standard Forms, 52510.7 System Response for Complex-Exponential Inputs 529Linearity, 530Complex Inputs for LTI Systems, 530Stability, 535Sampled Signals, 535Impulse Response, 535Summary 537Reference 538Problems 53811 THE z-TRANSFORM         54711.1 Definitions of z-Transforms 54711.2 Examples 550Two z-Transforms, 550Digital-Filter Example, 55311.3 z-Transforms of Functions 555Sinusoids, 55711.4 z-Transform Properties 560Real Shifting, 560Initial and Final Values, 56311.5 Additional Properties 565Time Scaling, 565Convolution in Time, 56711.6 LTI System Applications 568Transfer Functions, 569Inverse z-Transform, 571Complex Poles, 574Causality, 575Stability, 576Invertibility, 57911.7 Bilateral z-Transform 580Bilateral Transforms, 585Regions of Convergence, 586Inverse Bilateral Transforms, 588Summary 590References 591Problems 59112 FOURIER TRANSFORMS OF DISCRETE-TIME SIGNALS   59912.1 Discrete-Time Fourier Transform 600z-Transform, 60212.2 Properties of the Discrete-Time Fourier Transform 605Periodicity, 605Linearity, 606Time Shift, 606Frequency Shift, 607Symmetry, 608Time Reversal, 608Convolution in Time, 609Convolution in Frequency, 609Multiplication by n, 610Parsevals Theorem, 61012.3 Discrete-Time Fourier Transform of Periodic Sequences 61112.4 Discrete Fourier Transform 617Shorthand Notation for the DFT, 620Frequency Resolution of the DFT, 621Validity of the DFT, 622Summary, 62612.5 Fast Fourier Transform 627Decomposition-in-Time Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm, 627Decomposition-in-Frequency Fast Fourier Transform, 632Summary, 63512.6 Applications of the Discrete Fourier Transform 635Calculation of Fourier Transforms, 635Convolution, 646Filtering, 653Correlation, 660Energy Spectral Density Estimation, 666Summary, 66712.7 The Discrete Cosine Transform, 667Summary 669References 671Problems 67113 STATE VARIABLES FOR DISCRETE-TIME SYSTEMS 67713.1 State-Variable Modeling 67813.2 Simulation Diagrams 68213.3 Solution of State Equations 688Recursive Solution, 688z-Transform Solution, 69013.4 Properties of the State Transition Matrix 69513.5 Transfer Functions 697Stability, 69913.6 Similarity Transformations 700Properties, 704Summary 705References 706Problems 707APPENDICES            714A. Integrals and Trigonometric Identities 714Integrals, 714Trigonometric Identities, 715B. Leibnitzs and LHopitals Rules 716Leibnitzs Rule, 716LHopitals Rule, 717C. Summation Formulas for Geometric Series 718D. Complex Numbers and Eulers Relation 719Complex-Number Arithmetic, 720Eulers Relation, 723Conversion Between Forms, 724References, 725E. Solution of Differential Equations 726Complementary Function, 726Particular Solution, 727General Solution, 728Repeated Roots, 728Reference, 729F. Partial-Fraction Expansions 730Reference, 732G. Review of Matrices 733Algebra of Matrices, 737Other Relationships, 738References, 739H. Answers to Selected Problems 740INDEX         759




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