出版時間:2008-5 出版社:機械工業(yè)出版社 作者:羅森 頁數(shù):843
本書是介紹離散數(shù)學理論和方法的經(jīng)典教材,已經(jīng)成為采用率最高的離散數(shù)學教材。僅在美國就被600多所高校用作教材,獲得了極大的成功。中文版也已被國內大學廣泛采用為教材。第6版在前五版的基礎上做了大量的改進,使其成為更有效的教學工具。 本書可作為1至2個學期的離散數(shù)學課入門教材,適用于數(shù)學、計算機科學、計算機工程、信息技術等專業(yè)的學生。
Kenneth H.Rosen,密歇根大學數(shù)學學士,麻省理工學院數(shù)學博士。曾就職于科羅拉多大學、俄亥俄州立大學、緬因大學,后加盟貝爾實驗室,現(xiàn)為AT&T實驗室特別成員。除本書外,他還著有《初等數(shù)論及其應用》等書,并擔任CRC離散數(shù)學叢書的主編。
Preface About the Author To the Student LIST OF SYMBOLS 1 The Foundations: Logic and Proofs 1.1 Propositional Logic 1.2 Propositional Equivalences 1.3 Predicates and Quantifiers 1.4 Nested Quantifiers 1.5 Rules oflnference 1.6 Introduction to Proofs 1.7 Proof Methods and Strategy End-of-Chapter Material2 Basic Structures: Sets, Functions, Sequences, and Sums 2.1 Sets 2.2 Set Operations 2.3 Functions 2.4 Sequences and Summations End-of-Chapter Material3 The Fundamentals: Algorithms, the Integers, and Matrices 3.1 Algorithms 3.2 The Growth of Functions 3.3 Complexity of Algorithms 3.4 The Integers and Division 3.5 Primes and Greatest Common Divisors 3.6 Integers and Algorithms 3.7 Applications of Number Theory 3.8 Matrices End-of-Chapter Material4 Induction and Recursion 4.1 Mathematical Induction 4.2 Strong Induction and Well-Ordering 4.3 Recursive Definitions and Structural Induction 4.4 Recursive Algorithms 4.5 Program Correctness End-of-Chapter Material5 Counting 5.1 The Basics of Counting 5.2 The Pigeonhole Principle 5.3 Permutations and Combinations 5.4 Binomial Coefficients 5.5 Generalized Permutations and Combinations 5.6 Generating Permutations and Combinations End-of-Chapter Material6 Discrete Probability 6.1 An Introduction to Discrete Probability 6.2 Probability Theory 6.3 Bayes' Theorem 6.4 Expected Value and Variance End-of-Chapter Material7 Advanced Counting Techniques 7.1 Recurrence Relations 7.2 Solving Linear Recurrence Relations 7.3 Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms and Recurrence Relations 7.4 Generating Functions 7.5 Inclusion-Exclusion 7.6 Applications of Inclusion-Exclusion End-of-Chapter Material8 Relations 8.1 Relations and Their Properties 8.2 n-ary Relations and Their Applications 8.3 Representing Relations 8.4 Closures of Relations 8.5 Equivalence Relations 8.6 Partial Orderings End-of-Chapter Material9 Graphs 9.1 Graphs and Graph Models 9.2 Graph Terminology and Special Types of Graphs 9.3 Representing Graphs and Graph Isomorphism 9.4 Connectivity 9.5 Euler and Hamilton Paths 9.6 Shortest-Path Problems 9.7 Planar Graphs 9.8 Graph Coloring End-of-Chapter Material10 Trees11 Boolean Algebra12 Modeling ComputationAppendixesSuggested Readings B-1Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises @ S-1Index of Biographies I-1Index I-2