
出版時間:2008-1  出版社:機(jī)械工業(yè)  作者:朱曉玲  頁數(shù):183  


本書以培養(yǎng)學(xué)生閱讀和理解機(jī)電工程專業(yè)英語的能力為止村,講解了機(jī)械制造技術(shù)、機(jī)電一體化技術(shù)、數(shù)控技術(shù)、電氣控制技術(shù)、模具設(shè)計與制造、汽車工程等方面的專業(yè)英語知識。每篇課文都配有注釋、閱讀技巧、課后練習(xí)和參考譯文,以方便讀者學(xué)習(xí)。  本書適用于高職高專院校機(jī)電類專業(yè)師生。


出版說明前言Unit 1  Machinery Manufacturing Technology  Lesson 1  Metal Cutting Technology  Lesson 2  Engineering Materials  Lesson 3  CAD and CAM  Lesson 4  Introduction of ModernManufacturing Technology  Reading Skills專業(yè)英語簡介  Study and Practice  Reading Material Ⅰ : Correlative Exercise   Reading Material Ⅱ : The Development of Machinery Manufacturing TechnologyUnit 2  The Technology of Mechatronics Lesson 5  The Fundamental of Electronic System Lesson 6  Introduction of a Single Chip Microcomputer Lesson 7  Robot Lesson 8  What Is Mechatronics Reading Skills專業(yè)英語的學(xué)習(xí)技巧 Study and Practice Reading Material Ⅰ : Examples of Mechatronics Reading Material Ⅱ : Knowledge-based SystemUnit 3  The NC Technology Lesson 9   The Principle of Numerical Control (NC) Lesson 10  Basic Programming Codes Lesson 11   Manual Programming and Automatic Programming Lesson 12  The Operation Panel  Reading Skills專業(yè)英語詞匯的構(gòu)成  Study and Practice  Reading Material Ⅰ : Learning about a New CNC Machine  Reading Material Ⅱ : How to Format ProgramUnit 4  Electrical Control Technology  Lesson 13  Programmable Logic Controller  Lesson 14  Sensor Technology  Lesson 15  Process Control Fundamentals  Lesson 16  Automatic Control System  Reading SkiUs 專業(yè)英語詞匯的記憶技巧  Study and Practice  Reading Material Ⅰ : Methods for Programming PLCs  Reading Material Ⅱ : A Temperature Control System for Lubricating OilUnit 5  Mold Design and Manufacturing  Lesson 17  The Design of Jigs and Fixtures  Lesson 18  The Injection-molding Machine  Lesson 19  Piercing Die Design  Lesson 20  The Material of Mould and Heat Treatment Reading Skills專業(yè)英語詞匯的翻譯技巧  Study and Practice Reading Material Ⅰ : High-pressure Laminated Parts Reading Material Ⅱ : The Die InsertUnit 6  Automobile Engineering Lesson 21   Introduction to Automobile Lesson 22  Internal Combustion Engine Lesson 23  Manual Transmission in AutomobileLesson 24  Automobiles and the EnvironmentReading Skills專業(yè)英語句子的翻譯技巧  Study and Practice  Reading material Ⅰ : How to Drive a Car with Manual Transmission  Reading Material Ⅱ : How to Choose a Safe CarAppendix Ⅰ  Vocabulary and Abbreviations  Vocabulary  AbbreviationsAppendix Ⅱ  Code for FANUC NC Milling MachineAppendix Ⅲ  Translation 第一單元 機(jī)械制造技術(shù) 第二單元 機(jī)電一體化技術(shù) 第三單元 數(shù)控技術(shù) 第四單元 電氣控制技術(shù) 第五單元 模具設(shè)計與制造 第六單元 汽車工程Appendix IV  How to Write the English ResumeReference





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