出版時間:2009-1 出版社:機械工業(yè)出版社 作者:張美鳳,賀娜 主編 頁數(shù):212
本書首先針對初中學生在英語寫作中遇到的問題,緊緊圍繞如何寫得快,寫得流利,寫得標準等方面,提供了一系列寫作方法和技巧,以達到學生熟練掌握寫作方法之效果?! ∑浯伪M可能全面地展示所有文體,為同學們提供最新穎、最典型的英語作文,覆蓋學習階段的常用語句,體現(xiàn)各種語法結構的句型。這對培養(yǎng)和增強學生的寫作興趣,豐富學生的寫作素材,迅速提高學生的寫作能力大有好處?! ∽詈髲闹锌加⒄Z書面表達評分標準、各檔次范文評析、題型分析、應試技巧和近兩年各地中考英語書面表達真題幾個方面,全面地對中考英語書面表達題進行分析指導,并給出近兩年全國各地中考的滿分作文,讓學生零距離感受中考?!「鳈谀抗δ埽?.名師導寫:為學生指導此類作文的寫作特點,寫作技巧、格式并介紹好的寫作方法及寫作中可能遇到的問題及注意事項,引領寫作思路。同時還提供了英語作文的寫作模板,幫助同學們在短時間內(nèi)迅速掌握此類文體的寫作格式?! ?.精選范文:為同學們提供最新穎、最典型的英語作文,選文具有貼近學生生活、趣味性強、題材豐富、體裁多樣的特點,幫助學生全方位開闊視野,增加積累,并有助于學生借鑒和使用,提高英語寫作能力。
前言一、初中生英語作文這樣寫 認真審題,把握體裁 列全要點詞匯,正確使用 句式變化,增加文采 讓你的作文精彩起來二記敘文 名師導寫 精選范文 1.人物影集 2.少年時代 3.風景看臺 4.珍奇展臺 5.夢想天空 學生習作 精彩積累 活學活用三、說明文 名師導寫 精選范文 1.介紹事物 2.介紹方法 學生習作 精彩積累 活學活用四、議論文 名師導寫 精選范文 1.教育與科技 2.家庭與社會 3.成長與人生 4.時尚與熱點 學生習作 精彩積累 活學活用五、應用文 書信 名師導寫 精選范文 日記 名師導寫 精選范文 通知與便條 名師導寫 精選范文 賀卡 名師導寫 精選范文 其他類應用文 名師導寫 精選范文 學生習作 精彩積累 活學活用六、材料作文七、觀、讀后感八、演講作文九、備戰(zhàn)中考英語書面表達
Hello, everybody! My name is Chang Shuyi. Im in Xinjianlu Mid-dle School. All of my classmates and I like one of our teachers verymuch. She is friendly to us. We all like having her class. Do you knowher? Can you guess who she is? Oh, shes my English teacher——WangXianghua. We often call her "Miss Wang". Now, let me introduce MissWang to you. She is neither too tall nor too short. She is thin. And she has shorthair. I think she likes short hair because short hair is in fashion now. Shehas two big eyes and a small nose. She often wears light colored blouseand dark colored trousers. She looks very cool. She is very kind to us,just like the springs warmth. In class, she is like our mother. She oftenreads short or long stories to us in English. From these, we can not onlyincrease our interests in English, but also extend our vocabularies. It isreally good for us. After class she has many things to do. There are always piles ofexercise books on her desk including our homework. She has to correctthem for us. So our teachers daily life is very busy and tiring. We learnfrom her that "Without labor, no glorious victory is won." This is our English teacher, a good teacher. We are proud of her.