
出版時間:2007-1  出版社:機械工業(yè)  作者:張利華  頁數(shù):215  字數(shù):226000  




叢書序Risk to Succeed為成功冒險To Learn HOW to Learn要學會如何學習Three Kinds of Goals三種目標Don't Follow Blindly不要盲目追隨Make Proper Use of Time合理利用時間To Choose Books Reasonably理性選擇書籍The Secrets of Top Students尖子生的秘訣Set Patterns of the Losers失敗者的頑固習性Storms Always Give Wav to the Sun陽光總在風雨后Dare to Carry Burden勇挑重擔To Soar above the Storm在暴風雨中翱翔Valuable Education有價值的教育To Cultivate Our H eart培育我們的心靈Work Is First,F(xiàn)ee Second工作第一,報酬第二Learn to Deal with Failure學會正視失敗A Perfect Speech一場精彩的演講When a Dream Doesn't Come True當夢想落空之時I Will…我會……Books——the Source of Delight書籍——快樂之源Self—dependence Is Important重在自立Judgment主見Self—confidence Is the Most Important自信最重要The Best Way to Learn the Experience and Wisdom獲取經(jīng)驗和智慧的最好方法Learn to Make Full Use of Time學會充分利用時間How to Handle Adversity如何應對逆境HOW to Communicate Effectively如何有效溝通Are YOU an Attractive Woman?你是富有吸引力的女士嗎?Are YOU an Attractive Man?你是富有吸引力的男士嗎?HOW to Make Important Decisions如何作出重大的決定Keep the Right Mindset保持正確的心態(tài)Stress壓力Part—time J ob in Universities大學里的兼職工作To Participate in Recreation Actively主動參與娛樂The Secrets of Fulfilling One'S Dreams實現(xiàn)夢想的秘訣Inner Speech Shapes Your Life內(nèi)在想法影響你的生活The Character of the Winners成功者的品格Never Feel Complacent永不滿足The Secrets of Lucky Dog幸運兒的秘訣How to Understand Oneself Thoroughly如何充分認識自我A Grreat Career,Begining to Sweep the Office偉大的創(chuàng)業(yè)生涯,從掃辦公室開始Problem Is an Opportunity困難是一種機遇Each Person Has His or Her Own Purpose人各有志0vercoming Shyness克服羞怯Combining Work with Relaxation勞逸結合On Persistence論持之以恒The Most Important“Secret”of the Super—achievers優(yōu)異的學生最重要的秘訣How to Do the Right Thing如何做正確的事The Practical End of University Education大學教育的切實目的How to Recover from Disappointment如何從失望中恢復過來The Essence of Win-win Principle雙贏的真諦Positive Thinking Is Beneficial積極思考有益Silence Is Grold沉默是金Change Is Good,Change Is Progress變是好事,變是進步Take Risks冒險Nothing W訂l Be Achieved without Enthusiasm沒有熱情,將一事無成Five Secrets of Living Life to the Fullest充實生活的五大秘訣Changing Your Way of Thinking換個角度想問題0ptimism and Pessimism樂觀與悲觀Never Give Up永不放棄Why to Do a Job?為什么要工作?Recognizing and Catching Chance識別并抓住時機Dedication to Your Job敬業(yè)Experience經(jīng)驗Deriving Pleasure from Reading從讀書中獲得樂趣Concentration Is a Habit of Mind專心是心靈的一種習慣Try a Seventh Time第七次嘗試Book Knowledge and Experience書本知識與實際經(jīng)驗Choosing a Teacher選擇老師Seize and Make Use of Opportunity把握并利用機會Interest and Curiosity興趣和好奇心Weakness or Strength弱點還是強項0n Books論“書”Fun Index快樂指數(shù)




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用戶評論 (總計5條)


  •   我在學校圖書館借了這本書覺得很不錯,里面中英文對照,文章和句子都很好,我是有選擇的朗讀和學習,我推薦了幾個同學看,還不錯的一本書
  •   剛剛看了兩篇,既學習了英語,又凈化了身心!很好!~~~
  •   書還不錯,就是紙張不太好
  •   感覺還是人生篇比較精彩咯...
  •   之前在學校圖書館看到,覺得很不錯,這次感覺跟原書一樣。就是發(fā)貨速度太慢了。

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
