
出版時間:2006-4  出版社:機械工業(yè)出版社  作者:貝特森  頁數(shù):704  


  《控制系統(tǒng)技術(shù)概論(英文版·原書第7版)》的作者有長達10年的控制工程技術(shù)工作經(jīng)歷,加之非常明確的編著目的——培養(yǎng)學(xué)生掌握閉環(huán)控制系統(tǒng)構(gòu)建、控制器設(shè)計、系統(tǒng)現(xiàn)場調(diào)試等方面的技術(shù)與方法,使本書具有理論聯(lián)系實際、工程背景強的基本特色和鮮明特點?! ?.總體結(jié)構(gòu)獨特,突出工程實踐;  全書正文由五部分組成,思路開闊,內(nèi)容由淺入深,層次分明,系統(tǒng)性強。第一部分“引論”共四章,占全書除附錄外的23.3%篇幅,這在其他同類書籍中較為少見,有利于初學(xué)者對自動控制的概念、閉環(huán)系統(tǒng)的基本組成與常用部件、系統(tǒng)類型、控制的目的與評價標(biāo)準(zhǔn)等有一個全面、清晰的認(rèn)識。  2.內(nèi)容融合多門課程,結(jié)合技術(shù)標(biāo)準(zhǔn);  本書以閉環(huán)控制系統(tǒng)的分析、設(shè)計為主線,涉及的被控對象包括電系統(tǒng)、氣動系統(tǒng)、液壓系統(tǒng)、熱力系統(tǒng)、機械系統(tǒng)等,將自動控制理論、自動檢測技術(shù)、自動檢測技術(shù)、電機氣動基礎(chǔ)、電力電子技術(shù)、過程控制系統(tǒng)、運動控制系統(tǒng)、電氣控制與PLC等多門課程融合在一起,形成一個有機的整體?! ?.論述深度把握合理,采用啟發(fā)性方式敘述;  書中每章前都列出該章學(xué)習(xí)目的和需要重點掌握的內(nèi)容,便于讀者目標(biāo)明確地學(xué)習(xí),并自我衡量是否達到本章學(xué)習(xí)要求。全書的16章中有14章都引論。引論的內(nèi)容起到如下幾個作用:①概括全章的內(nèi)容;②承上啟下,提出問題,以便在此后的各節(jié)中逐一解決;③闡明重要要領(lǐng)?! ?.插圖強調(diào)聯(lián)系實際,習(xí)題側(cè)重工程訓(xùn)練?! ∪珪牟鍒D經(jīng)過精心設(shè)計,直觀、清晰,有助于概念的理解。書中有相當(dāng)數(shù)量的工程圖,如氣動控制閥的機械結(jié)構(gòu)圖、工業(yè)傳送帶控制系統(tǒng)電氣控制原理圖等等,體現(xiàn)了與工程緊密聯(lián)系的特點。一插圖配有較大篇幅的文明說明,一方面方便了讀者,另一一方面使正文的文字簡練。


作者:(美)羅伯特 N.貝特森


Preface  VIIPART0NE   INTRODUCTIOICHAPTER I  Basic Concepts and Terminology                   1.1    Introduction                    1.2    Block Diagrams and Transfer Functions                 1.3    Open-Loop Control                    1.4    Closed-Loop Control: Feedback                    1.5    Control System Drawings                    1.6    Nonlinearities                    1.7    Benefits of Automatic Control                     1.8   Load Changes                     1.9    Damping and Instability                    1.11   Criteria of Good Control                     1.12   Block Diagram Simplification   CHAPTER 2  Types of Control                    2.1    Introduction                    2.2    Analog and Digital Control                     2.3    Regulator and Follow-Up Systems                     2.4    Process Control                    2.5    Servomechanisms                     2.6    Sequential Control                    2.7    Numerical Control                     2.8    Robotics                        Contents                                                                               2.9    The Evolution of Control Systems                2.10   Examples of Control SystemsCHAPTER 3  The Common Elements of System Components                3.1     Introduction                3.2    Electrical Elements                3.3    Liquid Flow Elements                3.4    Gas Flow Elements                3.5    Thermal Elements                3.6    Mechanical ElementsCHAPTER 4  Laplace Transforms and Transfer Functions                4.1     Introduction                4.2    Input/Output Relationships                4.3    Laplace Transforms                4.4    Inverse Laplace Transforms                4.5    Transfer Functions                4.6    Initial and Final Value Theorems                4.7    Frequency Response: Bode PlotsPARTTW0  MEASUREMENTCHAPTER 5  Measuring Instrument Characteristics                  5.1    Introduction                 5.2    Statistics                 5.3    Operating Characteristics                 5.4    Static Characteristics                 5.5     Dynamic Characteristics                 5.6    Selection CriteriaCHAPTER 6  Signal Conditioning                 6.1    Introduction                 6.2    The Operational Amplifier                 6,3    Op-Amp Circuits                 6.4    Analog Signal Conditioning                 6.5    Digital Signaling ConditioningCHAPTER 7  Position, Motion, and Force Sensors                 7.1     Introduction                 7.2    Position and Displacement MeasurementContents                 7.3    Velocity Measurement                 7.4    Acceleration Measurement                 7.5     Force MeasurementCHAPTER 8  Process Variable Sensors                 8.1     Temperature Measurement                 8.2    Flow Rate Measurement                 8.3    Pressure Measurement                 8.4    Liquid Level MeasurementPARTTHREE  MANIPULATKCHAPTER 9  Switches, Actuators, Valves, and Heaters                 9.1    Mechanical Switching Components                 9.2    Solid-State Components                 9.3    Hydraulic and Pneumatic Valves and Actuators                 9.4    Control Valves                 9.5    Electric Heating ElementsCHAPTER I0 Electric Motors                  10.1   Introduction                  10.2   AC Motors                  10.3   DC Motors                  10.4   Stepping Motors                  10.5   AC Adjustable-Speed Drives                  10.6   DC Motor Amplifiers and DrivesPARTFOUR  CONTRCHAPTER 11 Control of Discrete Processes                  11.1   Introduction                  11.2   Time-Driven Sequential Processes                  11.3   Event-Driven Sequential Processes                  11.4   Time/Event-Driven Sequential ProcessesCHAPTER 12 Programmable Logic Controllers                  12.1  Introduction                  12.2  PLC HardwarevContents                                                                                              12.3   PLC Programming and Operation                 12.4   PLC Programming FunctionsCHAPTER 13 Control of Continuous Processes                 13.1   Introduction                 13.2   Modes of Control                 13.3   Electronic Analog Controllers                 13.4   Digital Controllers                 13.5   Advanced Control                 13.6   Fuzzy Logic ControllersPARTFIVE  ANALYSIS AND DESIGNCHAPTER 14 Process Characteristics                 14.1   Introduction                 14.2   The Integral or Ramp Process                 14.3   The First-Order Lag Process                 14.4   The Second-Order Lag Process                 14.5   The Dead-Time Process                 14.6   The First-Order Lag Plus Dead-Time ProcessCHAPTER 15 Methods of Analysis                 15.1   Introduction                 15.2   Overall Bode Diagram of Several Components                 15.3   Open-Loop Bode Diagrams                 15.4   Closed-Loop Bode Diagrams                 15.5   Error Ratio and Deviation Ratio                 15.6   Computer-Aided Bode Plots                 15.7   Stability                 15.8   Gain and Phase Margin                 15.9   Nyquist Stability Criterion                 15.10  Root Locus CHAPTER 16 Controller Design                  16.1   Introduction                  16.2   The Ultimate Cycle Method                  16.3   The Process Reaction Method                  16.4   Self-Tuning Adaptive Controllers                  16.5   Computer-Aided PID Controller Design                  16.6   Example Design of a Three-Loop Control System                  16.7   Control System CompensationContentsAPPENDIX A Properties at Materials                  Properties of Solids                  Melting Point and Latent Heat of Fusion                  Properties of Liquids                  Properties of Gases                  Standard Atmospheric ConditionsAPPENDIX B Units and Conversion                  Systems of Units                  Conversion FactorsAPPENDIX C Binary Codes                  Powers of 2                  Octal and Binary Equivalents                  Decimal, Hexadecimal, and Binary Equivalents                  One's and Two's Complements                  The Gray Code                  Binary Codes for Decimal Digits                  Seven-Bit ASCII Code APPENDIX D Instrumentation Symbols and Identification                  Purpose                  Scope                  Definition                  Outline of the Identification System APPENDIX E Complex Numbers                  Introduction                  Rectangular and Polar Forms of Complex Numbers                  Conversion of Complex Numbers                  Graphical Representation of Complex Numbers                  Addition and Subtraction of Complex Numbers                  Multiplication and Division of Complex Numbers                  Integer Power of a Complex Number                  Roots of a Complex Number APPENDIX F Communications                  Communication Interfaces                  Local Area Networks                  Communication Protocols




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